• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 16th, 2019


Just a simple pegasister who likes world building.

More Blog Posts113

  • 303 weeks
    Grey Guard Pony passed away on 12/7/2018.

    Sorry, I'm Zalabar; a friend who was asked to spread the word. Somehow I didn't think of posting here. Instead it was... well, direct message to the few we both knew. Phyco put up a blog on it back in December; https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/838448/dust-in-the-wind

    It was the cancer, and GGP passed in their sleep.

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    17 comments · 1,908 views
  • 338 weeks
    Not Dead....Yet

    My apologies for the prolonged radio silence coming from this account. It's been a rough past couple of months.

    Fuck cancer so hard.

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    9 comments · 1,303 views
  • 365 weeks
    New Rainsverse Fic!

    Just giving my followers who enjoy the Rainsverse a heads up. The next fic in that AU has passed the que and is now available to start reading.

    In this one, we begin to delve into the fallout of Chroma's attack on The Heartlands and the fate of the Everfree Rangers in particular. If you're interested in seeing what happens next, go give it a look!

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    0 comments · 488 views
  • 366 weeks
    Writing Lessons: Blood and Ponies

    ...This fic exhausted me.

    If there is one over-arching lesson I learned from this little crossover is that having a plan for your story, even if you end up deviating from it, is important. It gives you at least a loose guide that you can follow and for someone with ADD having something that can help keep you on focused and on track ends up being really important.

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    1 comments · 562 views
  • 376 weeks
    Weird Stores

    I had a medical appointment today and saw two of the weirdest stores I ever have on the way to and from the appointment.

    On the way out I passed Valhalla: Indoor Axe Throwing.

    On the way back I passed Break Room: Therapeutic Demolition.

    It is now a goal in my life to visit both of these stores out of sheer, morbid curiosity.

    4 comments · 501 views

What's Been Happening (And Things I've Been Reading) · 5:05am May 7th, 2017

It's that time again where GreyGuard waxes about what's going on in her life and the state of her stories! :yay:

With When it Rains now in the can, I've opted to focus my limited time and attention on finishing up Blood and Ponies and a Tale of Two Trixies. At that point everything I've started and uploaded piecemeal will be done and I can get back to a more sane production schedule.

Speaking of When it Rains I submitted it to Equestria Daily! :yay: And they rejected it! :facehoof:

While some of their objections were more subjective, I am thoroughly embarrassed to admit that there was a fair amount of technical errors in there. A lot of technical errors. I'll be picking away at fixing it as I have time but if any of my followers can help with a deep dive on editry, I'd appreciate it. Just PM me if you have the time/interest/pity.

Time. That's something I will be having less of, as I'm pushing towards taking the first of my A+ certification exams. I is gonna fix the computorz gud! Alas, it must also take priority, so horsewording will have to come as time allows.

But! I do still do at least some reading of pony fic before bed each night. As such there's going to be a semi-regular feature on this blog where I pimp the pony that I'm currently reading. ....And that sounds worse than it is! Anyway, in the proud tradition of the likes of Jim Fucking Sterling Son and his Greenlight Goodstuff series, I present my current fics that I think are gud.

Pandemic by ASGeek2012

What's this you ask? A fanfic about people being transformed into ponies? What Conversion Bureau bullshit is this?

It is not that at all.

Pandemic is a story that happens across two worlds, earth and Equestria. On earth, people begin to transform into ponies after a bout with the flu. On Equestria, Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer stumble across a magic anomaly that becomes an all consuming mystery.

And that mystery is the one of the best parts of the fic. Not that the human side isn't compelling and the earth characters endearing, but watching Twilight and Starlight pick apart the mystery and then deal with the consequences as each layer is pulled back is what pushes the fic into the truly great category.

Give it a look and strap in for the ride!


Second Chances: A Redemption Story by Cyrano

I'm a sucker for a good redemption story. When they're done well, they highlight the good points of a "bad" character and show just how awesome they could be on the brighter side of the world. The Dazzlings are a popular group of subjects for such a take, but the results have been hit or miss in my opinion.

Holy shit, does this one shatter that run of mediocrity.

Second Chances is Cyrano's second fic on FiMFiction and it is criminal, CRIMINAL I SAY, that a story that's so well done is currently sitting at a 36:1 rating on this side. All the characters feel like their show counterparts, especially the Dazzlings themselves. Their voice just oozes onto the page, while still allowing the growing redemption to feel natural. The wordsmithing is also top notch. I never had a hard time picturing the character's actions or their surroundings.

Seriously, five out of five stars on this one. Go read it and read it now! NOOOOWWWWW!

Report GreyGuardPony · 447 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I can certainly help with the technical polish. Did they happen to provide a full list of their rejection reasons? Even if some of them are subjective, it won't hurt to take another look at them. Maybe one of us can figure out a way around them without actually changing the story.

I mean, 260 heads are better than 1, right??


As it is rather late right now, I'll PM you the links to the three pages of notes they gave me in the morning.

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