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Brony God


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The depravity of SJWs knows no boundaries · 10:32pm Oct 30th, 2015

SJWs AKA Tumbrltards have been known for promoting heterophobia, apologising for ISIS, calling for the banning of video games, killing Derpy Hooves for two seasons, and other stupid things have now resorted to cyber bullying and harassment to drive a pegasister to attempt suicide all because she used words like "Dude" and "Man" in her Steven Universe fanfic and the way a pony character that she drew looked. :facehoof::twilightangry2: Watch this video and share it

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There Insane I tell you.

3508255 SJWs belong in a mental insitution

I'm serious, I have no idea where SJWs' excuses came from, but it needs to fucking stop

Good to see that you brought awareness to this bullshit, Monarchy.

The whole problem with SJWs is that they enforce their own definition of justice... Which completely differs from any sane person's definition, let alone the actual definition of it. Needless to say, theirs is "get offended by everything possible and make up the reasons to the point where people kill themselves because fuck everyone'. Oh, if only "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you" was enforced... How i'd love to see one shakin' in his Momma's basement.


SJWs are a Mental "institution!" (Think about that, you'll see it. :raritywink: )

Thank you so much for posting that video, Monarchy. What a wonderfully refreshing counterpoint to the endless, mindless insanity that is SJW so, again, thank you.

Now, for all of your consideration:

Power: What is it, exactly? Is it the ability of one man or woman or a group of men and women who, through shrewdness, cunning and ruthlessness and by the aquisition of vast wealth, have put themselves in positions where they can manipulate and control entire populations? Certainly, this is one kind of power.

But there is another kind of power which is not often talked about but which most definitely should be: that is the power which is acquired by those who learn to skillfully manipulate the emotions, fears and even hysteria of others in order to bring those individuals under their control. This is the tactic most often used by SJWs and, sadly, it is very effective.

Now, the insane SJWs themselves: let's take a look at them.

Imagine, if you will, an individual who is so subdued, fearful, even irrationally fearful and so strange that they are effectively marginalized from general society; people who tend toward a mental state of paranoia and, more often than not, megalomania as well. Often times these individuals are also very intelligent. I'm sure at least some of you have met at least one in your lives, I know I've met a few. They're most often tagged with the label "conspiracy theorist".

By themselves such individuals are, indeed, quite powerless not only in their own lives but over others around them and over life in general.

But, then, you find some among them who learn to understand human "herd" mentality and how to manipulate that "herd" mentality.

Although the name escapes me at the moment (I'm sure one of you, at least, knows who it is) there was a famous person who said, "People, individually, can be quite smart but are amazingly stupid in crowds."

By use of sensationalism, irrational appeal to emotion and hysteria the aforementioned indivuduals can incite and inspire crowds to their way of thinking and bring them to do whatever they want.

Adolf Hitler is a perfect example of the kind of marginalized paranoic who learned to manipulate, use and control human herd mentality, resulting in the murder of millions of human beings according to his whim and desire.

There are those SJWs who have learned how to use that kind of control and who take full advantage of it.

Now to the "power" aspect;

It's been my experience over the years, and from having more than a little contact with various SJWs, that they are, generally speaking and on an individual bases, people who tend to be insecure, emotionally immature and mentally/psychologically damaged.

Individually, they do feel quite helpless and powerless but, when put into groups of any size with others who are like themselves and when engaged in something they feel they believe in they gain within themselves and within the group a sense of power and control.

I suppose this can best be illustrated by the sad but all too real school playground event where a child will begin to pick on or harrass another child which the group in general may view as weird.

Well, more often than not, other children, seeing that first child boldly teasing, harrassing and bullying the other child, are quick to jump in and join with the bully in harrassing that poor, bullied child.

This is a perfect example of what I mean by "herd" mentality as more and more children, following that "leader" choose to jump in and harrass the bullied child even though they may well and fully know that what they're doing is wrong.

Why're they doing it even though they may realize it's wrong? The power that comes from human "herd" mentality.

Now, more often than not, and I'm sure some of you may agree with this, those children who're doing the bullying may continue to take things to completely irrational - even entirely insane - extremes until someone, such as a grown-up or teacher steps in and stops it. There you have a description of the very immature attitude of most SJWs.

I used to get so pissed off at SJWs, let them get under my skin until I stopped and spent some time thinking about what I was allowing to be done to me. It was during that time that I realized that, by allowing myself to be deeply affected by them I was being tempted to engage them in an angry way. Realizing that I also realized that if I did that I would put myself in a position where they would win. Under such circumstances they always win for the simple reason that, being irrational, they cannot be reasoned with so, anyone who attempts to reason with them automatically loses. Many of you may know this as The Game. The only way you can win is to not play. You play, you lose. Simple.

