• Member Since 12th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen July 12th

LSTS Connor

A Closet Brony (except online *wink*) Discord | Ko-fi

More Blog Posts143

  • 45 weeks
    Took like 3 months for this pic

    Meet Kat the Pegasus and Eridani the unicorn, Six’s twin fillies

    Pics ( from top down ) by tizhonolulu and By sutekinamimi on discord

    12 comments · 802 views
  • 70 weeks
    Let me try this again

    Okay so Radience… my destiny story with our favorite bug. Needless to say I did not like where it was going. I fell into the trap of telling instead of showing, suddenly exposition dumping a lot without time to explore and stuff. I have taken to unpublishing chapters 3 and 4 since those are the problem ones.

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    6 comments · 536 views
  • 71 weeks
    Two things

    Number one: New Noble Shadow Chapter tomorrow after I finish my English Communication Exam

    Number Two (for those who liked A Nobles Heat) : 3064694 I recommend using incognito mode :raritywink:

    15 comments · 511 views
  • 75 weeks
    Six got her Crown

    Img by Sould_Out_Fan#6871 from discord or https://www.fimfiction.net/user/165623/ProjectRabbid on fimfic. Man was bored and wanted to draw Six, needless to say all hail the Queen of the Halo tag

    4 comments · 405 views
  • 75 weeks
    Do I get bragging rights now?

    Because I appear to now own 3 of the Six (ironic) top spots on the halo tag

    18 comments · 466 views

Six got her Crown · 9:10pm Feb 17th, 2023

Img by Sould_Out_Fan#6871 from discord or https://www.fimfiction.net/user/165623/ProjectRabbid on fimfic. Man was bored and wanted to draw Six, needless to say all hail the Queen of the Halo tag

Report LSTS Connor · 405 views · Story: A Noble Death · #All hail the Queen
Comments ( 4 )

All hail the Queen!

Sweet! To bad she would hate to sit on her ass and rule...

I'll make her do unspeakable things

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