• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2018


Just a fic writer, looking at things from a bit of a different perspective sometimes .

More Blog Posts29

  • 342 weeks
    Just an update!

    Currently, reviewing all chapters for mistakes, one at a time. So if you see changes, 'twas me!

    Am getting them ready for self-publishing and could be a while. Getting those spelling errors and try to get the story straight from when I was writing so fast it was a jumble.

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    23 comments · 1,034 views
  • 344 weeks
    Oh! And I forgot!

    Yes, to those wondering, I'm trying to figure out how to format all the stories to self-publish the chronicle of Legacy.

    I was surprised, very humbled and honored beyond all belief when some readers asked if I was planning to do so. Now, there is money coming in, I can plan on this.

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    53 comments · 1,052 views
  • 344 weeks
    Let's try this again....

    Okay, I said I received the messages, yes. I did not say it would turn into something bad. A love scene? I did one in the story, nothing bad at all except a nicely short thing that let you know they loved each other. My definition of 'hot' is very different from a lot of folks.

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    9 comments · 654 views
  • 344 weeks
    Messages Received :)

    Now, I'm an adult, lots of folks here are adults, we all ..blah blah blah blah. And that's over with.

    I have gotten, through private messages, or otherwise, requests for..shall we say..ohhhh..a 'steamy' story or two, or even a scene in the main story of Legacy itself.

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    24 comments · 924 views
  • 345 weeks

    I have been hired onto a new job, and I'm excited! Plus scared. Trust me, traveling round the country laying fiber optic cable doens't sound bad, but it's a big change from what I was doing.

    I have not stopped writing, it's been a hard last few months, but I have a ton of chapters to update with!

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    32 comments · 767 views

Updates! Poll inside! · 11:31pm May 28th, 2015

Hiya folks and welcome to the blog again! Been a bit.

Okay, a very nice person wanted a soundtrack for the story, now I'm not sure if he means posting here or something on YouTube for folks to rummage through, so if anyone has a suggestion sing out!

Latest chapter has been posted and you folks were just waiting to use some of those lines I swear, you're all awesome!

Question, and a comment from Beingme2 made me wonder, and here it is.

Should the Battle for the Everfree get a glass panel in memoriam?
What would it look like?
Should it be named something more awesome than I just came up with?
Finally, what do YOU folks think?
Here's your chance, lemme have your thoughts and notions!

This is your chance to be a part of this whole thing, let's hear what ya got to say!
EDIT" Also, please be aware I try really hard to answer any comments, so if I miss one, please don't think I'm ignoring you!
Once again, thank you all, so very very much for enjoying the story.:pinkiehappy:

Report NFire · 447 views · Story: Legacy ·
Comments ( 22 )

Hmm let's see...

Yes I think it's just the sort of thing that they have imortalized before in the show. This would be no different.

As to what it would look like... Bolo's at the bottom of the window, with the Mane6, Discord and the Princesses surrounded by a rainbow aura just above flanked my missiles and hellbore blasts and the rainbow all arcing upwards to the 'Big Tentacled Abomination' and Portal.

I can't think of anything better to call it, myself.

Love the story. Fantastic writing. Thank you for sharing it with us!

Of courses!

I was thinking of a from behind shot of everypony involved (including Crusader and Athena's pony avatars as I don't think their hulls would work for the shot) The portal of evil prominently displayed just above the center of the glass pane with the rainbow-powered Hellbore shoots converging on it from all sides.

"Battle for Everfree" sounds underwhelming IMO, if only they had a name for the eldritch abomination then that would have been a good addition. "Battle for the Souls of Equestria" would be accurate considering the thing's modus but still feels off. How about "Battle For The Future" considering that loosing that battle means the end of the world. "To Save the World" also has a nice ring or "Saving the World" if you want to be more casual :derpytongue2:.

I think this story is awesome!

