• Member Since 19th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Late status change again, how y’all doing?

More Blog Posts1210

  • Monday
    Opening art commissions!

    You heard that right, folks! For just a few bucks, I’ll draw something for ya (if I can do it that is ^^’). Below are my comm sheets, and as of now, I have three slots open! DM me if interested!

    (Yes, I can do ponies and cover arts)

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    0 comments · 22 views
  • 1 week
    Project 2025

    Have y’all heard of it?

    If not, please do your research on it! What it is, how it will happen, everything about it!

    It would spell disaster for our country, and so many of us!

    Google it.

    0 comments · 64 views
  • 1 week
    Post coming tomorrow (maybe)

    Is it about politics? Yes.

    But let me clarify this right now. I am not a political person, and under normal circumstances, I stay out of it. There is no candidate or even political party that I support or affiliate with. I know what happens when someone talks about it, and I don’t want any part in that.

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    0 comments · 26 views
  • 2 weeks
    What's that sound?



    0 comments · 33 views
  • 3 weeks
    I wish to talk to y'all more.

    I haven't gotten to be as communicative with my friends and readers here as I have in the past.

    I wish to have more of that.

    So... hi everyone, what's up?

    9 comments · 62 views

If I wrote Pibby stories on other shows… · 3:34am January 29th

Would y’all be able to read them if I posted links from other sites here, or made a group for them?

(Not only would they be just as fun to read, but they would all eventually tie into My Little Corrupted Pony and it would make so much sense to read them)

Comments ( 5 )

I can’t promise to read all of them but I’m sure I’ll read some of them I say go for it

What we’re the other shows you were thinking of?

Yes, but what other shows would you be focusing on?


I'll reveal those in the post-"My Little Corrupted Pony" blog post that'll explain where things go from here.

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