• Member Since 15th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2021

The Sentient Cloud

I'm The Sentient Cloud, a now-retired fanfiction writer from New Zealand. If you're looking at this, then you've probably already found your way to either "The Piano Man" or "Those Who Came Before".

More Blog Posts41

  • 541 weeks
    All Clouds Dissipate (Retirement)

    Catchy title, right? Right. Moving on:

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    18 comments · 1,600 views
  • 572 weeks
    Checking In

    Some of you may have noticed a large lack of... well, anything, recently.

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    4 comments · 819 views
  • 583 weeks
    Updates on /everything/

    Okay, so as a little note: I am still around, and I am still working on the final Piano Man Chapter.
    But, that brings me to an interesting point, that being; I'm not entirely sure I'll keep writing for FIMFiction once it's over. I'm not saying I won't, but it's a possibility.

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  • 588 weeks
    Hard at Work

    I know I've been very quiet update-wise as of late, so I feel it's best that I put up a quick blog post.

    As per normal, Those Who Came Before is still on hiatus until I've put out these last two Piano Man chapters. I just felt I should reaffirm that. The first of the two-part epilogue for The Piano Man: Act II is close to completion too. I apologize for the long wait.

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  • 594 weeks
    Google "The Piano Man"

    Every now and then, I Google my stories, just to see how far down the list they pop up. Obviously, The Piano Man has never been high on the search results unless you include 'FIMfiction' in the search bar.


    Seriously. What.

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    17 comments · 1,020 views

Google "The Piano Man" · 10:30am Mar 2nd, 2013

Every now and then, I Google my stories, just to see how far down the list they pop up. Obviously, The Piano Man has never been high on the search results unless you include 'FIMfiction' in the search bar.


Seriously. What.

How the hell did this happen? When did my story start competing with the song it's named for on Google? How is that even possible?!
Of course, that's only on Google.co.nz, which can theoretically only have four million users at any one time (And that's pretending every person in New Zealand is old enough and properly situated to access the internet). Surely my story doesn't rate as high on the American Google results.

Anyway, I'm making good progress with the next Piano Man chapter. I predict that a new development in it will either be a big hit, or a total miss. Obviously, I hope it's the former.

Report The Sentient Cloud · 1,020 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

On google.com.au, it's not even on the first page. No way it'll show up as high on American Google.

880376 Agh.
Oh well. Pretty much what I expected. It's just a fanfiction story anyway.

Just making sure your ego doesn't inflate as bad as Rainbow's.

On my Australian Google, it was fifth.

4th page on French Google :)
But you are behind Sins of the Panio Man on fanfiction which is on the 3rd page :D

That's quite good!:twilightsmile:

Doesn't Google put nanomachines in your brain stem in order to log your browsing habits?

Shows up on the third page here. Pretty darned good for a generic phrase, but shows up on the first page if I search on 'the piano man story' and even beats out a couple books.

FimFiction seems to show up *way* high in my Google searches, "Pinkie Watches Paint Drying" is about 4th with the search term 'paint drying', and if I put in 'tutor and the librarian' (well, for me at least) the whole search page is mine, all mine! Muh ha ha ha ha! (cough) Excuse me.

For the most accurate results, make sure you're browsing with cleared cookies, or using chrome's incognito mode or the like. Otherwise I think they can associate your search session with previous pony-related searches, which might affect the rankings.

Well on Canada's google, even in incognito I get a text that says did you mean Piano man Fimfiction? So thats something.

On google.com (US verison), the Piano Man (the first one) is the first result on page 3. Didn't even see Act II. However, one of the "related searches" is "The Piano Man fimfiction", so you got that going for you.

act one is first page for australia. so there you go

Searching it, it doesn't come up, but "piano man fimfiction" comes up in the related searches...

The original story showed up on page 4 at the bottom for me. I'd say that's pretty good.


It was at the bottom of page 4 for me/

A little late for the party, but whatevs.
Hurm, link found on page 11 with Google Philippines.
So many song links. :pinkiecrazy:

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