• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
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Titanium Dragon

TD writes and reviews pony fanfiction, and has a serious RariJack addiction. Send help and/or ponies.

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TD is at Everfree Northwest! · 8:20am May 13th, 2016

As noted a week ago, and in my blog post a few days ago, I am totally at Everfree Northwest. It doesn't start until tomorrow, but I hung out with a bunch of writer folks tonight. Everyone was someone I met for the first time tonight, but so far, I've met:

Morning Sun
Web of Hope
Two people whose names I am blanking on right now for some reason
Red Spiral (briefly)

I ended up having dinner with Xepher, Ruirik, LoyalLiar, Web of Hope, and the two people whose names escape me at the moment - we had some kind of mediocre to poor Hawaiian barbeque - and then we hung out and talked shop for the rest of the night, with various folks splitting off and meeting up - Wilson ended up joining us later.

The big group I went to dinner with was mostly pretty talkative, and after a somewhat awkward first meeting with Wilson, we managed to spend a lot more time chatting. Some folks seem good at creating conversation, but once we got rolling with each other, stuff went pretty well as people started getting into the flow of things.

Ruirik showed me some really neat stuff he made, including a really awesome fountain pen - that dude has some serious talent, being a writer, artist, and apparently excellent whittler. Though he mostly writes slice of life stuff, which mostly isn't my cuppa; I have reviewed a few of his pieces, and he gave me another one that he thought I'd like.

Wilson seems nice; I had no idea what to expect, and while our initial encounter was a bit awkward, after hanging out with the other folks we ended up chatting a lot more easily.

LoyalLiar seems cool as well, and really, it was fun talking shop with everyone, even the people whose names I have already gotten foggy on. I will remember them tomorrow, I swear!

We ended up talking about a lot of stuff - writing, headcanon, political stuff, optimism, philosophy... it was a lot of fun hanging out.

Sadly I haven't gotten to talk much to Morning Sun yet, despite rooming with them; one of my other roommates is someone named Helping Hoof, who seems like a nice enough fellow, and who seems to enjoy their place in the brony fandom. I don't even know the last person, but I'm sure I'll get to know them tomorrow!

I also had a random encounter with someone from Salt Lake City down in the front area, which was fun.

I know some other folks are floating around the con. I'm going to be on or at all the writing track panels tomorrow, so if you want to run into me, that's an easy way to find me. I'm going to be at the writer's hangout afterwards as well, most likely.

I have no idea where lunch is going to enter into everything, but I will find a way somewhere, somewhen.

I really need to get to sleep so I can wake up in the morning and be all fresh and ready to roll out to answer questions and talk about stuff on panels tomorrow. But if you guys leave me some messages or whatever, I'll try to check them tomorrow.

I look forward to seeing anyone who comes here! I think I've managed to not make a total goober out of myself so far, so that's good.

I described the panels I'm going to be on in a previous post; they're all listed in the con schedule.

Comments ( 7 )

Ah, crap. Someday, perhaps.

This year it's just AnthrOhio, Trotcon, and Bronycon for me (present plans, anyway).

Say hi to Sunny for me!

I'd like to have gone, but the moneyz aren't there.


I'll say hi to myself thank you very much!

There, I just did

I understand. I'll be sure to tie someone to the train tracks, just for you.

3942106 Aw. That's so sweet of you. :fluttercry:

Well then say it to TD. He never says things to himself anymore.

You people and your fancy socializing at cons with other people.

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