• Member Since 5th Oct, 2013
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Discord Devotee, Princess Worshipper, Mane Six Enthusiast, and somehow Sombra's Submissive.

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Trenderhoof on the Road · 5:21am May 25th, 2014

While I'm at it, I have a group for Trend. I would make more groups for other ponies that need one, but I figure that I shouldn't, at least until I finish a fanfic for him. For support.

By the Wholesome White Wings of the Sun Princess!

Much pony. Very unicorn. Meme death unto my typing fingers.

D'awwwww. Adorkably stressed, it seems! :heart: Although... What's going on in that top left corner? Hrmmm. :rainbowhuh:

Standing and On the Move. He's so fluffy! I'm gonna die!

I'll shut up now. I promise!

Report Yildun · 1,068 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

I see we've wasted our evenings in similar ways! Did you see Andy Price's poster of Flim and Flam?

You also probably saw the Trenderhoof Replies Tumblr, but I saw this and thought "HAH, same headcanon. Close."

derpicdn.net/img/view/2014/5/24/635406__safe_solo_blushing_tumblr_ask_artist+needed_gay_braeburn_bisexual_trenderhoof.png Source

Although honestly, my personal Trend is bisexual, but also maybe an applesexual. And strung out. And needs a nice long rest. Regardless, Trend needs more love, for sure!

Still picking away at the fic. I was hoping to have more done by now, but other stuff came up and I'm about halfway through the papers for one of my classes. I'm starting with the good bit and working my way towards both ends.

I forgot about that poster! It's a good one. :derpytongue2:

I did see the ask blog stuff, plus a few other cute pics that weren't related, but I was trying to avoid any specific ships for this blog post, if only so it might inspire more peeps to consider the group. I definitely think of him as bisexual (and applesexual, because who isn't applesexual?) Head canons go! :yay:

That blog also had a nice head canon for how he got into travel writing, but it was really long and in the end I opted against it. Such a sweet version of Trenderhoof there. :heart:

I also saw one with a brother OC but... the bro was too glamorous. I didn't wanna upstage him.

And strung out. And needs a nice long rest. Regardless, Trend needs more love, for sure!

Awww! Poor baby. Why does he need a vacation? Wait, what has he been up to? Is this the one you mentioned regarding Elric_of_Melnipony's idea for a new OC? That might be of his own doing then. :pinkiesmile:

You know, I didn't think about it, but now you mention it (and having seen that one with the lots of little Trend doodles), I can kind of see him being strung out. I wouldn't be surprised if he's one of those unlucky souls like Miss Harshwhinny but he faces things constantly going wrong in a different manner. It would explain his reactions to Rarity. Then again, not sure exactly how much he understood about that whole situation, but he did seem anxious a few times. :twilightsheepish:

Still picking away at the fic. I was hoping to have more done by now, but other stuff came up and I'm about halfway through the papers for one of my classes. I'm starting with the good bit and working my way towards both ends.

No rush. RL comes first. Trenderhoof can wait. :heart:

2143519 You know, I'm not sure why. Maybe it's one of those things you learn about a character for yourself as you write them? But it seems as though traveling as much as he does and writing to deadline, and probably always having to top himself, too ("I just found something even more mundane and made it even more relevant!") would be a recipe for burnout. Even if you like travel (and I sort of do and sort of don't), it can still get tiring, but then probably ponies don't have to deal with things like baggage weight limits, jet lag, and the TSA.

I'm nice and flexible about Trend ships. Anypony or nopony, except for Pinkie, Cheese, or Pinkie and Cheese. Or maybe not Chrysalis, if it were going to end in his being eaten, because I've developed a soft spot for the guy. I meant what I said about my offer of "I will review every Trend fic in the group" so far. Or comment, anyway. It just might take me a while.

And. . . .yeah, Trend is going to have a very stressful time shortly, but let's put it this way--it wasn't his idea.

In the third picture it looks like he's getting raped. :heart:

It isn't rape if it's consensual. :heart:

He's just sweating because it's hot work when the fields are getting nice and plowed. :raritywink:


You know, I'm not sure why. Maybe it's one of those things you learn about a character for yourself as you write them? But it seems as though traveling as much as he does and writing to deadline, and probably always having to top himself, too ("I just found something even more mundane and made it even more relevant!") would be a recipe for burnout. Even if you like travel (and I sort of do and sort of don't), it can still get tiring, but then probably ponies don't have to deal with things like baggage weight limits, jet lag, and the TSA.

