• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 7th, 2017


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  • 586 weeks
    Tomorrow, I will have been here for a year.

    Meh. No big deal.

    Looking forward to new things and backwards at all my other... things... and hoping to improve. It's been a good year. Hopefully there will be another good one.

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  • 588 weeks
    I regret nothing

    Getting back into the swing of things.

    Don't hate me too much, there's bigger, better things in store.

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  • 588 weeks

    I feel so loved. But seriously this is a great milestone, and we should celebrate it together. So here's to you guys:

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  • 592 weeks
    Trying New Things

    So I'm going to be stepping out of my comfort zone with my next story. I want to try new things, write a different kind of story. I apologize in advanced if you hate the story and want me to go back to my old writing style, but I've been formulating this story for months and have decided I just want to get it out there.

    It breaks out of my comfort zone in three ways:

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    The Jig is Up

    I can't hide it any longer. Its a secret that I have been keeping inside me for too long.

    *deep breath*




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Okay Let's Clear This Up · 2:45am May 16th, 2012

Clearly I've offended some people with my latest and what is probably going to be my most-disliked fic, so I'm just going to state what I think and be done with it.

Seriously, first off everything written in that fic is a joke, and meant to be taken as a joke. If anything, I was hoping that shippers would take the joke and laugh at it, realizing that it's only a joke and completely exaggerates everything. That being said:

I believe that every ship is possible if the author is able to find ways to connect the two characters being shipped.

So to answer any questions you may have, I am not anti-shipping. I am simply a satirical being who enjoys poking fun at something that is popular. Shipping is all about finding the things that bring two ponies into a relationship. That fic is all about finding the things that could be seen as the opposite.

If you didn't like the fic, you didn't like it and there's nothing I can do to change that. If you simply didn't like the way I portrayed your favorite shipping couple, do you honestly think that because I said something in my fic it automatically means I'm attacking the ship as impossible? No! This is fanfiction, where I'm allowed to express my ideas on why two ponies SHOULDN'T be together in a comical fashion and why you're allowed to express your ideas on why two ponies SHOULD be together. And neither of us is right, and neither of us can create an argument that would make us right.

No I am not mocking anybody. No I am not attacking anybody. No am I trying to offend or disprove anybody.

So I really want people to stop complaining about the whole "I'm attacking shipping" thing. No. It's like a roast, I want you to laugh with me. And if you don't laugh with me that's fine, I don't expect everybody to laugh or even smile. I didn't go into detail and explore the realm of shipping in the fic for a reason. Because I'd be spending way to much time on it, and it would probably be more offensive to you if I wrote 4000 word chapters that detailed the exact reasons why certain ships "can't happen".

Now stop with this madness.

Report TheOnly · 427 views ·
Comments ( 31 )

Wait, were people legitimately getting mad about that fic? Well, that seems a little silly. I mean, I'm not for or against shipping one way, so maybe I'm just viewing this on an outside perspective, but I don't really see how something like that could offend someone. Just seems like a simple laugh story to me.

I greatly enjoyed your little tale. I suppose writers tend to be a jittery bunch, and we don't enjoy it when people begin stepping on our toes and punching holes in our headcanon. It's to be expected. But then again, I'm not a shipper, so I can't begin to comprehend the mouth-frothing and gnashing of teeth.


I thought it was funny.
Well i guess that
(puts on sunglasses)
Ship has sailed.

I liked it
I'm not offended
Sometimes i think people don't like certain ships cause they don't go their way

Some people... Were offended? Seriously?

Gah, people need to learn to take a joke.

You know I think that people like the fic since it is in the feature box

I've already commented about this on another authors' blog but my only problem with satires and parodies is when they are used to deliberately attack someone's hard work in a malicious and mean spirited way. I found nothing in your story that was patently offensive to anyone in particular. Nobody specific was named nor was there anything that seemed like a deliberate call out to anybody in particular. Not sure why this is such a big deal. I thought the point of the whole community was Love and Tolerance.

I can't believe you have to go out of your way to explain that it was a joke. Some people here just can't take it, I guess.

117962 Ask device heretic about that. He took that fic as an attack, and so did some others in his blog. He then deleted it, as per usual for him.

Almost all of them were valid and true anyway.

Madness? THIS... IS... EQUESTRIA!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage:

117978 I don't know how it ended up there but :facehoof:

118002 TheOnly didn't use the word "satire" once. What's your point?

117998 I wouldn't worry about it. It was mainly that one guy and his fans. Some people take shipping WAY to serious. You should of seen Ponibooru during that Big Mac and Cheerily episode. Man, I didn't know grown men could cry so hard until that day.

Edit: Oh, look, device posted, then deleted it. Again.

