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  • 329 weeks
    Those Two Ponies

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  • 330 weeks
    Asking for a Favor

    When I planned on returning to the website, the idea was to read a few stories as they came, enjoying them and adding them to bookshelves whenever appropriate. However, my list of stories to read later has been shrinking greatly since then, and I am coming to a point where I'll need to compile a list of more stories to check out. In other words, I'd highly appreciate any story recommendations

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  • 330 weeks
    Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship

    Just wanted to say it's really good and definitely worth a watch. Won't spoil anything, but there are a few scenes that made me smile or laugh, and I'm pretty sure Sunset Shimmer fans will find a lot to love in the special. There's even quite a bit of lore for those who enjoy looks into Equestria's past. Anyway, feel free to let me know what you thought about the special in the comments.

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  • 330 weeks
    Change of Plans

    I suppose this kind of announcement was inevitable, but after getting the okay from a few people, I have decided to be semi-active on FiMFiction. However, there will be some changes around here that will dictate my activities on the site. I suppose they should be described in detail to the best of my ability, and I'll get to them and more after the break.

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  • 331 weeks
    Wonderbolt Contest Results and Closing Thoughts

    With the contest having concluded, it's time to share the results:

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From Bad to Decent: The Most Underrated Episode · 8:35pm Oct 14th, 2017

It's no secret that I'm not particularly fond of some episodes in MLP, but I tend to enjoy the show for the most part. However, these opinions are subject to change, and after a discussion about the movie's characterization, it made me appreciate an episode I once strongly disliked. Admittedly, the episode in question still isn't great, but it's actually not that bad once you think about it and appreciate some of the finer contributions it made to the series. I'll list the episode's name and more after the break.

Okay, it's actually fucking Newbie Dash. That's not a joke.

The episode still has a number of problems that are impossible to ignore, almost all coming from the cringe-comedy around the middle of the episode, but the rest of the story and how it changed Rainbow Dash's character for the better in later episodes—all while keeping some of her most notable traits—are things I've come to understand over the past couple of days. Building off that point, it's because Rainbow Dash finally got a much needed checkup with reality and her character development stemming from it that improve the episode, and the Wonderbolts are somehow the most important positive influence in Rainbow Dash's life, even if they're far from perfect themselves.

In most episodes, Rainbow Dash is not what you'd call a mature character. While there are some points in the series where she exhibits maturity, Wonderbolts Academy, Hurricane Fluttershy, and Rainbow Falls being the most obvious examples, her desire to make a splash or make boneheaded decisions are among her more noticeable traits, whether for better or worse depending on the episode and who you ask. Newbie Dash is another one of those episodes where Rainbow Dash's immaturity and character flaws drive the conflict, but the episode is constructed in such a way to where the conflict's solution involves addressing that immaturity and inflated ego to a much higher degree than previous episodes. The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well and 28 Pranks Later both touched upon a similar subject, but given Newbie Dash's context and later episodes such as Top Bolt, Parental Glideance, and others, it made much more of an impact on the series as a whole.

It's these significant developments that made me enjoy Rainbow Dash as a character more than usual, and despite ragging on these ponies a lot, the Wonderbolts should get credit for giving Rainbow Dash the most important lesson of her life. The nickname of "Rainbow Crash," whose history was not revealed to them until the episode's climax, juxtaposed with their support of Rainbow Dash showed how much they cared for her despite poking a few nerves to toughen up their friend. The introductory scenes with Rainbow Dash and Spitfire touring Wonderbolt HQ shows how much they get along with each other, not to mention adorable, but some lines during the episode's middle also provide some clues about how they really feel about their friend:

Misty Fly: Whoa, most awesome entrance by a newbie ever.
Soarin: Are you okay, Rainbow Dash?

Spitfire: Alright, nopony got hurt and we got a lot to do, so let's forget about this and get flying!

Fleetfoot: Hey, Crash, I know it was a tough day today, but don't worry. You'll get the hang of it.

Fleetfoot: Uh, Wonderbolts don't get excited, Crash. You gotta keep a level head to fly the way we do.
Rainbow Dash: [sighs] [imitating Applejack] Well, of course I know that! But the truth of the matter is, you should be excited! It's the dream of near every little Pegasus pony to grow up and fly with the Wonderbolts! And here you all are doin' it!
Fleetfoot: So are you.

And that's not even counting the last scene where they all compliment Rainbow Dash for all she's accomplished, revealing their nicknames afterwards! Those small lines of dialogue show a lot about the different Wonderbolts, and while they may tease their new recruit, it's not what you'd call malicious, and they immediately point out their own nicknames and the stories behind them upon finding out about Rainbow Dash's concerns. I've heard plenty of fans claiming that the Wonderbolts' actions were the equivalent of hazing, but there's a problem with that:

Hazing—The imposition of strenuous, often humiliating, tasks as part of a program of rigorous physical training and initiation.

