• Member Since 5th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 9th, 2023


Discord Devotee, Princess Worshipper, Mane Six Enthusiast, and somehow Sombra's Submissive.


Rarity WTF Despair Emoticon paired with Flim Flam art · 7:55pm Jun 19th, 2014

(\:raritydespair:/) So simple it's brilliant?

[ color=#bbbbbb](\[/color ]:raritydespair:[ color=#bbbbbb]/)[/color ] Just remove the extra spaces. The face should translate into the text code when copied.

To keep this less empty, here's some more Flim and Flam pics. Warning: there are some spoilers further down! :derpytongue2:

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Report Yildun · 1,262 views ·

It's not my commission, but whoa! · 8:15pm May 27th, 2014

If you don't love the Justices Flim and Flam, then you have no soul. I'll still love you, but that's the honest truth being presented, just for your information. :raritywink: :heart:


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Trenderhoof on the Road · 5:21am May 25th, 2014

While I'm at it, I have a group for Trend. I would make more groups for other ponies that need one, but I figure that I shouldn't, at least until I finish a fanfic for him. For support.

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More Flim Flam, because you're being productive and I'm not · 3:33am May 25th, 2014

Yup. I'm in one of those moods. Most notably, I decided to make a second post, after my beautiful first post was still brand new, just to irk everyone. I can't help it!

I went looking for the origins of this image, but DerpiBooru wasn't helpful. Sigh. If you ever find it, let me know! :fluttershysad:

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Flim Flam Fanart Binge · 10:24pm May 24th, 2014

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My Favorite Ponies on the Sidelines · 7:16pm May 17th, 2014

I'm sure everyone was desperate to hear my thoughts on that subject. :twilightsheepish:

Y'all know I love Cheese Sandwich. If you don't, I haven't been talking to you enough. I'm going to talk about some of the other ponies that sometimes linger on my mind.

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This is some ranking system · 11:16pm May 14th, 2014

I found this on another blog, which was really old btw, and decided to try it out. I got some... interesting results to say the least. I'm not sure what this says about me, other than I'm terribly indecisive? :rainbowlaugh:

|Rank | Character|

1. Twilight Sparkle
1. Rainbow Dash
1. Fluttershy
1. Rarity
1. Applejack
1. Pinkie Pie
1. Spike
1. Princess Celestia
1. Princess Luna
1 . Princess Cadence

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This is one of those embarrassing things... · 9:39pm Apr 23rd, 2014

So I have a human OC. Her name is Louise Vasquez and after about a year in Appleloosa, she moves in with Braeburn. She originally had a sheep ranch (with one goat) because when she first arrived, she was declared an endangered species by Princess Twilight Sparkle and they gave her a recently foreclosed property, that still had the flock living on it, as a government sanctuary. She did okay, in spite of her initial attempt to lead the sheep by threatening to eat them if they misbehaved. The

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New Episode Spoiler Alert: Trade Ya · 3:38pm Apr 19th, 2014

I don't normally make blog posts about the new episodes, but... Oh man. Tons of Spoilers! You have been warned, even if they won't make much sense without seeing it first.

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Creating Effective Description · 1:26am Mar 27th, 2014

Viking ZX has some amazing blog posts about the finer points of writing. This essay, for lack of a better term, might not be that profound, but it is the long and ponderous results of me working a mildly tedious job and hanging around a few of the writing groups, before the thread notifications became an endangered species.

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