• Member Since 8th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen January 12th


More Blog Posts13

  • 299 weeks

    Thank you to those who have been interested in my story about Eribia, I am loathe to say that I haven't had any inspiration for her in a while... it's actually something that has been in my mind for some time now and I wish to announce that I am planning a bit of a rewrite for the story, perhaps the whole thing... perhaps not... likely the whole thing since I want to start fresh without any extra

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  • 440 weeks
    Interesting story idea... hopefully.

    I recently acquired a copy of Warhammer 40,000 Dark Heresy; Second Edition and an idea came to me based on a story I saw on the site where the girls got together with Spike to play some Oubliettes and Ogres.

    But with this I'd like to set it up where the girls are reacting to a modified, or possibly are in an AU, version of WH40k.

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  • 448 weeks
    Power Lotto Displaced

    So I've been taking a look at the Power Lotto group... and I like it so far, I'm going to use this blog as kind of an idea ground for whatever power lotto stuff I rolled up, it's likely the characters will start in tier 1 and just use the Mutants and Masterminds mechanics to increase in power

    -Tier 2
    -- Roll 3 powers, may re-roll one power

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  • 462 weeks
    W00t W00t!

    OH MY GOD, BECKY, Look at them dislikes!

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  • 500 weeks
    The reason why Angels of the Empresses hasn't updated for a bit.

    I'm still looking for stories in the LoHAH universe that could handle a psyker getting thrown at them, with the inclusion of blood-seeking demons. If anyone who follows my story has a good idea as to who would be able to, please, let me know so that I can look into the story and hopefully find someone who can get the Marines jump-started into the LoHAH/V-verse.

    11 comments · 401 views

Current Marines · 3:52am May 21st, 2014

Brother Astelan (Kris)- Tactical marine and Chapter master of the Lunar Templars
Brother Magron (Nick)- Apothecary and Chapter master of the Solaris Knights
Brother Elyas (Brandon)- Master of the Forge for the Lunar Templars
Brother Cadmus (Geoffy)-Devastator of the Solaris Knights Sunflare company.
Brother Alhardir - Reclusiarch of the Lunar Templars, Wraith company, assault specialist
Brother Navarre - Assault marine of the Lunar Templars Wraith company, first squad
Brother Khordel - Assault marine of the Lunar Templars Wraith Company, first squad
Brother Ticondrius (Jack)- Assault marine of the Lunar Templars Wraith Company, second squad
Brother Hakkon - Assault marine of the Lunar Templars Wraith Company, second squad
Brother Balmung - Assault marine of the Lunar Templars Wraith Company, second squad

So far there are two companies per chapter, the first company is reserved for the brothers who fight to earn the title of Terminator, those companies shall be known simply as the Liberator companies. Wraith company of the Lunar Templars are a combination of assault marines and assassins, designed not quite for stealth but blitzkrieg tactics focused on important targets.

Watch the blog often! For it shall be updated to aid my awesome readers in knowing where their submitted marines are when they get introduced.

Report ZephyrStrife · 555 views · Story: Angels of The Empresses ·
Comments ( 31 )

You were right, I do like this.
also I realized that of Luna and The spacemarine get married, Alhardir will perform the ceremony!

Also.....Alhardir is norse for..........VIOLENT!!!!!!

2148646 For being the first chaplain, you get the privilege of being the first Reclusiarch :moustache:


Fuck yeah

this is AWEOSME Ticondrius is my favorite marine in this story... just saying

2174171 How'd you like the end of the chapter?

2174177 let me say it like this, i can't wait until the next chapter comes out


They are called, Lukas and markais.

Lukas is a devastator marine with a snarky personality, who favors hanging back and providing fire support.

Markais is s tactical marine who is cold to those he is not very close with, but very warm and comical to those he is.

He favors taking up defensive positions and night fighting.

If possible can you make them apart of Alhardir's flock.

Oh and I know it is not my place to say, but can you do a chapter on just the other marines, like how they socialize,  make a scene where Alhardir goes on a date, or talks to the populace,  and his marines.
Just asking, not telling you.

Please don't get mad.

