• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen January 5th


She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.

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A teaser preview · 5:05pm Mar 14th, 2017

Doctor Sterling looked scared. Flicker wasn’t used to seeing the good doctor like this. Standing in the hallway, he waited for the doctor to say something, but he seemed out of sorts. Shuffling on his hooves, Flicker knew that he had to be practicing with Mister Balister right now, and he hoped for mercy for his tardiness.

“Doctor Sterling?” Flicker could see the corner of the doctor’s eye quivering and his mustache was crooked.

“The world has gone mad, Flicker. Utterly mad.” Doctor Sterling drew in a deep breath, held it for but a moment, and then let it out in a pained, slow exhale. “A mare stole a piece of her own son’s soul to give to her master, Grogar. Many have died…” The doctor’s words trailed off.

“Mister Balister mentioned something about Manehattan,” Flicker said.

“A filly named Moon Rose was attacked in her own home by talking, intelligent rats that cast spells.” Doctor Sterling swallowed, and it was obvious that he was having some trouble speaking. “She was magicked away to Manehattan… which is just what the enemy wanted. A piece of her soul was stolen as well.” The doctor trembled with both rage and emotion and his silvery-grey eyes flashed with dangerous malice. “Many of my dear, dear friends in Manehattan have died… not just guild members… but dear friends. They stood in defense of these poor foals and paid the price for their steadfastness and their bravery. They died with a stiff upper lip, all of them.”

“Doctor Sterling?” Flicker began feeling distressed at the sound of Doctor Sterling’s voice.

“Flicker, put your gear on. Get Piper and Hennessy. We’re going tracking. Wicked wants us to start at the scene of the attack and then go combing through the sewers. It’s my territory, so it is very familiar to me, as it is to you as well.” Doctor Sterling’s voice quavered in pitch and volume with each word.

Once again, I stress the importance of A Darkness Softly Creeping. It is a lynchpin story that connects so much. Moon Rose and her talent is explained in that story, but to summarise, she has the unique power bring things from the dreaming realms into reality.

From here, I think one can extrapolate as to why a piece of her soul was stolen, and it should be painfully obvious as to why that sort of magic would be desired, and by whom.

Report kudzuhaiku · 176 views · Story: The Mask Makes the Pony ·
Comments ( 18 )

So Grogar wants to use her soul to manifest Nightmares in Reality I am taking it.


He's making himself a new body. He needed a touch of sorcerer, a bit of nightmare magic, and other specialised magic to make himself strong.

Pretty sure anyone getting caught after that doesn't deserve a trial or tribunal, just a flat out execution.

I'd say give them a 5 minute trial-in-absentia and then set Flicker after them. With a soil aerator.

Just lock them with Flicker inside a massive building filled with every piece of farming equipment imaginable from the last 1000 years. Let him get creative.


Why would either of you want this to happen to Flicker, driving him further into the darkness that already threatens to consume him?

I don't get it. :unsuresweetie:

because entertainment voids morality.

They were working with rats to hurt their fellow ponies and even worse help someone wishing to destroy all life in the world and rule over an undead, demonic wasteland. Why wouldn't Flicker want to exterminate such vermin.


It isn't his place, nor his burden.

Grogar sums even more now.

Can't wait for like every protagonist to collectively bitchslap him at once.

Especially Maud. She rocks.

Because they should be lectured for several hours about soil aerator operation and maintenance by one of the most intimidating people in the kingdom before going to jail.

Captain Stalwart saluted his sovereign and stood rather uncomfortably on the red carpet in front of the throne until motioned to speak. "Thank you, Your Highness. I'll get right to the point. It's one of the new Royal Guard recruits from last month. He... disturbs the others."

"Recruits?" Celestia looked up from the report she was reading with one eyebrow slightly cocked. "From last month? I didn't think we had any recruits join the--" She paused, looking pensive. "Young chap? A unicorn with a rather intense expression of distaste?"

"Yes, Ma'am," said the captain with an explosive sigh of released tension. "He's been over at the training grounds every morning, working his way through the ranks. No broken bones yet, but it's only a matter of time." He swallowed and looked down at the floor. "We're almost out of the wooden swords now. We're a little afraid what he's going to use after that."

"Ah," said Celesta, returning to reading her report. "I'll have a fresh set run out to the trainers at once. Carry on."

I read this preview for reasons unknown to me. Good god, what do you have against Manehattan? Why do so many innocent civilians get killed off there? This is at least the third time.

I have trouble with death in fiction sometimes. It really freaked me out as a kid. Not the big, plot mandated deaths of major characters, but the random guys who are just going about their day and get picked off for no reason. Even now, I become horrified if I think about it too much. Dead, just like that. These nameless people who have lives and families and hopes and dreams. I can't stand it. :fluttershbad: Honestly, the fact that they're adorable ponies makes it worse.

I don't really read stories that do things like that. They're really not my cup of tea. I also don't get involved with massive 'verses due to the time expenditure. If I had known what I was getting myself into when I started reading Trixie Lulamoon and the Horrendous Hypothesis, I likely would've shut the tab and done anything else. Thus sparing all of you countless rants. :raritywink:

I don't know how to feel about it sometimes. I love the character work. I cannot believe you've gotten me completely invested in the lives of no less than three OC protagonists, and shipped two of them with Celestia and Maud. Seriously, how the hell did you pull that off? Those fun moments, the times when characters bond or play off each other or grow or just have a good time. They make me glad I took the time to get involved.

And then I read things like this, with the countless horrible deaths, and they make me regret ever reading a word of the Weedverse.

God, the building that got dropped on Luna in Perilous Romance was occupied, wasn't it? I never wanted to ask, but ponies died in the attack on Ponyville, didn't they? You know what, don't answer that. I don't recall a memorial service, so I'm going to assume they repelled the attack with no casualties. Do not correct me, I need this.

I'm sorry to ramble at you again. I always worry that I drive everyone up the wall, but I had to get this out. I certainly hope I didn't make you feel any worse, Kudzu. This is truly a deep and engaging 'verse. I just get tired, sometimes, and it feels like reading more is an uphill battle. That's on me, though.

Have a good day.


Well, it was an apartment building that was dropped on Luna...


So, it wasn't just occupied, it was occupied with families and children. Good fucking god... :pinkiesick:

Wait, didn't the apartment buildings evict all their residents, starting the riots in the first place? That's what I'll tell myself.


Get out, get out! It's dangerous!

No, you're trying to trick me into leaving so I can be evicted! I'll never come out!



Okay, that was kinda funny. Especially if I imagine that it's Suri Polomare. Or however you spell her name.

What? She's not a nameless extra, so I don't have to feel bad about her death. That's how logic works. :pinkiecrazy:

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