• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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Part 94: Dark Skies and Light Seas.

Ellie sits quietly on the couch, her hot chocolate is steaming in front of her. It is almost uncomfortable for her to sit normally right now, so she instead, she is laying partly on her side, her legs stretched out on the sofa while propping herself up on the armrest with a pillow. Softly she traces one of the horseshoe on her hip with a finger and sighs softly.

“It won’t be that bad.” Katie says softly and smiles.

“Honestly, I don’t know if I can do this. What does all of this mean?” Ellie says, looking up sadly.

Katie gives her friend a hug, “It means you are very special. You’re a pony, and returning to that.”

“I mean the mark…” Ellie looks back down at it, touching it with her fingers tentatively. The silver and gold horseshoes standing out against her light blue fur.

“I don’t know, Shoe Shine. From what we’ve read, it could mean anything, strength in friendship. Or simply that you’re a smithy. The online sources says… that you’re a good listener.”

“Bah, that sounds more like you… Maybe you should have gotten them.” Ellie says, shaking her head.

Looking at her hip, Katie shakes her head, “I… I don’t deserve them.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“I turned my back on my brother when he needed me the most. He was always there for me, and… the one time I could have been there for him.” She sighs, “I couldn’t accept him turning into a mare.” Katie says, looking down and rubbing her leg.

“And now your trying to make it up with me?” Ellie smiles and pokes her gently.

Katie hugs her friend tightly, burying her face in Ellie’s mane-like hair. “Oh, Shoe Shine.”

Ellie cringes slightly then lets out a soft sigh before speaking, “I guess I’m going to have to get used to that name huh?”

Katie blinks, then shakes her head, “Sorry, I’ll call you Ellie if you want.”

“Shoe… Shoe Shine works, or Shiny. I don’t know why but it feels…normal.” Ellie says and lets a small smile slip.

“Maybe because its who you were, so you’re remembering it, in a way.” Katie smiles back and sits on the floor, stroking Ellie’s leg and hip. “Shiny.”


A no-knock warrant. This is issued by a judge only in special situations. It’s one of the most dangerous types of warrants, because it doesn’t require the police to alert the residents of a house before entry.

White Lightning skims just above rooftop level, she’s pulling a small air cart behind her with two humans hunkered down low. Pulling up, she lands on a roof top, unhitching the air cart as the sniper and spotter move into position.

No-knock warrants are reserved for cases where the suspect, or suspects, are expected to put up extreme force or resistance. They can also be issued where knocking could result in evidence being lost or destroyed.

Lifting off the roof, White Lightning banks, turning towards a two-story house. It is a normal middle class home, typical for the neighborhood. Looking down, she can see the hedge rows and the bushes. The FBI and OSI Agents are moving up in their body armor. Tilting her wing, she dips down and flies past a security camera. Her hoof connects with the top of it, knocking it so it is looking up.

Normally, the constitution protects individuals against unreasonable search and seizure. That’s why proof must be present before the judge issues such a warrant, and there must be strong cause to believe that a No-knock is the only option.

“Team one, ready.” The OSI agent says as he looks at the door, it’s made of heavy wood, reinforced, with a premium bolt lock.

Over the radio, the responses can be heard, the snipers checking in, “Team two eyes up.”

“Team three ready.” The rear entry team calls.

“Team four, covering rear and sides.” The support team responds.

“Team five, orbiting.” White Lightning circles, looking down as she watches the pony head up to the front door.

“Goldie, it looks pretty tough.” The officer says grimly.

Turning her rear to the door, Goldie raises her hind legs, her steel horseshoes shining in the early light, “That’s okay, I’m wearing my big girl knockers.”

The impact of her hooves shatters not just the wood around the locks but also the hinges. Against a blow that rips the nails out of the wood, and one that shattered the door locks, the addition of a security chain is mere comedy. The door flies out of its frame into the hallway, at which point, Goldie ducks to the side to let the entry team charge in.

Turning, Goldie gets ready to follow the group in, the power in her legs is undeniable. Just like her name, Golden Delicious. She’s an Apple after all.


“CIS! Down on the ground!” Calls ring out.


“Wake up sis. Please wake up.” Candy sits nuzzling Cloudy, his eyes filled with tears.

