• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
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Swan Song


More Blog Posts54

  • 66 weeks
    Update: I'm now full steam ahead on pitching This Game of Mine as an original animated series!

    NOTE TO ARTISTS: I'm seeking portfolio submissions πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ Please scroll to the bottom for more info!

    hewo gamers, figured I'd update with some big news! Now that I have a couple years as a producer in the animation industry under my belt, the chances of TGOM becoming an actual original cartoon have risen dramatically.

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    18 comments · 622 views
  • 123 weeks
    a few of my visual inspirations for Eternity

    i've privately received a few questions over the years about what Eternity looks like, so i'm making public one of my responses to one of them for anyone who was curious. it's mostly just compiled references, but it'll give a good idea of the aesthetic i was going for.

    1: What is the tech level for Eternity. Is it the same as Destiny, or just a little below it?

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    2 comments · 440 views
  • 151 weeks
    life update

    hi everyone, just checking in! i recently became a producer at nickelodeon, and life has been moving very fast. i know i haven’t even come close to updating or finishing tgom, but because of my new job i don’t think i’ll be getting around to it anytime soon.

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    11 comments · 844 views
  • 162 weeks
    i don't know who needs to hear this but

    stfu gamers are not oppressed

    sincerely, someone who literally wrote a book on the subject

    13 comments · 477 views
  • 303 weeks
    This Game of Mine β€” The Obligatory Mid-Season Two Recap Episode

    P R E V I O U S L Y ,   O N
    T H I S   G A M E   O F   M I N E

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    10 comments · 1,543 views

Swan Song @ BronyCon 2017 · 2:54am Aug 10th, 2017

Let's do this fams. Who's going? Already got Monochromatic, Autumn Rush, Jykinturah, and Arcshod on the list for sick memes and many dreams.

Report Swan Song · 692 views · #conventions
Comments ( 9 )

Count me in, if you're free thursday aft, there's plans for an escape room visit and aquarium trip

Wish I could Join but I live in Australia. I love my country but why do we have to be so far away from everything else?

4629326 If it's after 6:00 (since that's a bit after my SO lands) I'd be totally down

If you're there early and have wheels, head on out to Rockville - we'll make you some good home cookin.

(I'm mostly joking, since it's pretty close as the crow flies but would still take like an hour each way. But the offer does stand if for whatever reason anyone does want to head this way :)

(Lulz, I got a notification for my own reply)

Addendum: to answer the original question, I won't be going. We're currently living off the cash in my pocket, so if I go too far I won't be able to get gas to come home. But I hope y'all have fun and enjoy our... uh... lovely city. Yeah.

Yeeeee have fun

You better have at least two grilled cheeses while you're there.

I am here. At bronycon. :unsuresweetie:

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