118018 I respect his opinion, I just wished he didn't delete everything he posted. It's actually helpful to me to see what other people say.

Oh well, it's not like a spent a great deal of time researching shipping for that fic anyway, nor spent a great deal of time writing it so I expected the criticisms.

118054 So much clapping pony. :raritystarry:

Wow, it's almost like I'm trying to be polite and minimize the havoc I'm creating for other people.

I am sick to death of you just pissing up and down everything I say and do as if you have some right to judge me. You don't even read or think about what I say, you just immediately knee-jerk to it, and then complain when I get frustrated with how impossible it is to talk to you, especially since you always turn around and pretend to be some victimized intellectual instead of a petulant child. If I never have to deal with you again, it'll be too damn soon.


I have no opinion to respect. Ignore the whole thing, if you please.

You are perpetuating the problem by telling people to go heckle Device about it. I didn't see the second one, but he specifically said in the first one that he was only making the blog post because people kept messaging him about it. I'm not taking his side, because I liked the story, but I'm certainly not taking your side either. The fact that there are sides at all is frankly ridiculous. I suggest EVERYBODY just drop it, on both ridiculous sides, and pretend none of this ever happened.

Seriously, don't even reply to my comment. Just let it go. Take a page from 118054 and post a happy pony, you'll feel better in the morning, I promise.


shipping is silly. Even the extraordinarily well written, heart-string tugging, serious that makes you take it seriously shipping. Shipping is taking a step away from canon into "yes but what if" territory, and there needs to be a little bit of suspension of disbelief to make the story fly well. It doesn't mean that the idea you had for your Pinkie x Dash story is bad! It just mean that in Canon Dash is a whole heck of a lot straighter than most fans give her credit. A good author can still pull off gayest Dash off flawlessly.

So, authors, please don't get bent out of shape when someone doesn't agree with your beautiful headfanon.

That really bugs me. There's nothing more annoying than seeing that you've got five unread notifications, only to discover that four of them are DH having another drama fit.

Taking sides? What? I'm not telling people to do anything. There's no way around it, device took a parody as an attack, then deleted the comment. But here's a gif anyway:


I thought the chapters were wonderfully funny.:derpytongue2:

I'm fairly sure I took an attack as an attack, and then when I tried to explain how it was an attack rather than a joke, a couple dozen assholes like you crawled up my ass about it with your whining.

This is the last time I will say this to you. If I'm directed to you shit-talking about me again, I'll PM a mod. I've had enough problems with being harassed on this site that I'm not shy about it anymore.

I think it's more of a people who post stuff on this site might be a bit... sensitive about what they put up, I put up mine and nearly had a heart attack when I clicked publish. I expected a lot of negative comments what with not using any of the mane cast and while my fic hardly got noticed it didn't recieve any negative attention. Still, it's a scary thing putting yourself out there for the world to see, and it's easy to feel like you are being attacked when someone makes fun of that.

I think cooler heads are needed for most of this, as I said on their blog, I read some of yours, and didn't really care for it, but that's me, all I saw was at best a mean spirited joke.

~shrugs~ just my two cents, which aint worth nothin' :ajbemused:

PS, this is in no way an attack, I don't think I have the right. I'd prefer if people could just not be like this to one another.

And this is why "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" is the best shipfic ever. Because the entire thing is about 2 ponies who like each other but are too socially inept to ever be together and the 4 friends who manipulate the hell out of their date to "make the ship work".
It's basically a shipfic about friends shipping willing friends and failing miserably.

Wait, some people didn't like it? Why not? It's funny!:pinkiehappy: And obviously a joke. You don't always hate the things that you make jokes about at their expense. And I found it funny, and I thank you for writing it.

Hmm, Only I'm sorry people are taking ur satireshipping, badly. I enjoyed it, I thought it was well thought out and pointed out flaws that will occur in any ship. BECAUSE NO SHIP IS CANON AS OF SEASON 2 ENDING BESIDE ShiningArmor/Cadence. Either way I hope you won't let it, or the drama brought on by a select few stop you from writing more. :twilightsmile::raritywink::rainbowkiss:

Really people hated it? :facehoof: I thought it was hilarious even when you got to some of my favorite ships! Of course, there I have already found ways around that in my head cannon, but the Fluttermac was so true! Not to mention the Everydash!

I for one loved it. It was funny and was probably true to what would happen. Sure it wasn't a masterpiece, but it was good. :eeyup:

People who get their jimmies rustled over someone satirizing their adored target are more than little cuckoo about shipping.

So what if ships like pornostache Spike x Zecora, are satirized? You're fine with .MOV series, you're fine with this, come on.

All this flak is for nothing.

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