Holloman Airforce base is the closest with a hospital, so the air carts had landed there. Cloudy hasn’t moved, hasn’t woken since she called down the storm. Her breathing is shallow and weak. Even her heart rate is way below normal.

“It’s ok Candy, she’s resting. She spent a lot of energy.” I say gently and sit down, pulling Candy and Feather tight to my chest in a hug.

Candy raises her head to me, tears flowing freely, “It’s not alright, its not. I’m the older brother! I’m supposed to protect her!”

Feather sighs, “It’s me he wanted.”

Turning his head, Candy looks at Feather, “You don’t understand it’s my fault, its my fault we got caught.”

Gently, I start licking Candy’s cheeks and face, “It’s ok.” I murmur softly.

“If it wasn’t for me, Discord wouldn’t have found us. And I was supposed to protect her, now she’s hurt.” Candy cries and leans tightly against my chest as waves of sobs fill the air.

“Discord?” Feather says with a confused head tilt, one ear flopping to the side a bit.

“When he came into the club house we hid…but my pink mane gave us away.” Candy whimpers.

“That… was Night Light.” Feather whispers.

“No it wasn’t it was Discord, he grabbed me by my mane and dragged me out. Then stepped on my sister.” Candy’s sobs increase in volume and frequency, “I couldn’t stop him, I couldn’t save her… and now she’s…”

I nuzzle Candy softly, “And that’s when he cursed you?”

“He cursed sis first, no matter what I did, I couldn’t stop him. He laughed and taunted me. We were hiding in an old tree house, and he said it was so expected… so foal like, for us to hide there, that it made it easy for him.” Candy cries harder, “If I found us a safer place, if I chose a better location. I failed her, I always fail her.”

“Its not your fault.” Feather whines and moves over to cuddle Candy as well.

“It is, and now she could die because of me.” Candy sobs, “I can’t lose her. Not like this, not again.”


“Boon Boon lowered her head and looked around the Paddocks. ‘I don’t know if I can do it Thorwa, the yard is so small, and I’m so tired.’” Turning the page, Maxine smiles and gently strokes Cheery’s mane. The little filly sleeps quietly in the hospital bed.

“How’s it going, Nav?” The doctor asks, sitting down at his desk.

“She’s more responsive to being touched. She’s still sleeping a lot.” Maxine says, looking up and closing her book.

“Read me some more, Meadow Flower.” Comes a small voice.

Blinking, Maxine looks at the doctor, then at Cheery. “Hello?”

Standing up, the doctor walks over to the filly and carefully checks the instruments, “Good morning little one, don’t worry, you’re safe. We are letting you rest.”

“Hi there, I’m Maxine, are you feeling better?”

“Thirsty.” Cheery says softly.

“Doc, I’ve got a Powerade Gold Rush, can she have that?” Maxine says, holding up her bottle.

“Umm, normally I’d say no. But actually, given what I’ve read on ponies. The sugars should help.” The doctor says before heading to the phone, “I’ll let the captain know she’s up.”

Unscrewing the top of the bottle, Maxine pulls off the seal before screwing the cap back on. Gently, she puts a hand behind Cheery’s head, lifting it to help her drink, “There you go, drink slowly now.”

Taking some of the drink, the filly lays back in bed and sighs, “Where? Where am I?”

“You’re safe, little one. You’re aboard the Australian destroyer Brisbane. How do you feel?” Maxine asks as she tilts her head a bit to look at the tiny pegasus foal.

“Sore, my wing hurts a lot. And my stomach.” Cheery says, looking down.

The doctor shakes his head, “Your wing was broken, we have it set and bandaged. You’re also suffering a little malnutrition and dehydration, we were worried about kidney damage. I think you’ll be fine though.”

“Do you remember what happened?” Maxine asks while gently stroking the filly’s mane.

“I… I remember being in a cargo hold. I remember an explosion, flames… I remember my cage being sucked out.” Cheery says, then she shivers.

“Where did you come from?” Maxine asks softly before shaking her head, “No, that’s not right, what country are you from?”

“I… I’m from Mumbai, India. I worked at Sanctuary Asia there. Till… till this happened to me. Then I was captured and put in a cage. They wanted to sell me.” Cheery looks around, “Why did this happen to me?”

“Hush, hush now, just rest. The short version is, you were always this. Just cursed to be human by a demon. You, like the others, are returning to normal.”

