• Member Since 30th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Retired writer of almost anything. Lover of RariDash and background ponies.

More Blog Posts36

  • 134 weeks
    Merry Christmas

    I wish all of you a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday that you celebrate around this time of year. I may not be in the best of moods this year, having gone to very dark places and feeling down, but I do hope that all of you have a wonderful time. Take care and be good people.

    0 comments · 247 views
  • 187 weeks
    Merry Christmas/Happy Hearthswarming

    Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas/Happy Hearthswarming. I know 2020 has been a rough year, for a lack of a better way of describing it. But I hope you all are doing well and staying safe.

    0 comments · 219 views
  • 196 weeks
    Let's Have Some Fun

    Some friends and cool people are doing this, so why not.

    1. What is your first name: Marcus

    2. How old are you: 25

    3. What country are you from: America

    4. What do you really look like, pictures are acceptable:

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    2 comments · 444 views
  • 238 weeks
    Happy New Year and Quick Update

    So I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a good Happy New Year.

    As for the quick update, I just wanted to say a couple of things real quick.

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    9 comments · 831 views
  • 239 weeks
    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    Hope you all have a wonderful time with friends, family, and loved ones.

    2019 has been my shittiest year, and I expect it to end that way fully in the next 6 days.

    Probably should hope for the best for 2020, but I'm not an optimistic person about it.

    Even then, you all have a wonderful year and may 2020 be a great year for you all.

    1 comments · 236 views

Happy New Year and Quick Update · 10:33pm Jan 1st, 2020

So I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a good Happy New Year.

As for the quick update, I just wanted to say a couple of things real quick.

As some, if not most, of you saw, all my incomplete stories have been set to cancel. I had mentioned back a couple of blogs ago that there was a very slim chance that I could come back to writing, but I did mention to not have high hopes for it. After these past few months since then, I've decided to be permanently finished with my personal stories.

I stress that part because there will be a couple of small stories that I will be making, but they're somewhat collab projects that I wanted to do with others and it's something I know I can at least finish since there's not as much stress on myself. So look forward to those small collab projects because once I finish those, then there will most likely be no more pony words from me. I'll still be around talking with some of the good friends I've made here and reading the stories that are made by other authors.

Report Duelist96 · 831 views · Story: Fleeting Flames ·
Comments ( 9 )

It's been a fun ride.

Not even an ending chapter to fleeting flames 😭. At least it's been a fun ride, still kinda sucky though🥺

Forgive the reply to a month old post. I followed Scary here some time ago. Lots of fun. I've had "Fleeting Flames" on my read it later list for way too long. I understand stepping back and enjoying the ride. Would you happen to have any notes on where the story was going to end up you'd be willing to share? In any case thank you very much for your contributions. I'm sure I'll enjoy reading your other stories.

There was going to be an arc with Spitfire and dealing with her parents that were very strict. From there Mark would have learned of her feelings and that Fleetfoot gave the okay for herding with Spirfire. Later on they would want to have a family and get help from Cadence so they would be compatible. He would have 2 fillies taking after their mothers because that's the only way for the spell to work. The princesses would find him a way home, but before deciding if he would stay or leave, something would force his hand to leave. He'd be back in Earth with no memory of what happened, but he would have a picture of Spitfire and Fleetfoot that he would keep as he lives his life back on Earth.

Oof, I can sense the feels that would've had. Thanks for sharing!

Sorry to hear that dude

I really enjoyed your story please and I'm really sorry that you're quitting it but I can understand your feelings about it and I hope you the best in whatever you want to do thank you for all you've done so far

You're welcome

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