• Member Since 11th Dec, 2015
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Very divisible.

More Blog Posts444

  • 5 weeks
    New story, neurodivergence, help find someone online, fun vids and other recommendations

    (I'm struggling with the blog titles, can you tell?)
    (If you want to skip the navel-gazing, at the end of the post I have lighter topics and someone I need help to find online!)

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  • 6 weeks

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and I turn 36. I keep trying to wrap my head around my age only to give up. I thought I'd "feel" like an adult by now, but every day I still feel like I'm just figuring it out. Is this how my parents felt? Or did they just trick themselves into thinking they had all the answers? Previous generations certainly presented themselves as capable adults, at any rate.

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    8 comments · 92 views
  • 9 weeks
    RariTwi Love & Accepting Fic Requests

    The new RariTwi fic is out! This is a direct sequel to All The Little Rings. It's not super necessary to read the first story, but I think you'd enjoy the new story more if you did. If you read the story, please consider leaving a like and comment!

    TAll The Little Rings
    Rarity is in the grips of an existential depression when Twilight comes calling... Love sprouts in the gloom.
    Nines · 27k words  ·  140  6 · 2.5k views

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  • 10 weeks
    Here we are. Again.

    I didn't really want my comeback blog post to be about the election. And for the most part, it won't be, but to say I'm feeling chipper or optimistic would be a lie. I feel like crap. I've cried a lot today. I feel pain in my heart for my little three-year-old girl. I feel like our generation, I feel like I've failed her. The repercussions of this election will be felt for (literally) decades.

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  • 52 weeks
    an update

    Hi all. I hope everyone is doing well. I've been taking an extended break from FimFiction lately. Had some undesirable interactions with some users. That coupled with some of my creative frustrations just makes logging on... kind of unpleasant? If I do log on, it's usually to try and catch up with the fics I'm reading and then I quickly log off. I'm just feeling drained with the MLP fanfic

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Coming back to old things... · 10:30pm Apr 14th, 2018

Started re-reading What They Expect to Give in an attempt to re-familiarize myself with it. Thoughts below.

Since I managed to finish other writing goals, I decided I'd try and get back in touch with WTETG aaaand... y'know? Time is just such a weird thing.

I started writing that fic in the midst of a really difficult time with family. When my living situation changed, the family drama lessened, and somehow WTETG got left behind too. I'm not going to lie, I had to skip the prologue and the first chapter just to get to where I am now (Chapter 17! The romantic dinner at Sugarcube Corner.) I skipped the prologue because it was such a nasty reminder of that unpleasant time in my life. The first chapter on the other hand, I skipped for entirely different reasons--I hated how it was written! I actually had my head in my hands and moaned aloud, "What the hell was I thinking!?" I kept cringing when I read Rainbow and Sass' first dialogue. All the telling my narrative was doing instead of showing! And why in the gods did I think Rainbow tripping over Fluttershy would work?? I guess I was going for some kind of "meet-cute" scenario, but I had to keep from throwing my computer out the window reading over it again.

Mind you... WTETG was me shaking the cobwebs off of not writing for a long time. I mean, yes, technically the fic I published before that (Chasing the Briny Neighsayer) came first, but it was so brief that it hardly represented where I was creatively speaking.

And man! I really took my time getting Shy and Rainbow together! The dense plot didn't help, but if I recall correctly, I was REALLY anxious about sex scenes. It wasn't until I wrote Her Collar, Her Love that I started to get over that. There is a constant current of sensuality though that I like.

Once I started Chapter 2 the story flowed much better to me. It makes me concerned. I mean, I did an entire blog series where I reviewed stories based on the merits of their first 3k words. By my own fucking standards I would have tossed WTETG onto the 'do not read' pile.

I definitely want to finish WTETG, and maybe I'll just be focusing on getting it across the finish line first, but at some point, I gotta polish the damn thing. Bobdat did a great job editing, but I still see plenty of room for improvement. I'm actually thinking I could entirely cut out large portions of the prologue and first chapter. It really is my belief that WTETG doesn't start to shine until Chapter 2 onwards...

Sorry if you guys were hoping for news on an update. This is more like... an announcement that I intend to update still? And I'm actively working toward that.

EDIT: Oh, and yeah. I'm frustrated with Blaze--both his depiction and the kind of role he plays in the story. I don't know how to fix his function as antagonist short of rewriting the entire story.

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