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To all CfE readers, a contest (of sorts). · 4:10am Oct 12th, 2012

Alright, next chapter I plan to include (no real spoilers follow) Twilight's first day at court, which will obviously include a lot of ponies asking her a lot of questions. Now, I could just go through and make up a bunch of typical questions that would be asked of her, but I decided on something else.

To add a bit of a challenge on my part and to let both you guys and myself have a bit of fun with the next chapter, I'm going to use an idea that Starwin used in his fic Veil of Thoughts and let you guys pick the questions.

So, the rules are as follows:

1.) Only questions posted in the comments of this blog post will be accepted.

2.) The questions that I feel are best (i.e. most interesting) will be selected. It will not be first come, first serve. Questions related to Twilight's plans and such (what she plans to do about certain situations) will probably be favored.

3.) No more than three (3) questions will be accepted per person.

4.) Number the questions (of you submit multiple) in order of which you'd like to see asked most. If you do submit more than 3 questions, only the top 3 will be looked at and I might right down your name to publicly shame you at a later date.

5.) Both serious and ridiculous questions may be submitted, because I plan to have some of both asked.

6.) Two part questions ("What would you do in a certain situation and why/how?) can count as one question.

7.) If you would like a specific pony or type of pony (noble, unicorn, etc.) state so after the question.

8.) Have fun with it!

Report asylum1388 · 194 views ·
Comments ( 23 )

1) Will you bear my Foals? -gets knocked out and dragged out of the court room with nonchalance by the guards like they've done this many times with this particular stallion- (Miroku from Inuyasha for the win)

2) How do you plan on dealing with Foreign Dignitaries like the carnivorus griffons, or Dragons?

3) (Something to do with the Changeling Invasion can't think of a good one right now)

"How do you plan to address the socioeconomic disparity between the different pony tribes?"

1: "What are your intentions when it comes to negotiations with other races?"
2: "You've lived in Ponyville for a while. Will this influence any decisions you make in the future?"

3: "Is it true that you and Rainbow Dash are lovers?" :rainbowlaugh:

1. In what ways will your policies be different or similar to Celestia's? Why?
2. How much and on what matters will you consult with Luna regarding decisions? (the same question could be asked by another pony, one who's worried about Nightmare Moon stuff and one who's worried about Twilight's inexperience)
3. How did you become an alicorn? (noble)

1) Politics and racial intolerance: "How do you plan on dealing with the dirt ponies?" I feel this one would be perfect for blueblood.
2) Standard political question: "Do you plan on changing the currant celestial model?"
3) For shits and giggles: "Change the national anthem to dubstep!" Cries one Vinyl Scratch.

1. "Are there any plans to reinstate the pegasus wingforce as the Elements are no longer a viable option to deploy to protect our boarders?"
2. "Is it true that Everyfree Forest is really a cover for a mythical colony of Humans?"
3. "Did you really have sexual relations with Discord?"

A group of ponies who is nervous about the passing of Celestia and the reappearance of Nightmare Moon. "We are concerned that... uh well... Celestia kept Nightmare Moon at bay... Will she come back? Can you stop her?" Something like that. I figure it could incite a little anger in Twilight. :twilightangry2:

Old hicksh stallion: "I got a parasprite farm down by the southern border, but there seem to be no sales comin' in no more. Not that there ever was none, but anyway. Can you give me some advice to get my sales back up? I'd mighty appreciate it."

"The guards on our nation's boundaries are being stretched thin due to the border disputes coming from the Dragons and the Gryphon Kingdoms. Will you work on negotiating a settlement with these nations so that our soldiers may know peace, or at least bolster our forces with fresh troops? We could really use it your Highness."

Question 1:
"What are your plans to stop the coming daffodil shortage from destroying the economy?" -Asked by a slightly crazed looking Unicorn

Question 2:
"Considering that you are now a princess, I put myself forward as the new Element of Magic! Could there by any better choice!?" -Asked by the Great and Powerful Trixie

Question 3:
"Is it true that Celestia was really your mother and your other family was just a cover?" -Asked by a ratty tabloid reporter

"Why did you kill Celestia?" A noble, maybe Blueblood. Though you could make him say "auntie", if you want to take that route.

1) Princess Twilight! Is it true that you are the immaculately conceived starchild of PrĂ´mcess Celestia, come to ascend to te throne in her absence and rule over all pony kind with an iron hoof?

(I'm sorry, I had to reference it)

Serious questions? Uhh...

3) Can we expect tax reforms?

I d'know. I'm not to great with serious political stuff.

