• Member Since 30th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Retired writer of almost anything. Lover of RariDash and background ponies.

More Blog Posts36

  • 134 weeks
    Merry Christmas

    I wish all of you a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday that you celebrate around this time of year. I may not be in the best of moods this year, having gone to very dark places and feeling down, but I do hope that all of you have a wonderful time. Take care and be good people.

    0 comments · 247 views
  • 187 weeks
    Merry Christmas/Happy Hearthswarming

    Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas/Happy Hearthswarming. I know 2020 has been a rough year, for a lack of a better way of describing it. But I hope you all are doing well and staying safe.

    0 comments · 219 views
  • 196 weeks
    Let's Have Some Fun

    Some friends and cool people are doing this, so why not.

    1. What is your first name: Marcus

    2. How old are you: 25

    3. What country are you from: America

    4. What do you really look like, pictures are acceptable:

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    2 comments · 444 views
  • 238 weeks
    Happy New Year and Quick Update

    So I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a good Happy New Year.

    As for the quick update, I just wanted to say a couple of things real quick.

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    9 comments · 830 views
  • 239 weeks
    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    Hope you all have a wonderful time with friends, family, and loved ones.

    2019 has been my shittiest year, and I expect it to end that way fully in the next 6 days.

    Probably should hope for the best for 2020, but I'm not an optimistic person about it.

    Even then, you all have a wonderful year and may 2020 be a great year for you all.

    1 comments · 236 views

Let's Have Some Fun · 11:28pm Oct 19th, 2020

Some friends and cool people are doing this, so why not.

1. What is your first name: Marcus

2. How old are you: 25

3. What country are you from: America

4. What do you really look like, pictures are acceptable:

5. What do you wish you looked like: Not really sure, but probably an attractive person.

6. How did you come across My Little Pony: Heard about it through its release from TV trying to get people ready for S01E01-02. After that was doing stuff with RL friends.

7. What is your favorite ship in My Little Pony and why: RariDash because I feel they compliment each other in their own ways to stand out.

8. What is your least favorite ship and why: That's a tie between AppleDash (because this is just selfcest because they're exactly the same) and TwiShining (because this is just over-saturated in both fics and art. Doesn't mean I won't enjoy entirely, but has to be done in intervals).

9. Have you admitted to anyone outside of Fimfiction that you love MLP: Yes.

10. Were they a family member: Yes

11. Favorite MLP Episode: Sounds of Silence S08E23.

12. Who is your favorite superhero: Batman. Because he's the fucking Batman.

13. Who is your favorite anti-hero: Riddick.

14. Favorite supervillain: Emperor Palpatine.

15. Favorite anti-villain? Jason Todd

16. What was the last book you read: Complete Collection of Edgar Allen Poe.

17. Last movie you watched: Underwater.

18. What is your favorite song at the moment: Too many to pick from.

19. What song do you always come back to: Several different ones depending on mood.

20. What is your current job: Super Target.

21. If this is not your final job what job do you want in the future: It was to be a veterinarian, but now it's to be a mechanic.

22. What is your dream job: Veterinarian. Though as you saw, I failed at that.

23. At this moment in your life, what is your greatest achievement: Don't really have any.

24. At this moment in your life, what is your greatest failure: Being on this planet.

25. Do you have any pets: Sadly not at this time.

26. What is your dream pet: Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula.

27. Do you own any weapons: Knives, sword, and daggers.

28. Is there a gun you really want: Nope.

29. What Religion are you: Atheist.

30. If you could hang out with one person in all of history who would it be: Albert Einstein.

31. If you could bring back one person from the dead for one day who would it be: Thomas Edison so I can kick his ass.

32. Are you political: Sort of. I will only discuss political stuff with certain people, but not have it be a long conversation topic.

33. Are you married: Nope.

34. Do you have a special somepony: Nope. Living the bachelor life. LOL.

35. Have a crush on anyone: I've had several.

36. Care to explain: Got rejected by some, but I take it actually well. Others I learned were not of a kind sort.

37. Do you consider yourself attractive: Hahahahahahahahaha. Not by the longest shot do I or will I ever consider myself that.

38. If you could spend one day with someone still alive who would it be: Seán William McLoughlin

39. Who is your favorite pony: Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot are a three-way tie.

40. Any embarrassing secrets you would like to share: None that really come to mind.

41. If you have done any stories/art what is your favorite piece(s): Some might think that Fleeting Flames is my favorite, but it's actually Tailored to Your Size.

42. Are you a virgin: Yes and I don't let it control me or ashamed to be one.

43. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life that you have no regrets about: Getting into a big fight at school to stand up for myself and a friend.

44. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life that you have regrets about: None that really come to mind.

45. Do you have a fetish of any kind: I have too many, but my top fetish would be futa.

46. Do you regret saying this fetish: Absolutely not.

47. What are some of your favorite FIM stories: I'll just give at least 3, but I have many more than those. An Old Rainbow Colored Flame, Windy Skies, and Damage Control

48. Favorite Quote: "Be the better person, and you'll come out on top" and "Life will beat you down, but you choose whether or not you get back up".

49. Did you ever hurt someone’s feelings just to hurt them: Yes

50. Did you answer these questions honestly: Yes.

Report Duelist96 · 444 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

HOLY you look just like me.


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