• Member Since 5th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 9th, 2023


Discord Devotee, Princess Worshipper, Mane Six Enthusiast, and somehow Sombra's Submissive.

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This is some ranking system · 11:16pm May 14th, 2014

I found this on another blog, which was really old btw, and decided to try it out. I got some... interesting results to say the least. I'm not sure what this says about me, other than I'm terribly indecisive? :rainbowlaugh:

|Rank | Character|

1. Twilight Sparkle
1. Rainbow Dash
1. Fluttershy
1. Rarity
1. Applejack
1. Pinkie Pie
1. Spike
1. Princess Celestia
1. Princess Luna
1 . Princess Cadence
1. Queen Chrysalis
1. Discord
1. Shining Armor
1. Sweetie Belle
1. Apple Bloom
1. Scootaloo
1. Cheerilee
1. Granny Smith
1. Flim
1. Flam
1. Iron Will
1. Zecora
1. Soarin'
1. Spitfire
1. Braeburn
1. Babs Seed
1. Trixie
1. Snowflake / Horsepower [Bulk Biceps, presumably]
1. Hoity Toity
1. Fancy Pants
1. Fleur de Lys
1. Prince Blueblood
33. Big Macintosh
33. Diamond Tiara
33. Silver Spoon
33. Pipsqueak
37. Nightmare Moon
37. Derpy
37. Rose Luck
37. Colgate
37. Dr. Whooves
37. Octavia
37. Berry Punch
37. Vinyl Scratch
37. Carrot Top
37. Caramel
37. King Sombra
37. Cloud Chaser
37. Flitter
37. Gilda
37. Lightning Dust
37. Photo Finish
53. Twist
54. Lyra
54. Bon Bon

I suppose at some point I'll have to discuss some characters in-depth and why I like them, maybe. :derpytongue2:

Report Yildun · 403 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

How did you even get so many to be number 1? :rainbowhuh: :applejackconfused:

Yeah but Gilda is also 37 with a bunch of others... somehow. Haha. She should actually be higher than Pipsqueak, quite honestly. I think she has a lot more potential than him. This thing... I broke it somehow. :rainbowkiss:

I picked "I like them both" a lot of times! Which was true. It kept putting a lot of ponies together where I just didn't really choose one over the other (either they ranked the same or it was a tough choice.) I think it gave up eventually. :rainbowlaugh:


1 Twilight Sparkle
2 Rainbow Dash
2 Fluttershy
2 Rarity
2 Applejack
2 Pinkie Pie
2 Princess Celestia
2 Cheerilee
2 Lyra
2 Octavia
2 Trixie
2 Fleur de Lys
13 Princess Luna
13 Princess Cadence
13 Shining Armor
13 Sweetie Belle
13 Apple Bloom
13 Scootaloo
13 Derpy
13 Berry Punch
13 Cloud Chaser
13 Flitter
23 Rose Luck
23 Carrot Top
23 Spitfire
26 Braeburn
27 Spike
27 Big Macintosh
27 Bon Bon
30 Snowflake / Horsepower
30 Lightning Dust
30 Photo Finish
30 Hoity Toity
34 Discord
34 Nightmare Moon
36 Queen Chrysalis
36 Granny Smith
36 Diamond Tiara
36 Iron Will
36 Colgate
36 Zecora
36 Soarin'
36 Babs Seed
44 Silver Spoon
45 King Sombra
45 Gilda
47 Vinyl Scratch
47 Caramel
49 Dr. Whooves
50 Flim
50 Flam
50 Pipsqueak
50 Twist
50 Fancy Pants
50 Prince Blueblood

That is one interesting sorter. :moustache:

1 Rarity
2 Discord
3 Queen Chrysalis
4 Gilda
5 Trixie
5 King Sombra
7 Lightning Dust
8 Spitfire
9 Twilight Sparkle
10 Spike
10 Princess Luna
12 Fleur de Lys
13 Lyra
14 Fluttershy
15 Apple Bloom
15 Babs Seed
17 Derpy
18 Applejack
19 Zecora
20 Scootaloo
21 Princess Celestia
22 Nightmare Moon
22 Shining Armor
24 Octavia
25 Vinyl Scratch
26 Sweetie Belle
26 Dr. Whooves
26 Cloud Chaser
26 Flitter
26 Twist
26 Snowflake / Horsepower
26 Photo Finish
26 Hoity Toity
26 Fancy Pants
26 Prince Blueblood
36 Colgate
37 Princess Cadence
38 Rainbow Dash
38 Cheerilee
38 Flim
38 Flam
42 Big Macintosh
43 Pinkie Pie
44 Granny Smith
44 Bon Bon
44 Rose Luck
44 Berry Punch
44 Soarin'
49 Braeburn
49 Caramel
51 Diamond Tiara
51 Silver Spoon
51 Pipsqueak
51 Iron Will
51 Carrot Top

I had to dig through my blogs to find this from a long time ago. May 20th 2013 6: 52 am to be exact.

Rank Character
1 Rarity
1 Pinkie Pie
1 Princess Cadence
1 King Sombra
5 Berry Punch
5 Zecora
5 Snowflake / Horsepower
5 Photo Finish
9 Fluttershy
9 Spike
9 Discord
9 Shining Armor
9 Pipsqueak
14 Colgate
14 Babs Seed
16 Braeburn
16 Twist
16 Gilda
16 Hoity Toity
20 Prince Blueblood
21 Fancy Pants
21 Fleur de Lys
23 Caramel
24 Carrot Top
25 Spitfire
26 Soarin'
27 Octavia
27 Vinyl Scratch
29 Twilight Sparkle
29 Rainbow Dash
29 Applejack
29 Queen Chrysalis
29 Sweetie Belle
29 Apple Bloom
29 Cheerilee
29 Big Macintosh
29 Silver Spoon
38 Princess Luna
38 Scootaloo
38 Iron Will
41 Granny Smith
42 Princess Celestia
42 Lyra
42 Bon Bon
45 Nightmare Moon
46 Dr. Whooves
46 Trixie
48 Rose Luck
48 Cloud Chaser
48 Flitter
51 Derpy
52 Flim
52 Flam
52 Diamond Tiara
55 Lightning Dust

2112646 Ah, I see. :pinkiehappy: Maybe I'll have to try it one day. :yay:

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