“Discord.” The doctor says as he checks the camera to make sure it’s recording.

The name sends shivers through Cheery and brings tears to her eyes. “Five score…”

Hugging Cheery carefully, Maxine shakes her head, “It’s okay, you’re safe here. You’re safe with me.”

Whimpering softly, Cheery snuggles into Maxine, “Meadow Flower.”


It has been nearly two days since she had eaten. Part of the problem is she simply isn’t that sure of what is safe for her to eat or not. Moving through the bushes, she tries to keep her body as low to the ground as she can. While her two-tone grey white mane and tail tends to blend in somewhat, her purple body is another story.

Slowly she moves her little muzzle through the bushes, looking across the lawn at the villa. It looks as if no one is home, and her nose catches the scent of something interesting, though she isn’t quite sure where it is.

Sniffing slowly, she moves out from the safety of the bushes, her stomach growling painfully, coaxing her to take chances. Closing her eyes, she sniffs the air till she looks up, seeing the bird feeder. It is a larger one, made of ceramics and painted in bright reds, oranges and yellows. Obviously made for the larger birds such as the greater macaws.

She’s a lot bigger then a macaw, and probably a lot heavier. If there is something to eat, however, it might be her only chance. Looking back at her wings she sighs, she hadn’t really tried flying, it wasn’t something she’s thought about over the last few days. Now though, it might be her only chance to get some food.

It can’t be called flying, however, crouching down she coils her body, positioning her hind legs under her before jumping up as high as she can, flapping her wings to help. Crashing in a heap on the ground, she huffs and walks in a bit of a circle, looking up at the feeder before trying again. Her second attempt is better, she manages to touch the feeder with a forehoof this time. Before landing on her butt and sighing.

Her last attempt, though, is what she needs, she gets up high enough to wrap her forelegs around the top of the feeder and hold on, her wings flapping to keep her steady as she looks at the base. Luckily the birds hadn’t gotten to the feeder yet, and there is a lot there. Shelled nuts, shelled sunflower seeds, and even dried banana slices. Putting her muzzle into the hole, she starts eating quickly. It’s not very dignified, but this is survival.

She is only able to eat for a few moments before she hears yelling. Through the hole in the feeder she can see through to the other side where a man had come out of the Villa, he is running towards her with a broom raised. Probably thinking she’s some kind of monkey, or maybe a large cat, but she isn’t going to wait to explain. Kicking off of the bird feeder, she flails her wings, managing to roll over in mid air so her hooves hit the ground first.

She hears the slap of the broom hitting the ground behind her as she runs and dives through the hedge row into the street, panting. Skidding to a stop, she looks back towards the villa again before a voice near her nearly scares her out of her feathers.

“Wow, you must really be hungry.” Turning her head quickly, she looks and sees the little earth pony sitting a few feet away. “I’m Sunny, well Sunny Daze, but you can just call me Sunny. If you’re hungry, follow me. We don’t have a lot but there’s no way we’re going to let a fellow pony go hungry.”

“Fellow… pony? There’s more like me?” The pegasus foal says tentatively and starts to follow Sunny as she moves off.

“A few. But first, we need to get you cleaned up, and fed.” Sunny says and opens the back of the wagon. “Mom, I’m home, and I brought a guest.”

“Sunny you know I don’t like you wandering about, especially with helicopters buzzing around like they are looking for…” Ambrosia starts, then she stops as she turns to see the foal, “Oh, hello there.”

The foal sits blinking, looking in the wagon at the two stallions, who are sitting at the dinner table, and the mare, who is busy over the stove.

“Sunny, you always seem to sniff out those in need.” Ambrosia says with a laugh.

“That’s cuz I’m the only one that sniffs around,” Sunny says and pushes the other foal up into the wagon.


Shots chatter across the wall just above Goldie’s head.

“You okay?” An FBI agent asks, kneeling beside the pony.

“Oh fine, there was nothing to say this guy would be armed to the teeth.” Goldie says and huffs. “Have you got a shield?”

“Don’t you have some kind of magic or something?” The FBI Agent says as he rises up from behind a partition to fire two more rounds before ducking back down, the slide of his service pistol locked open.

“Earth pony, not a pegasus or unicorn.” Goldie says as she grabs the shield with her foreleg and muzzle maneuvering it around.

