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Brony God


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Worst Disney Game Ever Made · 9:48pm Jan 2nd, 2016

Here it is Fantasia for the Sega Genesis AKA Mickey Mouse Vs Everybody Else From Fantasia the worst game based on a classic Disney movie ever made. The video on top was made as a request from me by my friend Daring Hooves.

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Comments ( 38 )

3659300 It is very saddening that the greatest Disney movie ever made gets one of the worst video game adaptions of all time. It's like the makers of the game hated the movie it was based on.

3660818 Yeah... and I've been talking with The Farce Awakens apologists. Apparently, Mary Sues are badass (Rey knowing how to fight with a lightsaber and use force powers for no reason), and character whose changes of heart make no sense are smart and innovative (Finn's change of heart which is never explained, and the only explanation that is given is speculation, that he couldn't stand to see his people die or some shit, but if that were the case, are you telling me that the movie not only ignores to explain that, but expects us to believe that out of millions and millions of stormtroopers he's the only one this happens to? Bullshit plot convenience)... what is humanity coming to...
No to mention the fact that they're trying to defend lazy writing. I mean seriously, Jar Jar Abrams literally copy/pasted basically every single plot point from A New Hope, and people are saying that's because Star Wars fans wouldn't have liked anything original. Of course, this is refuted my the simple fact that... well... there were two other beloved SW movies aside from A New Hope! The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi! Were they hated for being so wildly different? Hell no! And even if you were to beyond the original trilogy, there's something that has NOTHING to do with the movies, but is belove by fans as having an awesome story... the KoTOR games. The Knights Of The Old Republic. NOTHING to do with the movies, no easing in people or returning to the roots, just a straight up original story with original characters, and people LOVED them, and then they say Star Wars fans wouldn't like some original? How can someone be so blinded by nostalgia, I have no idea...

3660875 Those Farce Awakens Apologists can't see the fact that the movie made a mockery of the previous 6 Star Wars movies. They are just bandwagon fans not real Star Wars fans who would support any that is new and has a aggressive marketing campaign.

3663365 I mean... it literally copies A New Hope! How could anyone take it as original?

3663390 Only a certified moron would say that The Farce Awakens is original

3663400 You know what I hate the most? The excuse that they're going back to the "roots" of the series. They're literally admitting that the movie's a rip-off!

3663404 They are contradicting themselves. They are so illogical

3663415 Yeah. I think I'd have liked The Farce Unleashed better if it starred the black guy and the short chick from the Critic's videos. People apparently think Rey and Finn were funny for some reason...

3663420 How can anyone find Rey funny? She is just always angry. Finn is more unfunnier than Jar Jar Binks. There is nothing funny about The Farce Awakens. Check out this video

3663998 I don't actually mind a black and female lead, if I'm being honest, but nice video still.

3664221 If only there was more to the female and the black lead. Anyways you should subscribe to his channel because he is one of my main sources for what's going on in the movie industry especially with Star Wars.

3665661 I did, actually.
Honestly, I don't think a diverse cast equals SJWs. I don't mind if the characters are gay, lesbian (I REALLY wouldn't mind that :raritywink:),black, asian, hispanic, whatever as long as they're actually good CHARACTERS, and if they aren't taken too seriously, perfect examples of this being Steven Universe (not that the fandom isn't full of brain dead SJWs, but the show itself is one of the best around nowadays if we look at it from a critical standpoint) and Undertale. Do you agree?
P.S. Censoring somewhat sexual imagery like slave Leiah... that I don't condone in the least but I think ya already got that. I mean, we can see people getting dismembered, but a side boob's got your panties in a twist? Stupid.

3665757 Rey was not a good lead female character. She was a overpowered Mary Sue who never got any training and yet she is just as powerful as Luke Skywalker in Return Of the Jedi. I am sure that Rey did cut off Kylo Ren's right hand off in the final battle but we don't get a good look at his right arm afterwards.

3665764 I know, that's what I've been saying to everyone who claims she isn't a Mary Sue, but they say Luke's an even bigger Sue :facehoof:
Not only did he get trained by Kenobi, he had 3 years to train between IV and V, and he trained with Yoda, and he's confirmed force sensitive
And Rey... uuh... she fought with a staff, I guess? After which she can fight with a lightsaber and use a Jedi mind trick which I'm pretty sure is braindead because she couldn't have seen it anywhere (could she have seen anyone do it in the movie?), but of course, a guy who's had years of training and is force sensitiveis a Sue, but a character who fought all her life with a staff and had no training with either the force or with lightsabers can suddenly use both and she's not? Brain dead.

3665775 Dicksney treats it's audience like they were brain dead

3666640 By their arguments, I'm sad to say they are

3666644 Dicksney brought forth G3.5 MLP levels of stupidity to Star Wars

3666704 Why must you remind me...

3666709 Sorry but that is the best way I can describe what Dicksney is doing to Star Wars

3666728 I mean seriously... at least the prequel had a purpouse to be made story-wise

3666748 Dicksney made The Farce Awakens as a lazy cash grab and to appease SJWs and Star Wars Haters. It really does look like Dicksney is run by Star Wars Haters.

3666785 I'd rather watch Turkish Star Wars

3666851 I would rather watch Starchaser: Legend Of Orin 1985

3667207 Hmm... dammit, I ran outta space stuff I'd rather watch

3667723 Even at video I showed you was a better Star Wars movie than The Farce Awakens

3667729 Yeah, I know.
... hmm...
Oh yeah! I'd rather watch the Star Trek Jar Jar Abrams movies than the Farce unleashed!

3667741 I would rather watch Jupiter Ascending than The Farce Awakens

3667764 And Star Crystal 1986

3668600 A very crappy movie that starts out like a sci fi horror movie and it later turns into a soap opera comedy.

3668608 Well... that sounds... interesting

3668622 And here is a review of it but it shows the same trailer in the beginning of it

3668654 gonna watch when net stabilises...

3668804 Alright. Also please check my latest blog that I just made

Yes, this game sucks big time.

3834848 Yes it does suck. This is what happens when a movie based game gets made by people who hate the movie.

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