Hrmmm! You raise some very good points. Especially about always having to top himself. That must be especially frustrating, since it's kind of impossible to continue escalating everything forever. I imagine traveling is less stressful in Equestria, but there is probably tiredness (it also might very well take longer to get anywhere) and it's lonesome without a companion. He might not mind traveling alone, but that means he is always meeting new ponies very briefly and has less time to spend with his friends (and family, if that matters to him) when he is wandering all over the nation. I'm not sure if he's introverted or extroverted (he seems somewhere in the middle-ground, so it could go either way), but regardless that would all take a toll on him.

I'm nice and flexible about Trend ships. Anypony or nopony, except for Pinkie, Cheese, or Pinkie and Cheese. Or maybe not Chrysalis, if it were going to end in his being eaten, because I've developed a soft spot for the guy. I meant what I said about my offer of "I will review every Trend fic in the group" so far. Or comment, anyway. It just might take me a while.

Oh, I know! :heart:

I saw a really well-done Big Mac and Trend pic that I was so tempted to add (and I don't even really like shipping Big Mac with anyone), but I just felt it best to avoid any and all ships. I know you're open-minded; I was just explaining my reasons.

That said, Braeburn would be really adorable with him. And you know I love Maud/Trend. I think Rarity and AJ are perfectly plausible, when given enough build-up and reconciliation, but I'm personally not interested in going down that road for him. I support it though. If I can dare to think of AJ with the twins, I can darn well see her with Trenderhoof. (Although he's getting the short end of the stick in one of my WiP. Darn. Might have to eventually do some short pairs of those two with him, whenever I get that done, as an apology for making him the antagonist.) Coco has potential, but I hate trying to build up a character that I barely know, when they just don't inspire any particular ideas (she isn't alone; Silver Shill and many others do nothing for me, but I still like them), and I love Fluttershy more. Heck, I love Mayor Mare and I'd probably figure out something between Trend and her before I would poor Coco. :duck:

On the subject of weird pairings, how about Trend and Flash as a couple? Or maybe Trend and Cheerilee? Oooh, no! Trenderhoof and Hayseed Turnip Truck! I absolutely love that idea! I know the Rarity micro (I think it was?) did something interesting with him, but even beyond that, I actually think that would be awesome. :trollestia:

And. . . .yeah, Trend is going to have a very stressful time shortly, but let's put it this way--it wasn't his idea.

Well, I pity him already then. Can't wait to see what he's up to this time! :rainbowlaugh:

2144213 Is it rape if neither parties enjoy it..? :rainbowhuh: :heart:

Heh... Work that hoe. :twilightsmile:


Is it rape if neither parties enjoy it..? :rainbowhuh: :heart:

No, that's just failure, pure and simple! He might have that problem, but then hate sex would be interesting and probably more fun than it should be. I'd say that's the least of his worries. Plus, he's smiling in that image, up in the corner there. He just seems a little uncertain. Perhaps he still has his cherry. Who knows? :rainbowlaugh:

Heh... Work that hoe. :twilightsmile:

Oh, you know it! Hey, they're just taking those rare apples that he ate and sowing the seeds. No big deal. :trollestia:

Although, this does mean that Rarity doesn't know how to work a plow. Maybe that's why he's nervous? What is she doing back there? Did she bring the right equipment? :raritywink:

I can imagine Rarity turning him over, grabbing his tail, and working on that dry furrow without even a trowel in between them. Just her tugging the reigns and wondering why it isn't working with her sitting on him. :rainbowlaugh:

Edit: Someone needs to draw that. :heart: I'm so awful.

Or maybe write it, but I don't think I could make the farm euphemisms last that long. The scene in general would be hysterical, but I think the Rarity/Trend people would hate me forever for that.

2144325 *Squeak* Nu! Tu mani wurds. :fluttershbad:

Edit: Someone needs to draw that.

This can be arranged. :coolphoto:


This can be arranged. :coolphoto:

Yes! Please do! :pinkiehappy: :rainbowlaugh:

Rarity: So, this is how you want it? Hrmmm? Heeheehee. How is it? :heart:
Trend: ...?
Rarity: I'm doing what you said!
Trend: It's nice, but... you're not really doing anything? Are you?
Rarity: *storms off in a huff* :raritycry: :raritydespair:
Trend: Wait, come back! We can try again! :fluttercry:

2144396 Could you be a little more specific though. I'd like it to look right. :duck:

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