Autumn Update · 7:54pm Nov 11th, 2023
Hello, dear followers!
I hope that you've been enjoying Daring Do: Shadows Over Equestria! I apologize if I'm not able to update regularly as previously, but honestly, not being under the pressure of a deadline is a huge weight off of my shoulders. It gives me the time I need to fully think through stories and refine chapters to be as high-quality as possible, while also having time to enjoy my personal life and deal with things outside of ponies (yes, sadly, there are things that sometimes must take priority over fanfiction!).
Speaking of which, that's part of the reason why I'm writing this blog. I just wanted to let you all know that the story continues to be underway, but I hit a snag. I was working on the third arc of the story, Enigma of the Everfree Expedition, which will introduce Zecora and is something that I'm very excited for. Unfortunately, I got towards the end of the original planned arc, hit a major wall, and realized that I wasn't satisfied with where the story was going. I'd made it too complex and long and was stumbling over the details. So I made the tough call to basically start over from the beginning and trim down the story to its essentials. I came up with a different plan that I'm much happier with. Now I just need to write it!
So don't worry, Daring Do will return soon. I just need to work at my own pace and not burn myself out like I did with Noire. You'll hear from me again soon.
Until then,
No worries. A rushed work is forever bad and all that.
No problem, Josiah. Best of luck with the writing!