As I realized these things I also found myself wondering how I could engage them and win. It seemed impossible to me at the time but then, in an inspired moment, I realized the one thing that would defeat them every single time without reason, without rational argument, without debate!

Wanting to test out this idea I got a tape recorder and a small, battery powered (pig nose) amp and waited for the next SJW rally. (I was living in the Bay Area at the time so I didn't have long to wait.

Sure enough, a group of SJWs had announced a protest rally for some stupid thing or other (I certainly don't remember what it was and it doesn't matter, anyway.) I went to the rally, amp and tape recorder safely tucked away in a backpack.

I waited until there was a fairly large crowd of listeners gathered together listening to the ranting and virtually hysterical SJWs then I put my theory and my plan into effect.

Now, you may be wondering why I'd brought a portable amp and tape recorder with me? Simple! It was part of my plan! On the tape that I had in the tape recorder was a 120 minute audience laugh track.

Careful to take my amp and tape recorder out when few were watching, I stashed them in a nearby bush that was thick enough to hide them, turned the amp toward the SJWs, plugged the tape recorder into it and turned them on, quickly and carefully stepping away from the bush so as not to be noticed by the SJWs who were in full rant by this time.

After a moment the air was filled with the laughter of what seemed like crowds of people at the back of the spectators. Hearing this the SJWs faltered but steadfastly continued.

It didn't take long before spectators in the crowd, hearing the laughter, began laughing, themselves. To my amazement it also wasn't long before most of those watching the SJWs were also laughing, some of them hysterically.
Seeing the crowds laughing at them and being so humiliated the SJWs very quickly lost all their motivation, packed up and quickly left, the laughter of the crowds still ringing in their ears as they quickly headed off down the street, utterly humiliated.

So, in essense, what I'd done is I'd taken that same idea of 'herd mentality' and turned it on it's head, used it against those SJWs but in a way that they really couldn't rant against. After all, how can you say anything to someone - or in this case a crowd - who's laughing at you?

I've done this several times in my life, each time to great effect. Why more people haven't picked up and caught on to this baffles me but my point is this: If you want to take an SJWs power away completely then simply laugh at them. You don't have to say anything to them, you don't have to respond even if they're screaming in your face at the top of their lungs, you only need to laugh. In this way they'll be humiliated and embarrased in a way that they simply can't fight against or resist! Yes It works!

3508321 People should stop taking SJWs seriously on anything.

3508634 I can see the SJWs crying for their mommies from their basements if they got the same treatment that they give to others those fucking hypocrites.

3509069 Your welcome. I loved what you did to that group of SJWs. People should laugh at them.

3509157 I'd watch that shit on Netflix. Also, just wondering, did you get my last PM?

3509492 Yes I did but my internet has been really shitty lately so I could not watch the latest episode of One Punch Man. I only managed to watch that Pepsi Man video and it is weird

3512160 Oh okay, just wondering. You don't hafta watch for me, though, only do so if you wanna, though, the episode was pretty awesome. Anyways, you know what's the one thing i don't understand? Why people think commubism/socialism'd make people lazy. I dunno what it was like in other countries, but in Yugoslavia, true, you would get a house if you're homeless, but you'd still have to keep paying your bills if ya wanna keep it. Then again, this argument comes from people who have millions and are actually lazy, ignoring the fact that they only have those millions because of other people's hard work without them even doing work of any kind in the first place, so i don't know how i could even expect logic...
Sorry for the rant, but you're literally the only person i can talk about these things with without you going "MURICA" on my ass.

3512195 These rich people think that all forms of socialism is just welfare for bums.

3512212 Yeah, and the American imperialists... Anyways, are there many homeless people in Canada? Cuz i dunno. What i do know's that most homeless people in America are war veterans who layed their lives down, and still got screwed over. I'm guessing they were lazy too, almost dying for their country? Not that America always had sound reason behind most of their wars... Other than profit, and sometimes not even that. Lookin' at Vietnam.
Do i... Bother you with our talks of this? Just wondering, cuz i'd rather not do so.

3512259 No you don't bother me. The Vietnam War was really bad. The vets were treated like garbage when they came back home in defeat

3513308 One thing i'm wondering about... Last i checked, the Vietnam war never really had a reason to even... Be, right? Just asking,.cuz i honestly am.not sure in the slightest.

