Some changes for Death likes me Rough and other stoires · 10:19pm Aug 8th, 2023
So good news and bad news.
Ill start with bad.
THe original commissioner for Death likes me rough is still fighting me for the writes... heh rights, for me to continue the story. They are being hostile at this point but we are currently at a standstill. What they are not aware of is that while I have been writing Death likes me Rough, I am writing a short book based on it of its own volition(non MLP related) as Death's Favorite Child. The story is in part completed but they don't believe it and are furiously trying to rush their own story out, but that drama will be left out for now.
Good news is that I am three chapters in for the Dragon Lord's Guardian with a fourth on the way and three Dragon Tales stories being writen in for the story both canon and non canon. I also wish to reach out any artists are have the time to draw a beautiful cover art commision for the final book in the Dragon Lord series. These will NOT BE published until the end of the month. I am working on short commossions right now and kinda need a break from ponies and work on other projections.
I am also doing commoission stories just starting at $5 per 1500 -2000 words or cheaper if dragons are involved if you want something done. I have just recently worked on writing for Vtubers, ASMR videos and even roleplaying scenrios(still hard to do but practice makes perfect) so hopefully Ill get more reconqnition for my work here and on out.
Thanks for stopping by1
It's always sad to hear about Commissioners being asshats towards whoever they decided to commission, and I'm sorry that you're going through that.
On the other hand, Would you please share a link to where we'll be able to buy the book once it's out?
Most likely amazon but a short version will be released on Archive of our own with my other stories.
Man, this is quite the asshole commissioner. oh boy.
Sad that they won’t give it up but that’s great to hear about the dragon lords guardian so if one would have a story for u to write on commission how would one pay u
Cash app, PayPal and exchange in other work