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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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Tempo Boost Story Poll #11 (November 2023) · 11:35pm Nov 26th, 2023

The Tempo Boost Story Poll makes a return! Last month's poll had to be sacrificed to health issues and this month's also has to happen a little late, but I spent my Patreon income for November, so I will of course deliver the poll and, if there are any votes, the chapter for the winning story. And, hey, at least the number is aligned with the month now! The Tempo Boost Story Polls are finally back on my Patreon account!
Here's how it works:

Every month, you can vote which of my currently incomplete multi-chapter stories gets continued next. This month's poll runs from right now to the early morning hours on December 1st and ends exactly at 4 AM EST/EDT. The stories you can choose from may vary each month, to account for special release plans or cases of writer's block.

Currently, these six stories are available for voting which one should be updated next:

Dreamwalker Dash

Letters to Cozy Glow

A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World

Reformation from the Heart

Liza Doolots and the Candy Factory

Sunny Starscout & Izzy Moonbow: Serial Killers

A new chapter for the winning story will be written once the poll result is finalized and released before the end of the month.

To participate in the poll, pledge to my Patreon and choose the 5€ (5.13$) reward tier.

If you decide to pledge and participate, happy voting! :scootangel:

Stay not where it lurks, lock the door, turn off the light.

~ Flutterscare

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