• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2018


Just a fic writer, looking at things from a bit of a different perspective sometimes .

More Blog Posts29

  • 347 weeks
    Just an update!

    Currently, reviewing all chapters for mistakes, one at a time. So if you see changes, 'twas me!

    Am getting them ready for self-publishing and could be a while. Getting those spelling errors and try to get the story straight from when I was writing so fast it was a jumble.

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    23 comments · 1,040 views
  • 349 weeks
    Oh! And I forgot!

    Yes, to those wondering, I'm trying to figure out how to format all the stories to self-publish the chronicle of Legacy.

    I was surprised, very humbled and honored beyond all belief when some readers asked if I was planning to do so. Now, there is money coming in, I can plan on this.

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    53 comments · 1,057 views
  • 349 weeks
    Let's try this again....

    Okay, I said I received the messages, yes. I did not say it would turn into something bad. A love scene? I did one in the story, nothing bad at all except a nicely short thing that let you know they loved each other. My definition of 'hot' is very different from a lot of folks.

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    9 comments · 658 views
  • 349 weeks
    Messages Received :)

    Now, I'm an adult, lots of folks here are adults, we all ..blah blah blah blah. And that's over with.

    I have gotten, through private messages, or otherwise, requests for..shall we say..ohhhh..a 'steamy' story or two, or even a scene in the main story of Legacy itself.

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    24 comments · 927 views
  • 350 weeks

    I have been hired onto a new job, and I'm excited! Plus scared. Trust me, traveling round the country laying fiber optic cable doens't sound bad, but it's a big change from what I was doing.

    I have not stopped writing, it's been a hard last few months, but I have a ton of chapters to update with!

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    32 comments · 769 views

Update info! · 10:46pm Jan 27th, 2015

Quick line to the readers, got the next chapter done, am working on smoothing out a few things. Working on the next chapter after that as well, lots to do! Thank you so much again for enjoying the story, and commenting, and everything! You folks rock!

Report NFire · 222 views · Story: Legacy ·
Comments ( 6 )

You rock for putting out such amazing work. Thanks for sharing

I don't rock. I transform, and roll out!

2751608 You are very welcome! Thank you. :pinkiehappy:

2751619 Why does that not surprise me? :twilightsmile:

2751645 Because this is surprisingly accurate:

*shifts to give self epic 80's metal hair, picks up microphone, summons forth Lion for instrumentals*

Something evil's watching over you
Coming from the sky above
And there's nothing you can do
Prepare to strike, there'll be no place to run
When you're caught within the grip
Of the evil Chrysalis

More than meets the eye
Ponies in disguise

Strong enough to break the bravest heart
So we have to pull together
No, we can't stay worlds apart
To stand divided we will surely fall
Until our darkest hour
When the light will save us all

More than meets the eye
Robots in disguise
Amber Hive wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Deceptilings

It's judgment day and now we've made our stand
And for now the powers of darkness
Have been driven from our land
The battle's over but the war has just begun
And this way it will remain
'Til the day when all are one!


*waves lighter in the air*

Meep The Changeling, you got the touch, you got the power!:rainbowdetermined2:

Oh, and NFire. If you rock any harder you might turn full Jack Black, The Heavy Metal Demon Lord of Awesomeness

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