• Member Since 6th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 22nd, 2016


"Internet Friends" are just friends you haven't shaken hands with yet.

More Blog Posts43

  • 422 weeks
    Tavern, Rewrites, and Updates

    The last blog post I wrote on Fimfic was in 2014.

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    7 comments · 580 views
  • 517 weeks
    Tavern Rewrite Update

    I've been sitting on the completed rewrite of Tavern's second chapter for a while now, but I've got a slight problem. In the process of redoing the chapter, it grew by about four thousand words—similar to how when I redid the first chapter, it grew about two thousand words. Based on what I want to add to the third chapter, it's also going to grow a bit in the rewrite.

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    5 comments · 540 views
  • 543 weeks
    I feel like sharing this, so I will.

    “Marry me, Barrel!”

    My head jerks up. No, I wasn’t hearing things; Barrel, my dearest friend and the hostess of The Tin Whistle, has just been proposed to by one of her fine customers.

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    7 comments · 640 views
  • 544 weeks
    Formatting Question for Loving Accusations

    Edit: I've decided not to mess with the story after all, but I'll leave this blog post up anyway for posterity's sake.

    I think the first chapter is too long. I think it would benefit if I cut it into two smaller chapters.
    (Don't panic, let me make my case first.)

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    5 comments · 560 views
  • 548 weeks
    I'm calling it now.

    The mane six are going to realize the true nature of the virtues they all posses/ascend to true enlightenment, and the keys that open the box that came from the Tree of Harmony are going to be formed magically from their collective awakening, or something like that.

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    1 comments · 541 views

Tavern Rewrite Update · 8:00am Aug 28th, 2014

I've been sitting on the completed rewrite of Tavern's second chapter for a while now, but I've got a slight problem. In the process of redoing the chapter, it grew by about four thousand words—similar to how when I redid the first chapter, it grew about two thousand words. Based on what I want to add to the third chapter, it's also going to grow a bit in the rewrite.

If I were to update Tavern with the new material I have right now, it would be a 40,000+ word fic contained in only three chapters. A lot of people like long chapters. Me, I'm not one of those people. Not really. So here's my proposition; when I finish rewriting the third chapter, I'll go in and split my three chapters into more manageable chunks. Say, six chapters total. At least. They'll still be long chapters, but they should give everyone more breathing room.

Report Lysis · 540 views · Story: In a Tavern, Down by the River ·
Comments ( 5 )

That sounds reasonable. The trickiest part would probably be picking good points for the split. Still, 7k words a chapter sounds a fair amount.

Author Interviewer

That sounds like a thing you should definitely do.

That sounds like something you shouldn't do. Long chapters are wonderful for immersion!
But that's just the opinion of someone who can manage to concentrate for long periods of time.

Not a bad idea at all! I find 5000-8000 words to be just about ideal for a chapter. As a reader, it's far more welcoming to look at a shorter opening chapter and jump in to read that, compared to something super long that I know would be an investment. (And then when you hook me in the short chapter and I read all the rest, it's a nice trick)

Sounds fair to me. I do like me a big chapter, but manageable-ness is good.

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