Shout Outs & Updates · 12:57am Oct 24th, 2016
So I was pretty bored recently having moved back into my old bachelor pad, and decided to actually read a story someone suggested to me. It turned out to be the usual cliche, good story from author no one has heard of. But what was really interesting is when I finished the story and saw the blog post about the final chapter.
Okay, let's have Rarity [...] get captured, bridled, harnessed and screwed. That will work, and besides, what better way is there to put an equine in bondage than with a bridle and harness?
But then a curious thing happened.
My characters started talking to me. Rarity told me she would never simply surrender. Raarg suddenly gained a spanish accent and told me he would never be so mean to a pony unless there was good reason. So chapter 1 turned from a one shot into a two or three chapter story.
But then a curious thing happened.
[...] They and a couple of others asked questions that I realized I wanted to answer. By the time I got to Chapter 3 I found myself suddenly world building. The Diamond Dogs suddenly had a society, a culture, a nation, in my head. There was this sudden vast conspiracy in play. The events of the story merely being the cover of a far deeper game.
So here was someone else just discovering the journey I hope most writers discover, where the story you want to tell "comes to life" and you become more of a navigator than a creator of the fiction you want to tell. It does appear to have started on the road to clop but took a hard left turn into world building and exploring bondage themes and slavery.
And since I've got a backlog of shout-outs to do (and straight up missed the deadline for some others, my bad) I figured I'd post a blog about it with some updates at the end.
Above is the story in question from Penalt and the quote from his blog describing a 30 year old promise to himself to write/publish something and how it lead to clop and then the joys of world building. It's worth reading the story because if this author gets the right motivation and continues to grow, we can all look forward to more great stories in the future.
If you're interested in Twilight's Dollhouse and readings to listen to, check it out. , just ask anyone, these readings are good. In fact, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both love these readings. The media says I'm bullshitting you all, but just call Trump and Hillary. No one wants to call them. Just call them, I said that to them in private one time.
BronyWriter (who I assumed has written tons of stories about pony serial killers in the past year while I was AFK) did some roasting of Puppet to her Fame, and it's an entertaining read. Of course, it'd help if you read the source material first. And if you haven't read Puppet to her Fame, you must only follow me for the plot, which is an equally valid reason!
Fan Art
Flur's a Good Dog
A lot of people asked what happened to this story. The commissioner asked for it to be taken down but eventually I'll get around to changing the names / OC's of the story and unhide it. In general though if a story vanishes, it was probably too short, too poorly viewed, or just not complete enough to stand on its own and it got moved to one of the 3 story compilations I have for short stories. Like once a year my OCD gets the better of me and I try to perfectly organize all my fiction.
It's harder to remember who and where translations of my works were posted but I found a French one in my inbox by System of Shattered Prism posted here
Mikimoco may still be translating Puppet to her Fame to Spanish
PM's, Commissions
I replied to all my PM's eventually even if I only check the site every few months. So odds are if you messaged me months ago you got a reply, for what good that does. Lately there were a few more commission requests and I suppose I'm open to commissions. There are just a lot of things I need to do from big to small, so feel free to discuss details and I'll let you know when I think I can get to it.
Bronypony880 sent me an interesting request and I don't want to spoil it, but if anyone knows them tell them to message me back. They haven't been online for 27 days so I don't think they even know I replied.
Actually Writing Stuff Again
Man this is where I wish I could really link images that are questionably-safe-for-work. I mean, I would totally pull up a tasteful nude at my last job. My boss would have probably thought it was cool and told me about a chick he banged at the bar that weekend. To be fair though, my last boss was an Army Sargent, and most bosses might not be "bros", or stereotypical horny 20 year olds. On the other hand, if Trump is elected I can grab women in the pussy and say it was just "locker room talk", so who knows how we will define NSFW come November.
Anyways the following is a list of things I'm thinking of writing:
- Literally anything
- Dash of Humanity 3 updates
- Story where Starlight Shimmer turns the Mane 6 into sex dolls (based on a super awesome fanart)
- Scootabuse
- Forced Pony Sex updates (Someone requested it, ask and you shall eventually receive)
- Twilight's Dollhouse 2 (I already outlined the chapters through TD3 like 2 years ago)
- Carnage and Murder Crew (I've been in the mood to brutally murder stuff lately, and I'll force you to love this story by holding DoH3 hostage)
- Legitimate fiction (You know, not MLP fan fiction. Kinda hard to put "Published over 50 fiction stories" on my resume when the asterisk next to it is "to a My Little Pony fan fiction site run by Hitler." (Does anyone have a picture of Knighty with a little black mustache? Does he even run the site anymore? Do I still gain followers for being pretending to be an asshole? It's been a long time, I'm legitimately curious. (Hell, I think I've gained more followers not writing during the last year than I earned in any one-month span of writing.)
- Insert your story idea here (because it's got the same odds of being written by me in the next month as anything listed above)
How about a META story about an stereotypical detective who becomes self aware that no matter what it does it destined to solve every mystery it stumbles upon (for that's what happens to the main characters of this stories) hijinks ensured, and as a result he or she delves into a journey of self discovery that focus on the struggle between destiny vs free will.
It's a mystery within a mystery disguised/presented as a comedy.
Still considering that Puppet to Her Fame sequel?
On that note I'd like a side story of how Octavia's mother seduces/threatens the chef into having the affair with her that results in Octavia's conception. Be nice if to were a clop, but I always just wondered what sort of manipulation went into bringing on that affair, if any.
I've actually only done Fluttershy and Applejack as serial killers, and not as much of them as I'd like.
It's like a gambler that goes to hell and finds out his punishment is eternity in a casino where he can't lose. All that winning wouldn't be fun if you couldn't lose. Or something like that, I like it.
that is a sub-story of the puppet sequel... I fully outlined that too and sent it to a couple die-hard fans / editors for feedback
I want to see more Fluttersisted suicide
You could do that too, I can think of a few ways you could go about it so that a story like that develops and concludes in a satisfying manner.
If you make it so that the character it's truly and completely powerless to change it's situation I can see the story either focusing on character growth with the main character coming to terms with it's situation and changing as a result, or writing it as a full blown comedy as a story that doesn't talke itself too seriously and just focuses on being as funny as possible.
That's the one significant difference I like to point out with the example I provided and the casino in hell. I originally was thinking of a story where the character fights faith which while it is not a fixed thing it is certainly a very difficult thing to overcome, while in yours it is a fixed thing to an extent and won't be overcomed provided there isn't a way out of hell.
In any case, write whatever you want, as far as I'm concerned any of this options could make for a very good story.
You've done Rarity as well- SLOR and its sequels still stand as IMO the best stories of its type I've ever read.
thanks for the shout out kaidan means a lot and hey may I read your dash of humanity series its awesome
I am truly humbled by your kind words. I don't deserve them, but one day I might. All I can say is that The Bridle Path has been as much my own journey into writing, as it has been Rarity's, through the trials I've put her through.
Plus, I got lucky.
I had good readers show up asking good questions. I fell in with some other writers, who held me to a standard and helped me with the technical part of writing. A lot.
I am currently working on the closing chapters of The Bridle Path. I hope it is something that you find enjoyable. Again, thank you for your kind words and mention in your blog. I will try to be equal to the honor.
Are you also going to update A Muffin A Day?
Yeah in time, I need to make it through the mind numbing classes I have today and then I can try to plan out am update schedule.
This one. Do this one. I can't say I'm happy with what has happened to the main character so far, but I don't think you'll leave thing unresolved, it doesn't seem your style.