• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen February 24th

Razalon The Lizardman

More Blog Posts219

  • 20 weeks
    Original Displaced story is available

    I'm back for the second, most likely actual final time. I have no idea what the state of the site is or how many of the people following me are still on the site. I even have no idea what the state of the MLP intellectual property is, how Gen 5 turned out, etc. I'm here to signal boost my third book, which, as the blog title says, is based on the Displaced subgenre here on Fimfiction, but minus

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    2 comments · 94 views
  • 81 weeks
    My first original book has been published!

    Hello everyone!

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  • 188 weeks
    My final farewell

    All of you who regularly read my blogs knew this was coming, but I'll state it again for those of you who don't. I'm leaving the site. Now that my latest story is completed, I'm officially tapped out of horsewords. Not only that, but my passion for FiM is pretty much dried up, so I don't have any real reason to keep hanging around here. Yet, at least, but I'll get back to that down below. I'll

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  • 192 weeks
    One step closer to Goku...

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  • 201 weeks
    Leaving the site

    I know I don't often give updates like this in my blogs, but as you can see, this is too significant not to share with all of you. I'm of the opinion that having a following of people, no matter its size, requires you to keep them informed when you make big decisions like this.

    Indeed, this lizardman will be leaving Fimfiction.

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    11 comments · 519 views

If you've got character requests for Singularity . . . · 4:37am Apr 18th, 2014

. . . I want you to list them all in the comments below.

Now you may be asking yourself, "Wait, is he really going to add them in if I list them here?" Well, let's just say I've got something big in store for the story. And when I say 'big' I mean 'sweet nameless creator above this is going to be too much for me to handle on my own'. That should give you a clue on what's forthcoming, but for now just know that Singularity is going to go through some changes in the future; whether that's the near or far future is hard to say at this point in time, so I want to be prepared for it well in advance. And that's why I'm asking for the names of any and every character you want to see in the story.

This isn't even limited to just characters, actually. If there's a certain aspect from a franchise you want to see in the story, like say the Fire Flower from Super Mario Bros, feel free to add that to the list. The same holds true for locations, like Wily's Castle from Rock Man/Mega Man. I'm just giving random examples off the top of my head, but if you want those two specific things in the story yourself then go ahead and list them.

Before you go about listing your requests, however, take these points into consideration.

1. Just because someone might've already listed a request of yours doesn't mean you shouldn't list it as well. After all, the more popular something is the more likely it is to be represented; i.e. Super Smash Bros fighters.

2. Try to be as diverse as possible with your selections. For example, it'd be redundant to ask for a soldier from both Battlefield and Call of Duty, or all the different versions of the Power Rangers that have appeared over the years. Again, these are just random examples off the top of my head.

3. This kind of ties into the above point, but it's an issue I've noticed a lot with all the character requests that have already been made in the story's comments section so I feel it deserves special attention. Try to go easy on the human character requests. After all, the multiverse harbors everything that can be imagined, so it'd be a huge waste to stick entirely with only one species when there's infinite others to choose from. I know this is kind of hypocritical of me to say, what with the story already having half of its cast being made up of humans, but that doesn't mean any of you should follow the same lead. I want to see all the diversity that can arise from having multiple people participate in something, so please show me up in this regard.

4. Try not to make your lists TL;DR-like.

Edit: 5. Please list both the character's full name and franchise, otherwise the request will be ignored.

Well, that's all I have to say for this. Have fun making your demands! :D

~The lizardman hopes this blog post itself isn't TL;DR-like

Report Razalon The Lizardman · 338 views · Story: Singularity ·
Comments ( 18 )

Hm, who to pick? Out of the entire mutliverse, what character would I pike to se-


I-If that's okay with you, I mean. :fluttershysad:

An intelligent Flood combat form.

Do it, other wise I will send the Terminator after you.

Clementine, from the Walking Dead video games. Because she's adorable and fucking awesome.

The fact that she'd be coming directly out of a survival scenario could be interesting to. Sure, most or all of the current characters have been in life or death situations before, and maybe even frequently, but unless I've missed something none of them were fighting for their lives right before getting sucked out of reality.

Also, you know, zombies. Seems appropriate.

Don't know her last name. Don't think she ever said.

2020576 Flood?

~The lizardman is unaware of what series this 'Flood' is from

2020613 uh...it's from Halo. If you're still having problems, Google Flood combat form. Then prepare another thing of underwear.

Hmm im going to be atypical of myself and not pick from my usual deck of badasses that I admire and instead go for characters that were great but underrated.

Amelia from Treasure planet.


And Stith from Titan A.E.


:heart: Im as infatuated with her as I am with Gilda.

Also the Dredge wouldn't be a bad challenge either. Monsters made of pure energy.


Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghosbusters. Not really a fleshed out character, but gigantic marshmallow men are required or any multiverse crossover fanfiction.

I ask for Alyx Vance (and her Dog if you think she needs some strength).


I second the suggestion of The Dredge being in this.

2020694 And what series are these 'Dredge' from?

~The lizardman needs clarification

2020724 Their actually from an old movie called Titan. A.E. Same movie Stith is from.

Titan A.E.

A sadly underrated movie that had potential and might have been great if it had more time and money.

2020742 According to that link they're spelled 'Drej', not 'Dredge'. :derpytongue2:

~The lizardman doesn't hold it against you, however :twilightsmile:

2020746 Ive seen it spelled both ways by fans though. But it doesn't matter. You're the writer and you can pick how you spell it.

for humans use either Sir Robin(holy grail) or Samurai Jack for non humans use Yoda, Razalon , a daedra (preferably Sheogorath) , master Splinter from TMNT:pinkiehappy:

Jack Harkness from Doctor Who might make things interesting...

How about one of the most badass characters out there?
Hint: His first name is Avery.
Do you mean Sergea-
*knocks out Pinkie with a baseball bat*
I'm probably dead when she wakes up.

2021369 Please specify, otherwise no dice.

~The lizardman needs to clarify his blog post

My apologies. Sergeant Avery J. Johnson from Halo. Maybe Burt Gummer.(You know who I'm talking about.)

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