So here I am now · 9:00am Dec 16th, 2015
Mind you I'm writing this at 3:36 AM, so please bear with me.
So, here I am two years later, one year after I started this story. My first story. And I don't like it. In some ways I hate it. I read my own story so many times and just see all the things that I could have done so much better. Over the time it took to complete this story so much has happened in my life. I've changed and so has my writing. There are things in these story that make me cringe every time I read it, there things I should have really been able to catch. It took me nearly the better part of the year just to get the last chapter done just because I would always get this feeling in my chest that I just couldn't handle.
But I don't hate it completely. It was my FIRST story, ever. With it I grew as a writer. It has mistakes but that I can even see them now I think shows how much I've since the beginning. I remember that back on the first three days that I had written the story that I had gotten three chapters up, one per day. And they were TERRIBLE. The kind of stuff you'd find at the end of a list of stories sorted by rating. When I realized they needed to be revamped I just completely deleted them and started from the ground up, and I really regret that now.
I would love to have those old chapters before the edits just for the sake of reminding myself that I am getting better, and to show to the world for a good laugh.
As for the future, I can guarantee that there will be a sequel, but not anytime soon. I want to put a lot more thought into the next one, and start digging into making a much stronger story that I don't have to try and dig myself out of plot holes with. But for now Ryan/Art Craft is going to have a nice long rest while I work on some other projects.
For those of you who waited, thank you. I know I was annoying at times and the wait for the last chapter was way to damn long, so if your still reading it now I can never fully express my gratitude.
I think I've rambled on enough, I'm gonna sleep now. Have a good night.
The Hype is real.
And I had a much longer comment that I was gonna put on this last night but my internet was entirely too stupid yesterday and was out most of the day. It came back on barely long enough for me to read the chapter and see this blog before it went back out :/.
I loved the story honestly. Yes mistakes are there but it takes work and practice. Alot of people read these stories expecting works on par with stephen king these people are idiots. This if anything is a training/hobby ground for writers. Its ok to make mistakes and learn from them here. Please keep going and i look forward to the sequel.
Don't worry about the length of your chapters. Seriously, don't. In some ways longer chapters are better than much shorter ones because of the amount of story that can be put in. Now, I don't pretend to be some whizz-kid who knows absolutely everything about stories and writing (my own foray into authorship proves as much), but I beleive I can make some accurate comments towards the betterment of another's quality of writing without sounding like a hypocrite. Anyway, try not to limit yourself by chapter length. If you start sacrificing your artistic talent just to make sure your chapters are within a particular length your writing is going to suffer.
P.S. I look forward to a sequel.
So tell me, would you be really be willing to go over Appetizer for proof reading? Mind you I don't want to change the story as it is, well actually I would love to but no point in trying to fix a poorly designed house by burning the whole thing down, but a touch up to all the grammatical mistakes would be nice. It seems to be the biggest thing that turns most people off to start with. I have all the chapters copied to google docs and I'm available for the rest of the day if you would like to talk some more.
3666170 I'd be happy to proofread it and clear up any lingering problems. We must be in different time zones though, because I haven't got much of a day left! I'm happy to talk though
Here's a link for the google doc of the first chapter, we can chat there.
well congratulations on getting your first story finished. the ending felt very cut off to me but that said i have been circling back to story every few month to debating to read it or not when i noticed this time around that the complete tag was on it, and so i decided to give it a shot. Character growth was good and story saw development and movement forward (if a little drawn out for my taste. So thumbs up for that. the whole took forever to write last chapter i can under stand. i have two stories that i have the entire chapter by chapter plot written (and everything that happens in then even minor detail.) I just haven't been satisfied myself with them to post the new chapter for almost a year now. (ive must have had at least 300 drafts of chapter 3 alone by now)
Are you in a writers group? i'm on one in IRC from this site and they are always willing to talk or general offer help and advice
PS. sorry if i talk a little to much in a single post.
I still think you should have named her Artsy Fartsy.
Wait, no I don't.
Glad to see my favorite reader here even at the end.