• Member Since 19th Dec, 2015
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just a dude with minor autism trying to get through this little thing called life

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    Made a New Group: Spikelestia

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    Spikelestia - Fimfiction

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    Just came across this kickass looking video and I felt like I had to share it:

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    Five World of Darkness Games We Will (Probably) Never See

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  • 43 weeks
    Vampire or Werewolf

    Which do you prefer?

    15 comments · 176 views

Vampire or Werewolf · 6:08pm Sep 24th, 2023

Which do you prefer?

Report Mechazilla88 · 176 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

I'm not sure, both have their strong points and their weaknesses

Bitten or wolf-blooded? If i was to be a werewolf...

As to vampires? Pass. I like being able to enjoy my daylight hours too, if you get my drift.

Werewolf all the way

Werewolf, because I always felt like I belong more in a pack than a coven (of vampires, that is)

Werewolf 🐺🀟


Bitten or wolf-blooded? If i was to be a werewolf...

Nice to see another World of Darkness fan. :twilightsmile:

As to vampires? Pass. I like being able to enjoy my daylight hours too, if you get my drift.

Yeah, I can sort of see that.

To be frank, of the... three(?) Factions in the game, I would rather be a Mage, above the other two.

Well to be fair, there are several factions in the game but Vampire, Werewolf, and Mage are more or less considered the "Big Three".

That said, i've had more experience with Scion Or Exalted.
To wit...

Werewolf, enough said.

like both:twilightsmile:

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