Emphasis should be placed on how tasks are part of the definition. The only part of the episode that fits the definition comes from the scene where Rainbow Dash has to clean the locker rooms because she was the weakest flyer of the day. It's embarrassing, but not what you'd call something worthy of the biggest shitstorm the fandom experienced since Magical Mystery Cure aired back in 2013. Light teasing and something that everyone, regardless of seniority, has to perform if they mess up during training isn't something that best fits the definition in my opinion. The latter comes off as something designed to encourage flyers to correct their mistakes and improve for next time.

Anyway, Rainbow Dash learns her lesson, and aside from 28 Pranks Later, she's depicted as a matured pony, thus becoming more enjoyable to watch in my opinion. MLP admittedly does not have a lot of continuity between episodes, but it's hard for me to ignore Newbie Dash's impact on the series as a whole. It's not a good episode, but looking back at it, I wouldn't call it a bad episode as well. It had some interesting ideas, an awesome aerial display near the end, and gave Rainbow Dash much needed character development. However, the drama that swept the fandom and Rainbow Dash's cringe-inducing imitations set it back. If you'd like, feel free to comment with episodes you first didn't like, but later grew to appreciate. I'm sure a few of you have at least one.

Spitfire and her fellow Wonderbolts truly care for each other. They want each other to exceed their limits, but they sure won't make it easy. There's a reason why "tough love" is a term that's sometimes used, and the Wonderbolts know all about it.

As for why I mentioned the movie, it's because Rainbow Dash's character felt more like her cockier S1-S2 persona than her S6-S7 one. I'd rather not go into too much detail about it, but the conversation about the movie and thinking about character development as a whole compelled me to write this blog post. Anyway, I wish you all the best!


Report Manaphy · 406 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Yeah, it seemed to me like the Wonderbolts were using the old "Break you down to build you up" technique at times in their episodes, get rid of everypony's nervousness and replace it with outright anger. Might be considered a dickish move by some, but it works quite well in my opinion and makes you strive to prove that whoever's using the technique on you is wrong, even if they know you're better than what they're calling you. (If that makes any sense.)

Anyways, Fleetfoot doing Fleetfooty things for the sake of cuteness of course.


The Wonderbolts express tough love, usually for good intentions, and it seems to have worked for them in the long run. They may not be the most likable characters in the show, but the later seasons have shown them to be more skilled as flyers than before. :twilightsheepish:

Also, that is an adorable picture! :heart:

And this is why I actually liked Newbie Dash.

Despite its faults, there are the makings of an interesting episode and one rooted in character development. It just took me a while to figure it out. :twilightsheepish:

It's funny, it's kind of the opposite for me. There aren't really any episodes that I at first didn't like but grew to like, but there are a few episodes I at first loved/liked but have come to be ambivalent or just outright don't like after a number of viewings. The only episode of the show thus far that I've come to like then dislike then like again was Winter Wrap Up. Usually, I am set on whether I dislike or like an episode and I rarely move from dislike to like, but this episode sort of went from 'meh' to 'bad' to 'actually pretty good' in my mind. Maybe it's changing tastes.

As for Newbie Dash, you bring up many good points. I still think it's a good episode. Not perfect or great, but still has many good merits.

Yeah, it's definitely more common for episodes to lose their luster as time goes on, but there are some instances where the opposite occurs. I just felt like talking about that less common instance since there was the potential for a decent blog post. There's more to that episode than one might think, after all. :twilightsheepish:

Very true in that regard and this is an enjoyable blog post. Good work.

Newbie Dash was the episode I've never got on to since my burnt out of MLP last year (I'm back watching the show because of season 7 thank goodness). After I watched it, I pretty much don't care about it all that much, it didn't really made me hate the Wonderbolts or Rainbow Dash because they were back and forth on my head. It was a forgettable episode too, which is a shame since it was a big moment for her to become a wonderbolt, yet not feeling rewarded or emotional about it.

I still like Rainbow Dash, but she remains my least favorite character in the beginning. Her arc doesn't feel all that memorable anymore. Now season 7 did fixed her up a bit to made me appreciate her again, which I'm glad they did.

Yeah, it's not what you'd call a good episode, but later episodes in the series mostly show that Rainbow Dash definitely got some much needed character development, and Newbie Dash was most likely the episode that contributed to that development. That's where my acceptance of the episode comes into play despite being a flawed production. :twilightsheepish:

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