• Member Since 12th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 24th, 2019


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  • 335 weeks
    Those Two Ponies

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  • 335 weeks
    Asking for a Favor

    When I planned on returning to the website, the idea was to read a few stories as they came, enjoying them and adding them to bookshelves whenever appropriate. However, my list of stories to read later has been shrinking greatly since then, and I am coming to a point where I'll need to compile a list of more stories to check out. In other words, I'd highly appreciate any story recommendations

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  • 335 weeks
    Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship

    Just wanted to say it's really good and definitely worth a watch. Won't spoil anything, but there are a few scenes that made me smile or laugh, and I'm pretty sure Sunset Shimmer fans will find a lot to love in the special. There's even quite a bit of lore for those who enjoy looks into Equestria's past. Anyway, feel free to let me know what you thought about the special in the comments.

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  • 336 weeks
    Change of Plans

    I suppose this kind of announcement was inevitable, but after getting the okay from a few people, I have decided to be semi-active on FiMFiction. However, there will be some changes around here that will dictate my activities on the site. I suppose they should be described in detail to the best of my ability, and I'll get to them and more after the break.

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  • 336 weeks
    Wonderbolt Contest Results and Closing Thoughts

    With the contest having concluded, it's time to share the results:

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Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship · 7:26pm Feb 17th, 2018

Just wanted to say it's really good and definitely worth a watch. Won't spoil anything, but there are a few scenes that made me smile or laugh, and I'm pretty sure Sunset Shimmer fans will find a lot to love in the special. There's even quite a bit of lore for those who enjoy looks into Equestria's past. Anyway, feel free to let me know what you thought about the special in the comments.


Report Manaphy · 1,027 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

I haven’t been able to watch it!! DX

I don’t have Discovery Family on my TV and was unable to watch it. Do you know of any websites that might be playinh it?!

Equestria Daily's post about the special has a link to a Dailymotion upload. Can't link to the video itself because of site rules, but if you go to EqD's post or search for the special's title on Dailymotion, you should find it. It's probably my favorite of all the EqG movies/specials, and I hope you also find it enjoyable.

I managed to find it!!! Thank you so much!! I have to admit it was also my favorite!!! Twilights Restricted Section scene was almost too adorkable!!! XD

It finally happened. Sunset meeting again with Celestia.

I was so excited for that moment! The scenes were even better than I expected as well.

Sure. It was completely hearthwarming. Overall, I liked the special. Not good as Friendship Games, but comes close in my opinion.

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