2420015 While I cannot guarantee them being part of a specific squad, I will definitely try to get them screen time.



Thanks bro

alright here is the character

name: lucan

marine type: venerable dreadnought (he also has that ancient defender thing)

physical looks:... he is a dreadnought. is this really needed?

chapter: the ALFA LEGION yeah you heard me. i mentioned the fan chapter group chapter of absolute craziness where everyone is bald.

story chapter: solaris knights (they should stock up on beer while they have the chance)

weapons: both his arms are melee weapons but the right one has a heavy flamer attached.

and that should do it... oh and i was wondering if Ticondrius could become chapter master for a later chapter? maybe he can become chapter master of a successor chapter to the lunar templars:pinkiehappy:

2474463 Since the dreadnoughts are a kind of new thing in the story he might not have the ancient defender yet, although I can certainly get him one in the second or third arc of the story

2474469 fine with me. aslong as he get's to be a venerable. and as i said the solaris knights should stock up on alcohol because anyone form the alfa legion is going to empty any regular inn of all their alcohol very quickly... there is a reaosn why their (ours. yes i'm a member of the alfa legion) battle barge is called "the mighty battle pub"

2474473 While I cannot guarantee a 100% translation into my story, I'll certainly try to get as close as possible, since alcohol and prayer don't mix well on the battlefield and the marines themselves have an image to uphold while in public. That and it's really hard for a dreadnought to actually drink anything.

2474475 meh he is an alfa legionaire. he'll find a way. and ofcourse he will uphold their image in public but when not in public he'll be drinking. a lot. mostlikely alongside Ticondrius considering Ticondrius is a space wolf and they LOVE alcohol. it's actually thanks to the soace wolves that thew alfa legion has such a love for alcohol

are you still doing the submit a space marine thing or am i too late?

2785870 Story's still going so if you would like to submit, go right ahead

Ok,well then here is my submission.

Character Name-Tenebras (It is Latin for Darkness)

Marine type- Librarian

Psychic Discipline- Daemonology (Here is a link so you can see what daemonology is-http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Daemonology)

Physical look-wears Mk VIII Errant artificer armor with a hood over the Helmet (doesn't wear a psychic hood)

Chapter-Dark Angels

Main Weapon-Power Sword with a Bolter Pistol

Story Chapter(if possible)-Lunar Templars

Personality-Easygoing towards his battle-brothers and zealous during combat. He has a very strong will and will not turn to chaos easily.

also if you dont mind i am submitting a character for my brother who doest have an account

character name- Decem (it means ten in Latin)

Marine type- Terminator Chaplain

chapter- Black Templar's

physical look- http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/5/54/Black_templar_chaplain.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120604212123(link to a picture)

Main weapon- Crozius Arcanum

offhand weapon- bolter pistol

personality- enjoys talking to his battle-brothers and giving sermons to the chapter and Black Templar zealous on the battlefield

2786936 Excellent, both fine choices, the question I have is for the Black Templar character though, is he going to join the Solaris Knights? Or the Lunar Templars?

The Black Templar will join the Solaris Knights.

hey i have a friend who calls himself chaplain dreadnought red (he is a chaplain. and then he is that dude who was too stubborn to die) maybe i should show him this

2788762 Absolutely, I could have him join in a little later in the story

May i ask when we can expect the release of the next chapter?

2789927 With the way my work schedule is, it probably won't quite be soon but I'm definitely working on it

2786936 I'll have to re-read my Deathwatch core rulebook for what sorts of psionic abilities are available, although the link you have there is showing a page that the wiki is showing doesn't exist... as if the Ecclesiarchy wiped it from the records...

2786936 It's also your lucky day, you have the opportunity to choose whether your marine is a Unicorn or not for I am experimenting with psionic powers now

2791929 go onto the lexicanum and type daemonology into the search bar, i did this and the page pulled up. I will be a unicorn.

2792403 With the powers that are there, I would definitely have him look into another form of power that he could've studied first and worked with before starting the warp stuff, just in case I do make it so the 'magic' that Equestria gets isn't connected to the warp

It's a bit of a fall-back option, but they could work.

2792479 Ok, then he first studied the telekinesis discipline.

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