I honestly wish they find Hera. I understand having another BOLO may be bad at the moment but I just think sisterly bonding and antics would be a great thing to read. Maybe they find/ was only able to salvage Hera's AI core or something to that effect. And I also have a gut feeling that Crusader was NOT the first BOLO ever found, it's just the way they were found makes for an earlier occurrence to be possible.

I also think that if ever they go searching for more surviving BOLOs or more likely clues and relics of their past, adding Daring Do even if only for a short while seems like a fun idea.

Well, as far as the design goes, I think it should have the standard main 6 in the rainbow bubble thing, as well as Celestia, Luna, and Discord, all of them blasting the eldritch being.

I also think it should have both Crusader's and Athena's war hulls and pony avatars, as I feel that disregarding either would not carry the full message as they are both Bolo and Pony, and it would be a crime to forget either. I think, however, that the avatars should be standing on top of the war hulls, and be a bit more... Accentuated, if that makes sense.

As far as a name goes, as corny as it sounds, "Duty" I think would be a good title.

3106578 Great idea, thank you so much!

definitely needs a glass panel

it would have crusader and athena's hulls sitting in the bottom and top right.
the main six in the center, with celestia, luna, crusader, and athena outside of the circle, but surrounding it in a diamond form.
the portal with the eldritch creature pouring out sitting in mid left.
from the ponies a rainbow arc goes to the portal, and from the hulls, a (blue?) beam goes to the portal.

just my idea, it's clearer in my head, so if I'm not clear enough, pm me or something:derpytongue2:

one of the greatest stories I've ever had the pleasure of reading, good job Nfire!

I frickin forgot discord, poor dude,
put him directly in the center of the main six

3106610 You are welcome, and thank you so much for the ideas!

3106610 I like yours, and for the fight name uhhhh... "The Everfree Harmonic Convergence" idk

"The Everfree Gatecrashers First Live Show Monument and Gift Shop" :pinkiecrazy:

I think the Battle of the Everfree should get a glass pane. As to what I think it would/should look like would be Crusader and Athena at the bottom firing everything at the invader and portal which would be at the top and the ponies and Discord would be either above and in between the two bolos or off to one side surrounded by the aura of the power they have.

Hmm i suppose that glass panel have their limitations and following the line of the other glasses I suppose it should represent the final moment of the battle ( main six, discord, princesses amd bolos avatar shinning with all surronding darkness going back). I agree with those that say that Crusader and Athenas be represented as their pony avatar, as a wink of celestia to remark that she consider them another of her little ponies


and from the hulls, a (blue?) beam

I think the beam would be blue, yes, being made of ridiculously hot nuclear plasma and all. Or so far beyond the color spectrum it's just a searing white, but where's the fun in that?

3106613 harmony to hell?
Eldritchy boom?
No hard feelings lovecraft?
Harmony strikes again?

God dammit, they all sound like bad newspaper headers.

3107026 yes, white would be muchly boring

3107639 It's a problem that plagues every epic battle of good vs. evil I'm afraid

3107026 I'm pretty sure hellbore fire is "OH MY GOD I'M BLIND"-coloured. :rainbowlaugh:


Pffff, you wont have time to scream, silly! Optical/IR radiation would hit you and vaporize you at the literal speed of light!

3108125 ^^^ You guys are hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

3108731 Hey, Celestia controls the Sun, and it's fusion powered... she should team up with the Bolos and do the whole anime "bendy-beams" thing. "Dodge THIS!" :pinkiecrazy:

3108859 That's just crazy enough to actually work! :rainbowlaugh:

Hells yes the Battle against the Elder Evil must be immortalized. You heed Crusader and Athena's war hulls on either side of the bottom sending destruction up into the air with the Elements flanked by Celestia and Luna with Discord in the center all in Rainbow Mode sending a beam up. All three sets of attacks converge on the Elder Evil and are pushing it back. And Crusader and Athena's avatars need to be inside their war hulls to show they have the spirit of ponies within them.

I'd call it: We Stand United in Harmony.

3108862 According to Gurren Lagan logic: the crazier and more awesome an idea is the more likely it will work. AKA: RULE OF COOL!

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