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More Flim Flam, because you're being productive and I'm not · 3:33am May 25th, 2014

Yup. I'm in one of those moods. Most notably, I decided to make a second post, after my beautiful first post was still brand new, just to irk everyone. I can't help it!

I went looking for the origins of this image, but DerpiBooru wasn't helpful. Sigh. If you ever find it, let me know! :fluttershysad:

Then I found a bunch of other pics that I decided to dump in here! Some of it I glanced over and didn't add earlier. Others I hadn't seen before. Warning: some of these are a bit more gratuitous or have foul language, for anyone who cares about that. :pinkiehappy:

So I said I had that head canon of them sharing a bed? Here you go. I mean, I don't know when I first saw this, it was awhile ago, but it's just not a hard one to come by. They seem inseparable and I can easily imagine them being cheapskates. Brothers in a hotel bed (although maybe they aren't technically homeless. Who knows? Cheese Sandwich will always claim title as Best Hobo.) Note: this one isn't meant to be naughty at all, but I have no problems with naughty thoughts. My personal theory is that they sleep back to back.

Oh crap. I accept both these head canons now. I... I seriously love them. You won't believe. But Derpberg... as a name for that poor, poor tree. I can't. :rainbowlaugh:

This is sort of close to the head canon I already had, although obviously it was made before Leap of Faith came out. Regardless, maybe they really were just doing cider before they went further down the slope? Who knows? Either way, it makes me think I'm on the right track! Also, cutest colt versions I've seen that seemed reasonably accurate. Everyone else makes them way too cutesy and/or normal as colts. I mean, it needs to be a cross between CheeseColt and Adult Flim and Flam, IMHO. This comes really close to that. :heart:

Shut up and take my money!

Speaking of which... No other source btw. Just derpibooru.

The other way it could have gone down. Zecora!

If you look at my user page, you've seen this one. If you haven't? Now you have! I can't help it. This is seriously one of my favorites. All of them look so adorable and I can't get over how funny Flam is. Flim's face is perfect and Aloe and Lotus are very cute. The colors shouldn't really work but somehow it kind of does anyway. I love the pattern on the couch too.

How can I say no to those eyes and those buttons? :heart: (Original source is a dead tumblr.)

The description speculates if Flim and Flam actually were related to the Apple Family. I've got to say that, as far as speculation goes, the brothers either do their research really well in each episode, or maybe this artist might be on to something. I think it's worth a story or two, at least! Additionally, my personal head canon is that Flim and Flam really do like kids. I mean, within reason. They're equal opportunity jerks, but at no point did they really target Apple Bloom specifically (more so the family), in either episode, so my theory is they usually steer clear of directly cheating foals or taking candy from babies. It isn't much, clearly they don't care about collateral damage, but they seem to have some limits. Not many, but some. :trollestia:

It's a weird free fall, but I like it. Flim and Flam kind of naturally work for really bouncy and fun poses, IMHO. This one could go further in the squash and stretch but it's really cute anyway.

With that said, I'll be honest. They're the only ones in this picture I really like. I mean, the art of. I like all of those characters. I like some of the other pictures in this series okay but only Flim and Flam seem to have good poses and seem spot on in this one. Don't know why, don't care. Sharing it anyway. Enjoy my indiscretion.

It's a silly joke, but I love their expressions. That is all.

Better joke and Flim is adorable. Flam is just priceless in the background.

Speaking of the background, obligatory party pony! Plus a hipster du jour! :pinkiehappy:

Still on that subject, I hope this one is okay. I think so, considering what the Sexy Assistant gets away with on dat user page. :raritywink: This kills me. Flam in the background corner is the absolute best part. Flim is clearly in day dream mode. Look at him! And Applejack, goodness. I love Flim's undies, btw. They're nonpareil. Even better, the tumblr description says it was gonna be a FlimFlamJack, but supposedly they ran out of time. I guess I'll accept that excuse. :rainbowlaugh:

Flam gets revenge?

