• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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Independent Income Progress: The First Time I bought new Clothes with Money from my Writing! · 1:30am Nov 18th, 2023

Things are progressing, slowly, but with one huge step that has been made last week.

I tallied the money I earned on my Patreon with my two reward tiers since January, subtracted 10 dollars from the amount because of the lack of "The Sky is Gone" updates from February to June and because I forgot to make a new Tempo Boost Story Poll in October (to be fair, I only spend what I actually earned) and it was enough to buy a few, nice things.
I went shopping with this money, about 33$, and I could buy three new pants that I needed and a box of longer matchsticks to make lighting the pony pumpkin I carved for this year's Nightmare Night easier:

I am wearing these pants with pride. These are the first clothes I bought and paid for with money from my writing. The first clothes my written pony words paid for. And I intend to make much more of that happen, this is only one step to an income that fully comes from my writing (and art, in the future), but it's a huge one and it's a boost for my morale in that regards.

Great times lie ahead and this progress makes me ever more hopeful for the future.

Stay not where it lurks, lock the door, turn off the light.

~ Flutterscare

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