2) You could probably say something about Shining being unfit to keep his position and that he should be discharged or replaced. That's serious, right?

1) What is your vision of equestria that you hope to bring about?
2) Are there any immediate policy changes you plan to implement?
3) Approval for the current budget (some government official who doesn't seem to care that twilight is now in charge and would rather just continue the flow of things, maybe as a relief to twilight?)

I think marriage proposals brought forth by nobles hoping to move higher up in the food chain or from foreign dignitaries on behalf of their ruler.

1: "What is the first thing as Princess that you plan to address?" Without any stimulus as to what... oh and asked by a legit not-snide noble pony

2: "Now that you've attained Alicornhood how does that influence the Elements of Harmony? both the artifacts and the ponies themselves?" asked by whoever...

3: "Hiya, you feeling fine? Good, here's a cupcake bye!" Asked by pinkie pie as she pops up and disappears very quickly

1: Is Ponyville going to be a big influence on your decisions?

2: Do you think you will let your friends be a major influence in how you run Equestria?

3: Is it true that you are having a royal affair with Luna? (Asked by a stuck-up noble like Blueblood. Cadence and Shining Armor have to be there to hear it because that'd be awkward.)

4: Do you think you would be able to handle Equestria during a time of war? (It'd be meant to scare Twilight into thinking someone was planning to invade Equestria.)

5: Are you going to publicly shame me for asking more than 3 questions?

1) Where will the next Summer Sun Celebration be?(can be anypony asking)
2) Will you change anything about the punishments for illegal actions?(Maybe asked by Shining or some othe guard-guy)
3) Could you make a Winter Night Celebration, if Princess Luna agrees to that?(Possibly Pipsqueak asking)

All questions asked by a blue pegasus:
1. As a mare of knowledge, will you sponsor archeology digs and expositions attempting to fill in the blanks of history?
2. I doubt you will like me for this question, but in the future. Do you think that your assistant, Spike might help build strong relationships between use and the dragons?
3. And my cheeky question - can I have your blessing to rejoin the Royal Guard? I left as I thought we weren't needed that much but recent events have proven me wrong. Shame I got injured so I couldn't serve under Celestia again...

(I doubt you'll take the offer, but if you accept the last one, I could give you a bit more detail about him so he becomes an OC, as big or small as you wish)

1) Princess Twilight! Is it true that your toy is in the shape of a hydra's head? (Nosy Reporter)
2) Do you plan to go mad with power, rule Equestria as a dictator, and force your closest friends to blast you with the other Elements to free you from your madness? ("Mysterious brown stallion".)
3) What's your favorite color? (Pink filly. MUST be pink :raritywink:.)

Noble asks: What gives you the right to rule Equestria; you aren't even of royal blood! You're just Celestia's pet! (I think prince blueblood should ask this.)


1) Princess Twilight! Is it true that your toy is in the shape of a hydra's head? (Nosy Reporter)


#1. "Princess Twilight. Under Princess Celestia's rule, funding for Arts and Education were one of the government's largest fiscal expenditures. Do you have any plans to cut funding to Equestria's theatres, orchestral groups, and education system in favour of allocating it to different sectors of our socioeconomic framework such as the Royal Guard, Foreign Office, or tax cuts to the exceedingly wealthy?" (Preferably to be asked by a music teacher, though Octavia may also be a viable choice since she's in Canterlot to begin with)

#2. "Your Highness, what is your preferred type of shampoo and conditioner you use in your mane, and do you expect it to become alive and start waving in an ethereal wind like Princess Luna's does and Princess Celestia's did?"

#3. (A group of stallions-two pegasi, a unicorn, and an earth pony-humbly come forward. They bow exceedingly low) "Your Highness. We, the Starstraw Barbershop Quartet, would be honoured if you would allow us to perform for you. May we be granted the chance?"

"Princess Twilight, you have spent most of your time in Celestia's service researching and bringing about many breakthroughs in the field of magic. How will your appointment as co-ruler of Equestria affect this and will you be making any provisions for the continuation of your research by others?" I imagine this being asked by a professor from Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns or a reporter.

Cheers on the story, by the way.

I know I'm a little late, but I figured I'm not out of it yet. So here you go!

1: "Do you have a favorite food?" asked by somepony that looks like a restaurant employee.

2: "Will there be any change in the timing of the sunrise?" asked by some kind of scientist/astrologer.

3: "Can I have a hug?" asked by a small foal giving the cute eyes of cuteness.

As always, I'll be waiting for your next chapter.

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