• Member Since 5th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 9th, 2023


Discord Devotee, Princess Worshipper, Mane Six Enthusiast, and somehow Sombra's Submissive.


Why I Love Earth Ponies: Probably Obvious but I Love to Ramble... · 8:55pm Mar 26th, 2014

(I have no idea why some of you follow me, but I enjoy rambling about things that don't matter in the slightest now and then. It's my birthday and I'm not at work, so I'm going to sling some useless words around and make myself appropriately pompous.) :ajsmug:

Anyway, I've always loved Unicorns, Pegasi, and Alicorns. They have such pizzazz.

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Let's Talk About Cheese Sandwich: This is Why He Rocks My Socks! · 8:48pm Mar 6th, 2014

(Sorry, Ponyess. I know I already bored you to death with this once. You can ignore it. Also, sorry for walls of text, Sexy Assistant. You can blame Scoots2 for inspiring me to get off my butt and write a whole blog post.) :raritywink:

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Let's Talk About Pinkie Pie: I'm Feeling Contemplative · 8:41pm Jan 11th, 2014

Pinkie Pie is one of those characters that is hard to agree on. I've come across some very different opinions on her, which surprised me, because I just never realized this before. Part of this involves her comedic and somewhat arbitrary nature. And I confess that I probably have trouble recognizing her flanderization, other than when she's only there for the pure purpose of humor and nothing else.

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WIP: I swear these exist in some form or another · 9:42pm Dec 12th, 2013

I don't know. I just felt like putting this out there. I hope this doesn't count as NSFW. I don't think I mentioned anything truly explicit. :rainbowhuh:

WIP in Editing/Revision Mode:

Rising Spirits
Discord wants to spend some time with Fluttershy, during the month of Hearth's Warming Eve, but he can't seem to get it right. Over the course of a very busy day, Princess Cadance finally helps him understand his feelings.

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Too Much Sanity is Scary · 5:30am Nov 25th, 2013

Sometimes it really bothers me when Discord gets called insane.

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Too many Pegasi, not Enough Unicorns · 1:09am Nov 16th, 2013

Note: I'm gonna clean this up and expand it at some point. I created most of these characters at random, which is why they seem to have no purpose. Most characters I create are as background for a particular story, but many of these were done just to see if I could do it, since I've never viewed myself as being good at OC creation (at least protagonist level OC creation. I've tried and failed many times to do that in the past, in other fandoms, but at the moment I am using Viking ZX's

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Report Yildun · 325 views ·