“What’s the difference? You’re all like magical ponies, right?” Pressing the release, he drops the magazine out of his pistol and loads in another. The slide clicks home with the press of the catch.

“Unicorns have magic, pegasi fly, earth ponies are strong.” Goldie says as she swings the shield around, standing up and starts walking foreword. The shooters are held up on the second floor. Keeping the shield angled as she climbs, the agent puts his hand on her back, holding on to her harness as Goldie begins to walk forward up the stairs.

Using Goldie and the shield for cover, the FBI Agent keeps low as rounds from the SOCOM M1 impact against the shield and banister. The single shot, high caliber rifle is deadly as these ranges, able to punch though police armor with ease. Even the bullet proof shield is taking a beating as they move up the steps.

“Lightning, he’s across from the middle bedroom door.” Goldie calls out into her radio.

Goldie flinches and re-angles the shield, moving a bit to keep the officer covered as he fires a few rounds over the shield. A moment later, there is a loud crash, followed by the bedroom door coming off its hinges, followed by White Lightning.

“Coming through!” Lightning calls as she uses her wing to hit the shooter broadside, before jumping over the railing and landing on the first floor. In one fluid motion, she’s galloping out the door and taking to the air again outside.

The gun skitters across the floor as the FBI agent runs past Goldie to cover the shooter. In that instant, it becomes very quiet. The only sounds are people panting, a child crying from the far end bedroom, and Goldie, sliding backwards a bit down the steps.

“God damn it, you have a child here and your shooting at the police, don’t you care about anyone’s lives!” The FBI Agent shouts while trying to catch his breath, “What if a round hit the kid, what then?”

Moving up with cuffs, a second officer looked down, “Goldie move to the side a bit… Goldie?”

“Get a paramedic up here!” The second officer calls out, as he kneels down, seeing blood on Goldie’s side. Undoing her armor he finds where the round had hit her. Working quickly, he puts a cloth over her wound to slow the bleeding, “HURRY! OFFICER DOWN!” He bellows.

Moving past Goldie, the first officer climbs the steps quickly to cuff the suspect as the second does his best to stop the blood flow. “Jail wasn’t good enough, you just had to try your best to earn the death penalty didn’t you?”

Spitting, the suspect looks up at the officer, “Fer what? Protecting my property, shootin’ an animal?”

Poking her head back in, White Lightning looks on in shock, “Oh Celestia, no!” she’s able to moan.


“Idiots, morons.” Candy stands in front of the vending machine, tears in his eyes.

Feather walks over and sits beside Candy, leaning against him, “Calm down,” she says softly.

“Did you hear them? They don’t know what’s wrong with her.” Candy says and kicks at the machine lightly with a forehoof. “She overtaxed herself, she needs to recover energy. What next”? Feeding her some salad with low cal dressing and diet orange drink?”

“They’re better than that, and mom and Henry are here.” Feather shakes her head, “Everything will be fine.”

“Henry isn’t a unicorn! Okay, he isn’t IN unicorn form. And mom is just a corporal, like the doctors will listen to her.” Turning, Candy bucks the vending machine, leaving two little hoof prints in the metal and causing several rows of candies to drop.

“HEY!” A nurse calls out, “I know you’re frustrated but other people need to use that machine.”

Looking up Feather gives her best sad pony eyes, “Sorry sir, my brother is just worried about our other sister. She risked her life to save us.”

With a sigh the nurse shakes his head, “Just be careful.”

“I…. I need…. I need a kitchen.” Candy says, looking around the hospital hallway.

Looking confused, Feather hugs Candy tight with her wings, “Why?”

“I need to make…” Sitting down, Candy starts hitting her head with the side of her hoof, “I can’t remember, I need to remember but I can’t…. Why am I so useless?”

“You’re not useless.” Feather shakes her head and hugs him tighter.

Hitting his head harder, tears flow down the sides of his cheeks, “Something mom told me, showed me.”

“Velvet?” Feather asks, looking at him with concern.

“No… my mom in Equestria. Why can’t I remember? If it’s important, I should be able to remember.” Candy whines as he starts trembling.

“It’s the curse, nothing is meant to be easy.” Feather sighs and snuggles him tighter, “Come on, calm down.”

“I feel like its all my fault, everything. I have to do something, anything to make it better.” Candy says, shaking his head.

