• Member Since 30th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Retired writer of almost anything. Lover of RariDash and background ponies.

More Blog Posts36

  • 134 weeks
    Merry Christmas

    I wish all of you a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday that you celebrate around this time of year. I may not be in the best of moods this year, having gone to very dark places and feeling down, but I do hope that all of you have a wonderful time. Take care and be good people.

    0 comments · 247 views
  • 187 weeks
    Merry Christmas/Happy Hearthswarming

    Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas/Happy Hearthswarming. I know 2020 has been a rough year, for a lack of a better way of describing it. But I hope you all are doing well and staying safe.

    0 comments · 219 views
  • 196 weeks
    Let's Have Some Fun

    Some friends and cool people are doing this, so why not.

    1. What is your first name: Marcus

    2. How old are you: 25

    3. What country are you from: America

    4. What do you really look like, pictures are acceptable:

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    2 comments · 443 views
  • 238 weeks
    Happy New Year and Quick Update

    So I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a good Happy New Year.

    As for the quick update, I just wanted to say a couple of things real quick.

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    9 comments · 830 views
  • 239 weeks
    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    Hope you all have a wonderful time with friends, family, and loved ones.

    2019 has been my shittiest year, and I expect it to end that way fully in the next 6 days.

    Probably should hope for the best for 2020, but I'm not an optimistic person about it.

    Even then, you all have a wonderful year and may 2020 be a great year for you all.

    1 comments · 235 views

Final Milestone Reached (Updates) · 3:38pm Sep 5th, 2017

Everything after the break if you're all interested.

After 4 years, I finally reached 1k followers. Thanks to geoffm70 for being my 1000th follower.

If I'm being honest, this was a milestone I planned on trying to reach, but ultimately if I didn't reach it by the end (either the site dying out or myself quitting writing) it wasn't going to upset me.

The other milestones I had achieved were my 1k likes, featured stories, and 10k views on a story.

I thank every one of my followers for joining me on this ride and I hope you all chose to follow me because you liked my content and wanted to see more and keep updated on a story that you really enjoy.

Now as for updates, this is what I have to say.

I have hardly gotten anything done.

Surprise to no one I expect, but I should be honest at least.

School has started up for me a month ago and most of my time has been focused on that. I haven't really given up on writing, but school and much of a roller coaster of my emotions. I've been heavily depressed for a while now and I'm not sure how long it will last. This has been going on for a long time, and I'm going to get some help hopefully soon. Whether or not it will be permanent, I don't know. So we'll see how that goes and if my mood ever improves.

The last thing I wanted to address was if you have seen, I have deleted many of my old blogs because I saw them as just a bunch of clutter. Blog posts for me have kind of lost their touch, especially update ones. I'll still be doing blog posts, but they'll be more for something to celebrate or share important news.

I wish all of you a fun trip with my writing and I hope you all stick around until the end.

Report Duelist96 · 544 views · Story: Fleeting Flames ·
Comments ( 4 )

Depression can be soul crushing man. Do what you gotta to manage it as best you can!

I do apologize that I still haven't gotten to editing the latest chapter. I'll get to ASAP when I get a slight lull in homework.

Thabks man, but don't rush if you got a full plate. Just good to know you're still kicking ass and raking names.

Congratz on 1K man!

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