• Member Since 17th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen June 27th


I am the most adorable dragon slayer in existance.

More Blog Posts24

  • 252 weeks
    Reason why updates have been slow lately

    Hello, I just want to address something some of you are wondering. Why I haven't updated my stories that much lately.

    The two main reasons why I haven't is 1: I have been focusing more on doing art commission lately to pay off some bills, and 2: because my allergies have been kicking back in lately, draining me mentally and emotionally state.

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    11 comments · 1,869 views
  • 259 weeks
    Was there ever a Human turned spike fic

    As the title prescribes. Was there every a story where a human wakes up as spike. Either as a replacement or a clone of spike?

    Wonder how a fic about two Spikes would go. Probably the same as all the other stories that exist so far about two twilight, two rainbows and so on.

    I just never came across one that is about Spike.

    3 comments · 657 views
  • 281 weeks
    I am back

    Hello, just want to announce that I am back. I will be continuing on my stories post haste.

    I feel well enough to get back to work.

    4 comments · 576 views
  • 283 weeks
    Important message

    Hello to all of my readers. I am just writing this blog to say that I am suffering from an allergy since the past couples of weeks and still am. So I decided to take a bit of a break from all of this now to just rest and help me get better.

    Sorry for this inconvenience. Pray for my well being. It will help.

    See you all next time.

    5 comments · 467 views
  • 329 weeks
    Story ideas and Plot for "Rise of the Crystal Emperor"

    I am a bit in a dilemma here. I am in a bit of the rot when it comes to the plot and story for the next chapter. So I was hoping if any of you readers might have an idea on what the next chapter could focus on and perhaps more. To help and give me Idea's in how to structure this story further.

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    16 comments · 1,061 views

MY TABLET IS SAVED!!!! :D · 9:11am May 15th, 2017


But besides that, guess what? Good news. I went and got my Tablet fixed in a local electronic fixing shop...or whatever you want to call it.

But anyway, as I predicted since the very beginning it turned out that the only thing that was broken inside my Tablet was a contact that connects the LCD with the rest of the device.

After a quick fix by soldering the broken contact back on everything is fine again, the screen works again which also means I can draw again as well.

So I am back in business basically :D

Also thanks to everyone who took the effort to wish me a happy birthday on that last post I did today. Thank you to you all :D

Comments ( 9 )

Glad to hear everything worked out. :pinkiehappy:

Also thanks to everyone who took the effort to wish me a happy birthday on that last post I did today. Thank you to you all :D

I must've missed that post somehow... Anyways, this is great news, and happy belated birthday!


So I am back in business basically :D

Also thanks to everyone who took the effort to wish me a happy birthday on that last post I did today. Thank you to you all :D


glad to hear your tablets fixed

YAY can't wait for chapter 4 of misadventures of nava

4534398 Wait, I have to write that too?


Furthermore Chapter 4 for Nava is almost done as well. The other reason why it took so long to write it is because its once again going to be a long ass chapter compared to the 3 previous once. But overall it should be done soon.

from the blog post of April 22 :raritywink:

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