Looking up at the nurse, Feather sighs, “Sir, is there a kitchen we can borrow, it might help my brother remember things. I’m sorry.”


“Adopted, our mom’s Twilight Velvet.” Feather says, “She took us in and has been raising us.”

“Aren’t you all supposed to be like twenty-five?” The nurse says and crosses his arms, looking down.

“Yes sir, but. Well it hard to explain. Some of us turned back to foals, and sort of end up acting more and more like the foals we were, partly because of the curse, partly because of our minds and bodies not being developed yet.” Scuffing a hoof, Feather looks down, “I know you don’t understand but, Candy really does need to spend some time in a kitchen.”

Shaking his head, the nurse grumbles, “And I suppose you need ingredients too? And you can’t pay.”

Feather looks down, “I’m sorry.”

“Ugh, give me a second, do you actually practice being that cute?” Walking over to the counter the nurse picks up the phone. “Major? Sorry to disturb you. I’ve got a pair of little ponies, foals actually. They are here with the group that was medevac’d earlier today. They aren’t local, and need a kitchen that’s somewhat stocked. Anything we can do?”

Looking down at the foals, the nurse shakes his head, “Bout the size of a dog, collie I’d say.”

Feather looks at herself, “I guess I’m bout the same size as Winona.”

“Okay, good enough.” The nurse says and nods firmly before looking down at the foals, “Okay, follow me.”


Katie walks around the room, feeling somewhat caged herself.

“You can leave if you want.” Ellie says, looking up, “I’m not going to hurt myself.”

“Nope, I told you, someone is going to be with you at all times through this, so you can be safe.” Katie is firm in this and her voice carries that, “I’m not letting anyone hurt you.”

Ellen shakes her head for a second, “Hurt me? Is that where the other pegasi went? Did someone get hurt?”

Katie takes a deep breath, then she sighs and sits down, “Yeah, some foals, young ponies, got taken by a very bad group. Think white supremacist’s, then apply that to non-humans. They went to help.”

“I feel so…ugh.” Ellen says, looking at her arms and fur.

Katie looks at her, “Must be the fur coming in, you’re not used to it, and to boot, its somewhat of a winter coat.” Looking around, she stands up and heads for the bathroom, “Come on.”

“What? Where? Its hard to walk as it is.” Ellie says, protesting.

“Bathroom, I’m setting you up with a hot bath. With some bath salts, candles.” Katie smiles and starts the water.

“You want me to take a bath?” Ellie blinks.

Katie smiles, “Its okay, I’ll help you.”

“What? NO! I can take a bath by myself!” Ellen protests, crossing her arms.

“Umm, I hate to doubt you, but given how much you’ve changed, you might have a problem with that. Especially doing your mane.” Katie smiles and sets out scented candles, before putting on some soft rock music.

Walking back into the living room Katie helps Ellie into the bathroom before starting to undress her.

“Hey, hey, hey… Let me get undressed in private.” Ellen says, swatting Katie’s hands away gently.

Pulling her hands back, Katie smiles and puts on her best southern accent, “Um, beggin yer parden Shoeshine, but ponies don’t normally wear clothing.”

Putting one hand on her hip, Ellen flips her other wrist, “Well pardon me for being a cultured pony.”

Ellie and Katie look at each other for a long moment before both start laughing. Giving Ellie a hug, Katie finishes helping her undress before putting her into the tub. “There now, soft music, scented candles.”

“Oh Celestia, do you know what would be good with this right now?” Ellen says.

Katie blinks, “Did you just say oh Celestia?”

“Umm I guess I did...sort of a pony version of oh God, I think…” Ellie says, “I must have picked it up from that binge watching of the show.

“Once I get your mane done, I’ll get you some wine, and some of that carrot cake.” Katie says as she starts massaging into Ellie’s mane with her fingers. The deep rubbing bringing out a soft moan.

“Okay, I may not like the idea of becoming a pony, but I do like the spa treatment.” Ellie says with a laugh before getting her nose booped.

“Returning to pony form. You were born this way originally, remember the video.” Katie sits down on the toilet as she works on washing Ellie’s mane. “I know it sounds like malarkey but they say to keep a proper mindset during this, and remember, its not changing into but changing back. You’re not losing anything, just returning to your real form.”

“I know but… after twenty-five years of being told one thing.” Ellie shakes her head slowly.

