• Member Since 19th Dec, 2015
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just a dude with minor autism trying to get through this little thing called life

More Blog Posts50

  • 2 weeks
    Made a New Group: Spikelestia

    You know I just realized that there never was a group dedicated to Spike x Celestia. Welp, time to fix that:

    Spikelestia - Fimfiction

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  • 3 weeks

    Just came across this kickass looking video and I felt like I had to share it:

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    Five World of Darkness Games We Will (Probably) Never See

    Came across this interesting video about WoD games that'll probably never happen but would be neat if it did. Have a watch, share your opinions, and what other games do you want to suggest:

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  • 43 weeks

    So, after a bit of thinking, I made a slight change to Days of Ruin's title so readers wouldn't get confused between this story and the other Ladies of Darkness story.

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Heist and Caper Ideas · 5:09am Jul 27th, 2023

Hey, Mechazilla88 here and need some help. I've trying to think up of some heists Spike, Thorax, and Pharynx to pull off and while I have a couple ideas, it's not enough. That's mostly the reason why I haven't been updating this story lately.

So, that's why I'm asking you guys for help. If you have any ideas for the trio, I like to hear them.

However, there are some conditions, and they are:

1. The person they are stealing from has to be an utter scumbag. Whether they be a crime boss, warlord, dictator, corrupt corporate executive, or just a straight up asshole all around.

2. The trio do some intentional good when pulling off a heist.

3. The trio encounter some people who will try to stop them along the way. they could be the Mane Six, Shining Armor, bounty hunters, assassins, and/or rival thieves.

Report Mechazilla88 · 332 views · Story: Spike Shade: The Bad Guy ·
Comments ( 12 )

The most I can think of is they steal from Svengallop, and they end up destroying contracts and such he made with many pop stars like Rara keeping them under his control in the music business. But without them they're free to pursue better careers in music or better sponsors and agents.

Good one but the question is, what kind of valuable would the trio steal from Svengallop?

How about they steal a crystal that looks like a diamond but is a data crystal holding valuable info about the specifics of their contracts and some more shady dealings he's committed to keep the girls in line. Sorry if its not much but I thought it'd be interesting. Plus I've been watching a lot of Castle, Rizzoli and Isles, and Lucifer so I figure I throw in something. :twilightsmile:

Not sure. Perhaps a valuable piece of jewelry

Alicorn amulate?

1. Legion of Doom (I couldn’t decide between either Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, or Queen Chrysalis)
2. They’d either send a majority of their stolen goods to people who need the help or sell their stolen items on the black market and give the money to poor people under false identities
3. Mane 6; their the only ones I trust for anything that goes wrong in Equestria

1. They could steal a bunch of money and jewels from Gladmane while also helping make sure one of his businesses gets much more ethical management by exposing information to the Better Business Bureau (or the Equestrian equivalent of it) including some stuff that would give a talented and ethical businesspony some ideas about the business's potential. The ones that try to stop them (but end up working WITH them to stop a much worse creep) could be Applejack and Fluttershy of the Mane 6.

2. They could rob a cult of Griffons that want to take over Equestria (and are empowering themselves with mystic gems that augment their natural abilities [which would be similar to, but with some differences from, the combined general abilities of Pegasi and Earth Ponies]). Shining Armor, Flash Sentry and a few of the Guards could try to stop them, Garble and his pals could also try to steal the mystic gems for their own ends. Gabby actually ends up HELPING Spike, Thorax and Pharynx when she finds out about the Cult (with Shining, Flash and the Guards they brought having to "settle" for arresting the Griffon cult as well as Garble and HIS gang).

3. They could try to steal an award Cozy Glow (a midget instead of a child in this universe) is set to win. While Cozy is smart enough to put on a respectable public persona as both a scientist and a businessmare, she is actually a grade-A sociopath. The whole Mane Six plus Shining Armor could be on hand to try to guard the award ceremony but help Spike and his pals expose Cozy after they dig up the proper information to find out Cozy is planning something REALLY nasty.

and 4. A Seapony ecoterrorist could try to find some artifacts to grant him/herself the ability to control wind and water enough to flood the planet, with Spike, Thorax and Pharynx trying to stop this Seapony by stealing the artifacts themselves to keep them from being used.

That's all I can think of for now, but I'll see what I can do about later.

Just out of curiosity? Can we also help you add any more characters to help you on your journey? They could come from from your own cases that you help from?

Maybe they steal a jewel that Blueblood has that is about to be in transit, but it's found to be plastic and he sold it as a real jewel?

I am trying to say is shouldn't you add more help with their heist. I know you got the brains ,you got the disguise you got the muscles, you got the lock picking skills. You also have the magic, but you still have one problem. You need the numbers because in case The heist goes wrong or they've been captured. The gang would know they have other species to back them up in any situation.

Zecora and Gabby could be good ones for occasional allies to the gang. Possibly Peewee as well (though Peewee would be more of a particularly intelligent Loyal Animal Companion with fire magic).

Luna is another possible occasional ally given her former identity as Nightmare Moon (i.e. she could actually sympathize with them a lot better).

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