3513978 The official story of why America got in Vietnam was to save southeast Asia from a Communist takeover, but the Americans bungled the war and surrendered to the Communists in 1975. For I know that the real reason why the Vietnam War started was to test weaponry.

3515307 I swear, America can slap "Communist" onto practically anything and they'll try to kill it immediatly :facehoof:
Anyways... Something i've been wondering... I know you don't like Che Guevara (not that you should), but any thoughts on Fidel Castro? He don't seem too bad with running us country. I mean, people sure as hell ain't complaining. Well, not Cubans... American are, i'm guessing.
Also, something cool (in my opinion) i just found out... Tito was actually friends with Castro AND Kennedy. Don't take my word for it, look it up. I'm guessing it's obvious why this is mind-boggling, cuz... Aaah, ya know what happened in the 60s.

3516508 Americans even call monarchies Communists and even MLP FIM has been accused of being Communist when it is actually a Monarchist show. Fidel Castro is not the best leader but he is way better than Che.

3517604 ... MLP has primcesses. The friggin main character BECOMES a princess. And yet... They think it's communist?... I am sincerely sad for these people.
Anyways... I was wondering... I started reading manga. To name a few, Yu Yu Hakusho and Tokyo Ghoul. Have you ever read any manga?

3519814 I have not read much manga. And also the saddest part is that the most unsettling and sadistic villain of MLP FIM Starlight Glimmer is a Communist

3520478 A Stallinist Communist if anything, seeing as he was a people controlling psycho. When i first heard she was a Communist, i thought it'd be the classic plot of "Communism's bad because MURICA" (i know NLP's Canadian but you know what i mean), which i would have some onjections to, seeing as... You know... Yugoslavia was a pretty good country in my opinion, but after seeing the episode,.i'm.pretty sure they were going for a Stallinist Communist episode, wouldn't you agree?

Oh, and just asking, but... Did you look up, or hell, just plain trusted me, on Tito being in good relations with JFK and Castro? Not that you have to, just wondering.

Also... Fuck are sports fans annoying. There's a handball game in a sports center right next to my house and tgey're howling like fucking retards :pinkiesick:

3520529 I always knew that Tito was a good leader. I personally know some people from Yugoslavia and they all say that Tito was a good leader. Starlight Glimmer is more of a Maoist type Communist because Chairman Mao actually wanted to replace the names of the entire Chinese population with numbers and he forced everybody including the women to even look like him. I seen propaganda videos from Mao's China and the people there had the same creepy smile like the Equal Sign Cutie Mark Ponies. I am not into sports. The fans can get really stupid at times.

3520554 Right, Maoist... I said Stallin because i'm pretty sure he's one of the first people to start the control freak Commie trend. But as far as said Commies go, yeah, she does resemble Mao the most. I'm guessing the one big difference being you can't see clop of Mao, so at least that's positive about her. Not that i want Mao hentai, hell naw :pinkiesick:

Also, at least you talked to people from Yugoslavia, kids (they're technically teens but their mindset sure as hell isn't) around here these days just eat up everything America says about Communism and the like... That's like asking someone who hates Canada what Canada's like, and then believing them completely. Which, i'm pretty sure, America does too. They make a whole lotta fun of it in... Basically all media anyways. I get wanting that they want to seem superiour to countries that are superior to them, but not only is the act of making fun stupid,.the frigging justification for it is too. I can't stand to be around kids these days anyways...

And sorry for the long-ass ranting, those fans are REALLY getting on my nerves...

3520603 Stalin was more like King Sombra but it was Lenin who started the Communist tyrant trend though. In some ways Starlight Glimmer would make a worse tyrant that King Sombra because Mao was worse than Stalin. The people I know from Yugoslavia are middle aged and actually lived under Tito

3520629 Oh right, Lenin... Which... Kind of reminds me,.what was Rasputin like, if you know? All i heard about him was that he was one weird motherfucker, and that he has a Boney M song about him... Catchy as hell, but my question still stands. I dunno why i know next to nothing about Rasputin, though... I should... Oh well. I call that he's the closest to Discord. Cuz Vodka.
And... Just wondering (like i don't do enough of that)... Did those Yugoslavian guys speak English, or not so much? Bosnia's English standards aren't exactly the best...

3520813 One Yugoslavian I know is from Kosovo and his English is okay but I also know a Yugoslavian from Bosnia and his English is not that good. From what I know that Rasputin was the best person around Emperor Nicholas II because if he listened to Rasputin the Russian Revolution would not happened and millions of lives would have been spared.

