Happy Sunset Shimmer Day! · 8:57pm Sep 22nd, 2023
Today, the most glorious of days, we celebrate the one true best girl in all of her glory.
I had two stories planned to be released today but an unfortunate illness struck making me a bit late in my delivery. Hopefully should have them out before too long to break the long Sunset drought (unforgivable, I know).
However, to celebrate the occasion I'm hosting a watch party in my server. We're going through all the movies and shorts to fully appreciate Sunset in all her glory. If you're interested feel free to join us here!
If not, here are a few bangers from the past year to enjoy:
Praise be to Her Shimmyness!
This lady went from bad ***** to Best Girl in two movies and hasn't lost a step since.
happy birthday sunset shimmer our ray of sunshine
Happy Sunset Day!
Yaya! Happy Sunset day!
All praise and love to my waifu