“Well think of it this way, twenty-five years of being told magic wasn’t real, pegasus and unicorns weren’t real.” Getting up, Katie changes radio stations for some more cheerful music.

“I always believed in unicorns remember? I wanted one of my own.” Ellie says and huffs.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Katie finds a nice slice of carrot cake and returns, sitting down. “I seem to recall you also wanting a pony.”

“That was if I couldn’t get a unicorn.” Ellie nods firmly.

“Well think of it this way, think of all those poor unicorns out there.” Katie says and offers a forkful of cake.

“Poor? Poor? They have magic why would they be poor?” Biting the carrot cake, she moans softly, sliding down into the water more.

“Yeah, but what happens the first time they walk past a grade school, or a kindergarten. Swamped by dozens of little girls trying to claim them.”

Ellie snorts, covering her mouth, then she giggles, “The horror, the horror.”

A ring at the doorbell catches both their attention. Giving Ellie another big forkful of cake, Katie gets up, “Stay here and relax.”

Drying her hands quickly on a towel, Katie walks out of the bathroom, closing the door. She takes a deep breath before opening the apartment door smiling, “Hello, how can I…” Looking down slowly, Katie blinks and gulps.

Masquerade sits, dripping wet, her mane dishevelled bracketing her face as she looks up. Gulping, she trembles a bit, tears in her eyes, her voice cracking as she says. “I miss you, sis…”


The Barents Sea, 250 miles south west of Bear island, the USS Florida creeps along at five knots. A modified Ohio Class submarine, she is carrying 154 cruise missiles. A mix of anti-runway cruise missiles, anti-instillation cruise missiles, and several anti-ship cruise missiles. The ship is silent, a ghost in the water.

“Sonar, contacts?” Captain Redux says as he leans back in his chair.

“Surface group bearing, 032 relative, speed 12 knots, course 126 true, range 76 nautical miles, sounds like our old friend, the Admiral Chabanenko. So that would be a Udaloy II, computer’s sure there’s an Admiral Gorshkov-class frigate there, but I think, yep, there’s the 3rd the Derpsky is pulling up the rear. She’s running in the wake of the Chabanenko. It’s a sub hunter group. Add them to the Freighter at 336 and the tanker at 312.” Frank says softly into his mic.

“Okay, XO cut all engines, put reactor to standby, shift to emergency battery power only. I want all non-essential systems shut off, that includes most primary lights. I don’t want any transient noises.” The crew knows the danger here, the slightest sound, such as dropping a tool, or even a single sneeze could give the boats position away, “The current should carry us from here right past Poljarny.”

A moment later, the lights go out, replaced with dim red emergency lighting. It would take over a day for the current to carry them where they are going. They don’t have to worry about bottoming out here unless they choose to, the water depth keeps them below the thermocline layer as well.

“I read the briefing on the MGK-608E Passive Stationary Sonar System they have deployed.” The XO says, “I see why you don’t even want any plant noise to give us away.”

“Engineering secure, pumps are shut down, natural convection in the reactor will keep it from getting too hot.” With the reactor all but shut off, there is no noise at all from the system.

“Axillary, atmosphere control, all O2 storage at full, fans are checked to minimum power. With shallow breathing protocols in effect, we should be good.” Ensign Peterson says softly.

The Captain looks at the XO, “We are supposed to get into position then sit deep and wait. They call this a ‘measured response’. After an attack against a US Carrier group at port, supplying anti-shipping missiles to pirates, and an attack by Sukhoi Pak FA’s against transport aircraft, the president wants us to sit and be ready. If necessary, we are to hit almost every runway and port along the coast.”

“Pretty much a declaration of war.” The XO says, shaking his head.

“Yes, but that’s part of the commander-in-chief’s view I think, was war was declared when an aircraft carrier was attacked at port. That sort of thing can’t go unanswered.” The captain says, “So we are supposed to get into position and wait.”

“For? How I don’t think they expect us to sit on the sea bed just off the coast of Russia for three months?” The XO responds and checks the charts. “At current speed, I figure, with the currents, we should be close to our landing zone in about twenty-nine hours.”

The captain ponders the map, then he draws an x in red, “There, that’s where I’d like to sit her once we get close.” Circling the spot, he leans back in his chair again. “I’m not sure, my guess its based on, or dependent on, the outcome of some big operation going on in Africa.”

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