3521902 Hmm... I dunno if you know, but i'm guessing they got out of Yugoslavia cuz of the war?
Huh, ya don't say. Most people just say Rasputin was a communist or something... I'm pretty damn confused

3521921 Rasputin was no Communist. He had a bad reputation because of his personal life and he angered a lot of the elites because he did not want Russia to be involved in World War 1. Lenin ordered Rasputin's body to be dug up and set on fire

3521946 Oh... No wonder they think he was a Communist. Whenever someone in power has a controversial personal life, Americans quickly make him hated because fuck logic.
If i might ask,.have you ever mayb heard of Corto Maltese? It's an old Italian comic which you may or may not like, depending on wether you can or can't find an English translation. The reason i talk about it's because it has Rasputin in it, and all this talk remibded me of it

3521953 Americans hated Rasputin because he was an actual Monarchist. The Americans during World War 1 were secretly helping the Communists

3521964 That's actually a thing i keep seeing Americans do... They "help" a country make some kinda revolution, and then they use the country for profit, making it worse off than it was. Obviously, one example is Russia, which didn't work out so well for them, but, another example being when they placed Saddam as the head of... Iraq, was it? I don't remember. But even that didn't exactly work out for them. I'll tell you what did, though. Their involevement in the Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian war, a few years after Tito's death. Nowadays, this country's a "democracy" with them calling most of the shogs. The worst thing is, they did it trough the Croats, who, and i'm not exxagarating here, litterally cheered for Hitler when he came down these parts to conquer us. They literally WANTED Hitler. They WANTED his kind of goverment. They're lucky Tito forgave them when he freed these part from Nazis.

Also... Libya. Just like you talked to Yugoslavian people, i also talked to Libyan people here in Bosnia. Apparently, Gadaffi wasn't that bad a leader. Eccentric, sure, but not a bad leader. The only reason the idiots who weren't paid off by America, which was supplying them weapons, even wanted to overthrow him was because they thought they could be millionaires, seeing as Gaddafi was trying to make economy even, kinda like Tito. Seeing as you can barely live in Libya these days, and seeing as Americans are reaping profit from them, you can see how stupid that was. I actually saw a few people being intervviewed by News say that's why they did it... Idiots.

3521995 Same thing with Iran. The Americans propped up the Emperor of Iran for decades but then they betrayed him and he was the best leader in the Middle East. And a lot of Iranians I talked to say that he was a great leader. Some of the idiots who rose against the Emperor of Iran because Ayatollah Khomeini promised them big checks from the oil revenues which BTW he did not give those checks for two reason. One was that most of the people from the Iranian oil industry fled the country and two was that all revenue was put under the control of the new military to support terrorist activities world wide.

Comment posted by Brony God deleted Nov 5th, 2015

3523130 Yeah, Iran too. Though, i didn't know about that, i gotta admit. I swear, whenever America says it's "spreading Democracy", you can basically just write that country off as a future shithole. Hell,.even when they fail at "spreading",.like with Sadamm, the country still goes full shithole... I swear, it's gotten absurd by now.
Also, just one little thing i found laughable... The simple fact that democracies, by definition, need to ne discrimination-free, yet America, the best country in the history of all the evers (sarcasm, if you couldn't tell), had black segregation til the fucking 60's! It gets even more absurd if you count the issue of gay marriage in, which was settled this freaking year!

3523179 Canada has gay marriage for over 10 years now. Also America spreading "democracy " is what doomed Vietnam. Before 1955 South Vietnam was ruled by an emperor but the American overthrow him and install a radical Catholic as South Vietnam's first president and promoted his regime as a beacon of liberty in Southeast Asia but the guy was actually a vicious tyrant who declared war on the South Vietnamese people and he shut down dance clubs. For 8 miserable years America tolerated his tyranny until in 1963 the rest of the world started to take notice about America's support for genocide in South Vietnam and to save face America stages a coup against their puppet dictator and killed him. But unfortunately he was replaced by a series of incompetent military dictators until 1975 when Communist North Vietnam won the war. Such a shame that the monarchy was not restored in 1963 then maybe South Vietnam may have a better chance of surviving.

3524102 Honestly, now i'm just wondering what he had against dance clubs... Seems kinda random. The rest... Was to be expected.

3526205 He was a religious fanatic. I think that America confused Democracy for Theocracy. Oh did you know that the Emperor of Iran was friends with Tito?

