• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen January 5th


She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.

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Princess Luna's Suicide Solutions Q&A now live · 2:10am Jun 1st, 2014

Blog post wrap up blog post wrap up!

Comments ( 53 )

So Luna. Since you're recycling suicidal ponies, have you considered forming a partnership with the Soylent Green company?



There is always one that simply does not read the warnings.



My obsession with Soylent Green compelled me to ask. Also, the story is still on my Read Later list. :twilightblush:

So Nocti,
What has made you so paternal? It seems a bit out of character to suddenly want to become a single father to TWO foals when you used to be so self-absorbed that suicide was an option?

Comment posted by Raiden jaeger deleted Jun 1st, 2014


So Nocti,
What has made you so paternal? It seems a bit out of character to suddenly want to become a single father to TWO foals when you used to be so self-absorbed that suicide was an option?

Noctilucent: They needed help. And so did I. I guess I needed a reason. I have to have reasons. Otherwise, I make up my own reasons and those are destructive.

I don't know.

Luna, you like to troll Noc. Like sending Quirky to tease him?:moustache:

So Quirky, what makes you so attracted to Noctilucent, even if only as a friend??


Luna, you like to troll Noc. Like sending Quirky to tease him?

Luna: Troll? A large regenerative hominoid? Your words make no sense.

Quirky, has Noc started to drool when you feed Cookie?:moustache:


So Quirky, what makes you so attracted to Noctilucent, even if only as a friend??

Quirky: He's good with foals. And he's a pleasing shade of blue. And I don't know. I get urges sometimes.


Quirky, has Noc started to drool when you feed Cookie?

Quirky: Probably. He was in the kitchen cooking and I was in a different room. The hash browns were delicious.

2163159 Please tell me these "urges" aren't to set him on fire, UNLESS he does something really bad?

you seem a bit forward. You kissed Nocti first after all. What influence has made you so self-confident?

Arryo, your lucky, you can blush and no mare would notice.


Please tell me these "urges" aren't to set him on fire, UNLESS he does something really bad?

Quirky: I only tease about stuff like that. It is how I vent pressure. I would never burn a pony. Much.


you seem a bit forward. You kissed Nocti first after all. What influence has made you so self-confident?

Quirky: I don't know. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

(The donkey's name escapes me ATM)
Are you looking forward to having two novice musicians in the Orphanage?

Quirky, do you just want let the world burn? :


Are you looking forward to having two novice musicians in the Orphanage?

Graves: Yes actually. Arroyo needs a creative outlet. He is unfulfilled. Too many brown crayons.


Quirky, do you just want let the world burn? because that would be cool

Quirky: Can we start with you?

But Graves,
The path to becoming a good musician is a very bumpy one. Do you have a sound proof room?
Surely this will test your patience.

I fear I have no questions pertaining to this story. It is on my read later list. That said, If I were to ask something of the characters, I would ask Luna this. "What compelled you to act?"

Thank you,


That said, I don't mind if I'm not answered. Being that I haven't read the story yet. looking forward to a Q&A of the Chase though. I've got a ton of questions for Bucky.

Candy Corn, do you want to learn to bake brownies like Noc?


The path to becoming a good musician is a very bumpy one. Do you have a sound proof room?
Surely this will test your patience.

Graves: Everything tests my patience. Living tests my patience. Cactus Blossom tests my patience.


What compelled you to act?

Luna: He threw away everything he was or would ever be. I did the same. I was redeemed, very much against my will at the time. And so was he.


Candy Corn, do you want to learn to bake brownies like Noc?

Candy Corn: I dunno. The stove scares me. It's hot.

Luna, you seem to be giving in to Nocti a bit too easily.
You know raising foals is difficult, you know Nocti is young, It seems that you are setting him up for failure. Where is your backbone to tell him 'no', he hasn't proven himself up to the task yet?


Luna, you seem to be giving in to Nocti a bit too easily.
You know raising foals is difficult, you know Nocti is young, It seems that you are setting him up for failure. Where is your backbone to tell him 'no', he hasn't proven himself up to the task yet?

Luna: This is a win win situation for me. If Noctilucent does not manage to reignite his own flames, he stays in the orphanage for for the rest of his life, and the foals will have assistant caretakers. Should he free himself, the foals will have one very dedicated caretaker that has proven himself.

Dear Female Noctilucent, what is it like with Shadow Noctilucent and Noctilucent's foal self around you all the time, with Noctilucent popping in from time to time?


Dear Female Noctilucent, what is it like with Shadow Noctilucent and Noctilucent's foal self around you all the time, with Noctilucent popping in from time to time?

She Noctilucent: I am never alone now. I was alone and ignored for too long.

he stays in the orphanage for for the rest of his life

Uh Luna, that sounds like a recipe for depression.
Are all of your plans so poorly laid?

2163232 Well that's good, I hope you are happy with yourselves.


Uh Luna, that sounds like a recipe for depression.
Are all of your plans so poorly laid?

Luna: I have seen the depths of his mind. I am confident in his abilities. And my ability to motivate. He WILL succeed.

Nocitlucent, now that I think of it... would you ask Quirky out on a date given the chance? She seems to like you well enough...


Nocitlucent, now that I think of it... would you ask Quirky out on a date given the chance? She seems to like you well enough...

Noctilucent: We've been on one. And I did sorta ask to do it again. She'll let me know. I think.

Very well, Princess.
T'was nice visiting the orphanage and chatting with you all, but I must go.
May the sun shine brightly on all your endevors!
Um, that was meant to be a compliment, please point your horn elsewhere...?

Fastbike: Well maybe not, if from what I have read, it is something he enjoys so why would it lead to depression?

As for my own question.

To Luna: I am guessing others have been placed elsewhere? How, is your success rate? Okay that was two questions it seems,

Also, not a question, but Thank you for what you are doing with mental illness. May you find success.

2163254 Monotony and routine, and knowing that you CAN'T leave. He is under a geas, and that kills motivation and desire. He might blossom if it were entirely his choice, but the fact that he was forced puts a different psychological spin on it.


To Luna: I am guessing others have been placed elsewhere? How, is your success rate? Okay that was two questions it seems,

Luna: There are others already, even though the program only just started. To early to know the success rate.

To cactus bloom: Personal question but, is your blindness 100% or can you see shadows?

Princess Luna: the ability to seperate yourself seems really useful, but i have to ask. Is there any drawbacks? if so what are they? (kinda 2 questions but... yeah)


To cactus bloom: Personal question but, is your blindness 100% or can you see shadows?

Cactus Blossom: I don't see anything. No colours, no nothing. There is nothing there. I only know what colours are because Luna fixed my brain so I could see them in my dreams.


To cactus bloom: Personal question but, is your blindness 100% or can you see shadows?

Luna: There are no drawbacks. Each split is slightly weaker. But that can be managed. Each one is capable of using magic. I split myself into hundreds of versions to read books and catch up on one thousand years that went missing.

(i forgot his name) To the Cool dog with blues: how do you know eternal blue?


(i forgot his name) To the Cool dog with blues: how do you know eternal blue?

Bloo Tick: Princess Luna, the Eternally Blue. I played a gig in Canterlot, got noticed, got picked up and made to play a private performance. Luna has a lot to be blue about.

Also, she plays the piano something fierce.

Can Shortbread Cookie respond with baby babble?


Can Shortbread Cookie respond with baby babble?

Shortbread Cookie: **spit bubble** Heeblub! **farts**

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