• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2020

Bucking Nonsense

A Little Nonsense Now And Then Is Relished By The Wisest Men.

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  • 188 weeks
    I Came Back To Post One Little Thing, Then I'll Leave Again

    I had mentioned before that a book called The Last Centurion had largely read like an opposite day prophecy about 2020. I thought I'd mention a little factoid about the book, due to recent events. Scroll down for a spoiler.

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  • 193 weeks
    I Deleted My Last Blog Post... Again

    Not over racism this time, but because what should have been a forum for civil discussion about the debate had quickly become extremely uncivil. I stopped it before I had to ban anyone, but I've learned my lesson. I'm going to stop trying to discuss politics on my blog, because it is clear to me now that not even Bronies are capable of civil, rational discussion of politics in 2020, and that

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  • 194 weeks
    I Want To Get This Off My Chest

    I keep seeing people posting stuff about how "The virus isn't going away, viruses never go away, you guys just need to deal with it".

    Here's some straight truth for you guys.

    And here's a link where I cite my sources about SARS.

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  • 197 weeks
    I Deleted My Most Recent Blog Post

    Seeing what the discussion in the comments was turning into, I opted to simply delete it over deleting some of the posts I saw on it. While political discussion is one thing, racism is not something I'll stand for. Have a good Labor Day Weekend, everyone.

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  • 201 weeks
    I've Got A Book I Want To Discuss With You Guys

    Alright. The book in question is called The Last Centurion, By John Ringo. He's actually a sci-fi author whose novels I've read and enjoyed. The Last Centurion isn't so much a sci-fi novel as it is a Twenty Minutes Into The Future Near-Apocalypse Military Campaign tale. The story takes place in a supposed near future where a combination of a mini-ice age and a global pandemic strikes the

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Update · 8:30pm Jan 1st, 2016

I've gotten tired of the division that the latest chapter has caused. I have removed it, and altering the pacing a bit of the story. Don't think I'm changing the plot I have planned. I only intend to adjust how events unfold. And I may break this story up into two or three separate stories, so that maybe, just maybe, people will quit ragging on me about this 'Shocking Swerve' in the nature of the plot.

When I come back from my hiatus in two months time, we'll pick up with the Manehatten incident.

Remember Al'gaj'ag'ag'ag'ac'ka, and the origins of Code Lavender? You're going to see those next chapter. It will be ridiculous, and all of you will laugh. Look forward to it.

Comments ( 15 )

People who complain about shocking serves have not been reading your stories for long.

Remember Al'gaj'ag'ag'ag'ac'ka, and the origins of Code Lavender? You're going to see those next chapter. It will be ridiculous, and all of you will laugh. Look forward to it.

This is why people have been complaining. If this story place in the same universe as any of your other stories, you need to specify that so that your readers understand that they can't trust to get the story the description reads, they also have to expect the world which you've created.

Dude. That was written in this story.
the sheer fact that code lavender was mentioned suggests it's the same world.

Fair enough, I suppose I was conflating other mentions with that one.

People should stop whining and start paying attention.
Drama would decrease incredibly.

I don't mind the shift of plot, and I think most people who complain are complaining about the suddenness of the change rather than the actually shift in plot. (But I might be wrong.) But making the shift a lot less sudden will definitely help the story flow better.

I am disappointed that it will be changed, but sometimes a minor detail that seems harmless at the time can upset the balance of a story. Or in this case rustle so many Jimmie that it sucks the joy out. I wish you would have kept it despite the controversy, but you have to do what you have to do for your own sanity. And if that means silencing the negativity then that what you have to do.

So Galaxy is no longer Glory's mother? That sucks.

Now I didn't say that. In fact, as mentioned in the author's notes, an epiphany isn't always dead on.

I shall look forward to it, a good laugh is exactly what the doctor ordered.

I only check up on most of the stories/artists I'm reading once ever 2 days, until I find another story, which I read all of, taking about a month if it's long. But from reading your blog posts and not having read the 3 most recent chapters of Glory, I will tell you that you write how you think your stories should go, no one else matters, it's your story. But take your hiatus first, and do what makes you happiest above all else.

You're changing your chapter 'cause some dickhead bitched at you?

Dude... being an author is a give-and-take thing. You give your readers a story, and they take the story as presented. Your readers give you their undivided attention, you take that as a sign to continue and give your readership results, no matter how unpleasant some decisions in it may be. Imploding Colon faced this back at the end of one of his stories, Innavedr, where he slaughtered an entire village of innocents with a villain people had thought carried on too long. People were upset. People thought it was a bad idea.

Did he change it to suit the readership? No. Why? Because he's the goddamn author and he says what happens, NOT UNGRATEFUL DICKBAGS. IC is God in his stories, just like you are God in this one. Stop letting a few pricks tell you how to write it -- this is your idea, your story, and if they don't like how it's written, they can go fuckin' write their own story. You're doing yourself a disservice as an artist, and you need to learn to take criticism better. Don't let some asshole tell you how to write your story.

3658508 It was Ordsjot, not Innavedr. I also don't really think it's relevant to use the Austraeoh series as an example, partly because of the enigmatic nature of the story and its author, but mostly because the circumstances are entirely different. It's less about a single unpopular event written badly and more about the story itself being entirely different than what many readers believed it to be, after an abrupt and bizarre infodump flashback completely disparate from the supposed plotline and genre of the story left them bewildered.

There's also a difference between criticism and telling the author what to do. The author may be a god, but they are not perfect, and there will always be reason to point out perceived flaws in the way a story is written, otherwise stories would never be improved. The fact that so many people had criticism to give is evidence that there were real problems and it wasn't just that people wouldn't accept that the story was different to what they had anticipated.

I had no problems with how your story went on. But perhaps you could split a big flashback to pieces and shove them to earlier chapters. Then again, that would make it less of a surprise and may make it harder to follow.

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