• Member Since 10th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen May 21st, 2021

Michael Hudson

Original Works. It was a good run.

More Blog Posts1349

  • 215 weeks
    Goodbye Fimfiction

    In about 24-48 hours, I will be closing this tab and never opening it again. After six years I'm finally leaving and it's a very... bittersweet goodbye.

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    25 comments · 2,707 views
  • 219 weeks
    Who To Get Art Of

    This actually isn't about what artist to do since my normal cover artist can't work due to the virus, but what of my characters to do art of. As for who the artist is, a reminder is that they are Lugaroo on Deviant Art, and no I can't link them, and they've done covers for me in the past like

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    1 comments · 473 views
  • 221 weeks
    Strem: High Rank PC Monster Hunting!

    Twitch The session ID is z8m+fTt8rE2G if you want to come join me!

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    0 comments · 268 views
  • 223 weeks
    I Have Moved!

    I'm back in Colorado! Everyone around me kind of realized that I really needed a change of scenery. I hadn't had my own private space for three years at this point and that's not exactly a good thing for a writer with mental issues. Now that I'm on disability, that's actually something that can possibly change. Needed to go somewhere quieter, smaller, cheaper for that though. So a change in

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    0 comments · 304 views
  • 224 weeks
    Jumbled Thoughts: Proprietary Software and "X thing has this, why not others?" with Steam

    So, something I hear a lot when people talk about different digital store fronts is that they're confused why they don't all have everything that Steam does. Shouldn't we all have learned lessons from Steam? Well... this is where it being Proprietary software comes into play.

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    13 comments · 350 views

Code Sunshine + Twaith Tweets · 8:01pm Jan 17th, 2016

So, first things first, I have a twitter now! I'll be making the tweets from the perspective of all of ours favorite wraith, though my at name is not Twaith because for some FUCKING REASON SOMEONE ELSE HAS IT AND IT MAKES NO GOD DAMNED SENSE TO ME AND BLAAAAARGH!

Next, code Sunshine, a funny tale about Walmart and my thoughts on codenames.

So, I was walking along the salesfloor with my assistant manager, listening to the instructions I needed to hear for a project, when overhead, I hear them call for a code something or other. Because I don't catch it, I listen more closely for the next call, and hear 'Code Sunshine.'

My head immediately thinks, 'FUUUUUUUUCK!'

I turn to my manager, eyebrow raised, and do not ask, "What does Code Sunshine mean?' but instead, 'What just happened? What went wrong,' because to me, a name that inconspicuous has to mean we are in REALLY BIG trouble. Like, code sunshine could mean, "Hey, associates, we're about to gas the whole building in about two minutes. Why don't you go outside and get some sunshine?"

To me, the reality, is worse.

So apparently, corporate wants our review score on those surveys we give on the receipts to total about 9%. And no, you are not reading that incorrectly. However, my store, probably for the lack of people who can properly speak Engrish, has 7.5%, so we need to bump it up. So, when the code is called for, everyone is supposed to drop what they're doing, including the people in the back who we keep locked away before they can destroy something, and we become heat seeking 'friendliness' MISSILES. I'm serious. We are all supposed to seek out customers, even away from our departments, and try to help as best we can.

My brother compares the idea to us being zombies, but I don't think zombies are even that creepy.

Anyways, that is all, see you later.

Comments ( 4 )

That is hilarious...I'm sorry but...friendliness seeking missiles...that sounds too damn equestrian...is Walmart run by Pinkie Pie or Celestia...*snrk* BWWWAAHAAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Your description of your missile 'type' is perhaps the most humorous thing I've seen today. ^_^ Never heard of a code sunshine before, though; is that a regional thing for Wal-Mart? 0.o

So that's why they do that...

And worse is that it's counterproductive. That kind of behavior doesn't improve response rates, it just drives people away.

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