3527085 Huh. I actually didn't. Tito was one popular motherfucker, lemme tell ya. But seriously now, the reason Tito even met and talked with these people is that... Well... All of them were good leaders in some aspects. They had good ideas, and he listened. And which country president or otherwise discusses country running ideas with other leaders? Forgive me if i'm wrong, but last time i checked... None, really. I think none.
I just want to ask... Does this argument i'm about to tell you make sense?
So... I was scrolling trough Youtube, and i found some channel... Stephen Molyneaux or something, i dunno, which talks about American economy i think... Well, it focuses on it, at least, and there, i saw a video titled "why i was wrong Socialism". Seeing as i believe a Socialist country, as well as practically any country with any type of leadership, be it a Monarchy, a Democracy etc. etc. given that it has a good leader, can be a good country, i clicked on the video to see if it'll change my mind about Socialism. It didn't, but here's the argument. Basically, what he said was, seeing as in Socialism, the control of any given factory is given from the company's manager to the workers, so that they and the goverment can figure out a salary and benefits that would be befitting for what they're making, you know, so that said manager doesn't make fucking millions and then just gives his workers who earned those millions barely enough money to live, but so that that shit's made more reasonable, he says that doing that, taking away control from the manager, is bad, but when faced with the fact that the money goes to less privileged people, he says "well, ethics don't matter"... Despite that fact that he just used ethics to say that it's bad to steal from rich peope.
To summarize his argument, it's bad when someone steals from the rich, but if that money goes to poor people who need it, ethics don't matter.
Does that make sense? Because it sure as hell doesn't to me.
Also, is your net better? I can send you the video if you want.

3529878 No that guy's argument does not make sense. Please send me the video

3531136 Mind sending me a new PM? My phone started crashing when i try to send them because fuck me i guess, and i honestly can't find our old PM thread.

3531136 Also, it crashes when i try to post videos on blogs, so... Yeah.

#42 · Nov 20th, 2015 · · ·

They were apologizing for ISIS? FUCK ISIS!!

I wish those ISIS pricks were wiped off the face of the planet!!

3556202 People these days (not pointing to anyone) seem to be so

I think I've seen another example of SJWs. Ever read the current MLP #34-36 arc? The character Radiant Hope is terrible and stupid, and one person called me an idiot because I hated Hope and explained why I thought she was stupid and a bad character (she's also a Mary Sue). Look at this the comments here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz_1NPwu_oo

A lot of Hope defenders to me seem to just be SJWs, they don't know that Sombra is still a monster and Hope did this, to quote a Guest on Equestria Daily: lying to and criminalizing four citizens into theft of the heart, smuggling in emotion-sucking demons into their midsts, and allying her self with an unrepentant monster to assault a city, summoning Sombra back expecting to control him with words alone, when prior experience shows just how deranged and blood-thirsty he is, helping Sombra attack Celestia and Luna instead of explaining the situation, resulting in their imprisonment in stone and jeopardizing their lives and those of the other characters, or, hell, explaining the situation like she did to Cadance before instead of going a total roundabout, dangerously treacherous path that only serves to make everyone see her in a bad light and anger them further.

She also shows no remorse for her actions at all, and she still jumps in front of Sombra because she still believes he's a monster??? :facehoof:

Also, Sombra just says "what have you done?" out of nowhere when Hope gets hit? That's just half-assed. One person said he probably started to care for Hope when he said he needed time to think at one part, but I don't entirely buy that and it still comes out like a cop-out.

See what I mean? These fans are just frustrating to deal with!! :twilightangry2: :flutterrage:

3560610 SJWs ruin every fandom they touch. This Hope character sounds like a very dumb villain. The comic looks cool but the story needs to be fixed though. Man I should really get starting reading the MLP FIM comics

3564337 I agree, she is stupid.

Don't bother with comics #25-36 or 37 (excepting 29).

3567547 Alright. I got insulted a lot because I pointed out the severe flaws in Scare Master so I do know how you feel when you got attacked over pointing out the flaws in the comics

3568366 I understand. The best thing people should do is respect others' opinions.

I may not agree with you, but still respect your opinion.

3569100 The moral for Scare Master was delivered in the wrong situation because this episode treated a serious issue like mental health like it was something trivial like not liking the same movies or any activity that your friends like. Fluttershy does not just dislike Nightmare Night, she has a very unhealthy fear of the holiday. It is not normal for a grown mare in her 20s to be still scared of fillies in costumes.

3569243 Oh...

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