I really shouldn't be writing without thinking. · 1:36am Feb 16th, 2013
Me: So, what have you been up to? Want epic hugz?
Friend: No.
Ponies tommorow. Princess Twilight will make it better...
Me: Apparently they're making it permabutt.
Like, she'll always have the wings continuing into Season 4.
Man, Rarity will be ecstatic. She's friends with royalty, personally makes her dresses, probably taught her how to kiss...
Friend: You're shipping again...
Me: I bet she did! She was probably: "lol twi u evn no hw 2 kss?" And Twilight was like: "WHAT NO I NEVER DID MAYBE YOU SHOULD TEACH ME" and Rare was like: "ok prs ur lps n tnk of AJ i men ur bro" and Twi was like: "RARITY WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING NASTY JUST BECAUSE WE DID THAT ONE THING DOESN'T MEAN WE KISS" and Rarity was like "w/e js kss me AJ I men twi" and then Rainbow Dash was like: "Wot wot wot? My dear aquintences, what experience are you hoping to gain? Mine goodness, such lewd display! My faint heart is all aflutter! Yet... I feel intrigued... I am compelled to learn more..."
Friend: ...
Me: And that's how Equestria was made.
Go home, Berry Punch. You're drunk.
More like drugs than alcohol. Must have been some good shit.
Oh hey, you're still here.
831591 Baaaarrrrrely.
That was... different? Nah, 'twas funny!
This was Friggin hilarious!!!!!!
Are you okay, because I'm not. I busted a gut
Your home, Go drunk!