And then they turned into Breezies! Oh the humanity! Or... equinity? Yes, that seems to be a word. You can't see their glorious wings unless you go to DA, though. So sad! Although judging from their expressions, I can't tell if they're singing about their wares in that thimble or they're distraught about this situation. Maybe both?

Obligatory party pony! I saw it and he had to be included. And there you go. I'm not adding in any more for now. :trollestia:

Report Yildun · 1,531 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

Poor Flam, idk why he doesn't get more ships. That mustache would be a bona fied chick magnet anywhere!

It really is sad. Maybe EGQ Flam can pick up the slack for pony Flam? :raritydespair:

2143045 I have a headcannon for EG Flam already. He's married to Cherry Jubilee (idk why, either of the brothers and her just makes for an awesome pairing.) Her and her side of the family still own a farm/orchard of some sort, but Flam lives in the more suburban areas with her so he can still work with Flim at their business. They have a son who wants to learn about the finer art of business, and Flam takes it apon himself to teach him the art of the sell by having him work at the emporium.

Either that or he has a nephew of a younger or older brother of the twins who's staying with them due to his father (being a very successful business man) being away on trips a lot.

Well, it's definitely cute, no matter the exact breakdown. I strongly approve! :heart:

2143142 I think having a father like Flam and an Uncle like Flim would make for quite the learning/living experience.

Flam is a decent father who's heart is in the right place when it comes to his family, but can get a bit carried away when it comes to money, business, or his brother's schemes. (Cherry keeps him in check though) idk why but the idea of Flam trying to be a role model, or trying to teach some pony something sounds like gold waiting to be dug up.

Flim I see as the bachelor of the two, always on the hunt for single ladies. While he helps run the emporium, he also comes up with "get rich quick" schemes on the side that almost never work.


I think having a father like Flam and an Uncle like Flim would make for quite the learning/living experience.

Most definitely! I love the idea of them absolutely not raising a foal/kid correctly (or having a hand in it anyway) and the humor that contains. They may or may not be doing it intentionally. Uncle Flim and father Flam is the way I'd go too. Not sure why, other than Flim so often seems to be the only one getting married and/or dated.

Flam is a decent father who's heart is in the right place when it comes to his family, but can get a bit carried away when it comes to money, business, or his brother's schemes. (Cherry keeps him in check though) idk why but the idea of Flam trying to be a role model, or trying to teach some pony something sounds like gold waiting to be dug up.

Yeah, they obviously really like each other. I think that's grounds enough for suggesting that family is important to them. Even if they screw up or don't take it quite seriously enough, I think they'd honestly try their best if either of them had a little descendant to watch over. I also approve Cherry as the downright sensible wife and plausibly more sensible business woman too (if she runs a ranch, she'd have to be.) Let's face it, if either of them got married, they'd have to find that kind of woman/mare or they'd be in some serious trouble once they tried settling down. They could marry an equally flighty and risky mate, but that won't be a stable home life by any means. :trollestia:

Flim I see as the bachelor of the two, always on the hunt for single ladies. While he helps run the emporium, he also comes up with "get rich quick" schemes on the side that almost never work.

I see Flam going along with him on these crazy rides because it's his brother, he doesn't want Flim to fail (but never manages to help enough), and he'd feel old otherwise. Flam would never give up the family but secretly envies Flim's bachelorhood. Flim can see the nuisance of extra responsibility, but secretly envies Flam's married life. :ajsmug:

Sneaky Edit: My Head Canon says they lie to the kid(s) about "true facts" just like Calvin's father, from Calvin & Hobbes. I couldn't resist that. :rainbowlaugh:

I have? I didn't think that was possible! :applejackconfused:

Maybe! I didn't draw any of them though. I just... made a collection out of them? I wish I drew like that. :derpytongue2:

the more Flim and Flam the better right?

Always. :heart:

Yay! I love inspiring people! :yay:

But surely you're awesome enough to shoot with one hand and wield art tools in the other? That's just something to consider. Maybe you can get Alicorn Ascension out of it. :raritywink:

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