• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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43: Band Practice

I turn off the alarm clock, I groan and sit up, shaking out my mane. It’s been a week since the boys changed back, though we were all still on light duties. The army isn’t sure of the stress on the bodies from the changes, or that level of magic on me.

The only ones not on light duties are Blaze and Sugarberry. Sugarberry is back at work at the HQ, doing her normal 9 to 5 Monday to Friday. Blaze, on the other hand, they have him doing make work jobs. Training recruits in flight suit ops is one of the big ones though. Having a Pegasus instructor in HALO jumps allows for a new level of training as he could zip between students, making corrections. As well it adds a new level of safety with the ability to catch or stop a jump in midair.

Since Feather and the Cotton twins are civilians they couldn’t really put them up in permanent barracks. Right now I’m living in transient quarters, small single bedrooms, sharing a bathroom and shower, a small kitchenette, and a small common room with a TV, chairs, and coffee table. Blaze has one room, I have one room, Feather has her own room, and the twins have bunk beds in their room.

Since they essentially have become my dependents, the Army has decided to see if they could put us up in PMQ’s, that’s private military quarters. People that turned into foals, for the most part, are still adult in mind, but their small size, lack of magical skills and special talent often leave them far more dependent than adults. When you’re so small that a large dog could kill you, living on your own without help or supervision just isn’t really a good option.

It is starting to feel like I am just going through the motions through. My fate, in some ways, is still in limbo since the military isn’t sure about what they are going to do with ponies in the long run.

Getting up, I have a quick shower, before making breakfast for the little ones. It is summer, so school is over anyway, though to tell the truth, I’m not sure about sending adults to school anyway. At the same time, they are blank flanks, and pony school is more about helping foals find their special talents.

Officially, I am still 2/75th Airborne, though I am currently attached directly to the USASOC, though we are working with, and training the 82nd airborne. There is a comical strangeness about things. Women can’t serve in the airborne. I’m not a woman though, am I? I am a mare. Apparently being able to put up a shield that can block an RPG, and having magic strong enough to carry and handle the recoil of sustained fire from an M134, is an exception.

Actually I didn’t know I could actually hold a M134 until I tried, and really it was meant as a joke. The look in the eyes of the new rangers on the range, when I start firing though, holding it beside me, power cables and batteries in one saddle bag, 2nd saddle bag holding the ammo. It is doable, but trust me, not every unicorn out there can. The recoil on those things hurts! I’m still on magic light duties but Henry cleared me for the demonstration.

Getting dressed for work, I check my phone. They want me at headquarters today. Huffing I get on my boots, “Ok kids, you know the drill, I want each of you to spend at least three hours today trying different things, but don’t be silly about it. You’re free to watch TV and play video games for ideas too.”

Putting on my beret, I turn and trot to headquarters, Blaze in tow.

“Think they are going to give the LT a pass today? It’s been a week.” Blaze chuckles.

“I hope so, come on, the spell had no more lasting aftereffects then the mirror did.”

“You mean still not being able to stomach most meats, still having their cutie marks?” Blaze smiles, looking at me.

Shaking my head, “That only applied to the rangers, everyone else who turned back is apparently back to normal. Even that ICE idiot.”

“Think he’s learned his lesson?” Blaze fluffs his wings.

“Nope, he’s probably plotting his revenge. Apparently they had to give him and a few others special assistance to help them with things.”

“Things?” I tilted my head, “what things?”

“You know, the normal stuff, prepping food, getting dressed… wiping.”

“Eww, I feel sorry for the human that got that job. Somethings I’m grateful to have magic for.”

“The fact that they are installing bidet systems for ponies is nice.” Blaze said, “at least for those of us without magic.”

Trotting up to the front door, we meet up with Sugarberry. “Morning.”

“Any idea what’s up?” I ask, taking off my beret, going inside.

“Nope, other than the general wants all of us in the briefing room.”

Nodding slowly, I take a deep breath and follow her into the room. Honestly all I can think is… been here, done that, time to face the brass again. Taking a deep breath I stand at attention, and wait for the brass with the other two ponies.

It is only about five minutes before the General walks in with his aid. His aid is carrying a video camera, which makes me even more nervous. I didn’t want to do another documentary. I have already done five of them. 'Basics of the curse', 'Welcome to being a pony', 'Pony kinds the three clans', 'Horns and TK', and 'Cutie marks your heart and soul'. As stupid as it sounds, they want them, just in case other infantry changes, so they could show them something quick and informative.

“Be seated.” The Brigadier General says with a nod.

Taking my seat I helped Blaze with his, rolling chairs were still the bane of ponies. TK however helped counter their evil spinning. Putting one hoof on the table I tilted my head slightly watching as the General opened his folders and looked through them slowly.

“It’s been a week since the rangers have returned to human form, and we see no lasting side effects that are problematic.” Turning pages, “So it looks like they should be able to return to active duty, the problem is, that would risk leaving the foals unattended.”

Gulping once I wanted to say something, anything but at the same time I knew far far better.

“Eight days ago I had a long talk with Feather and the other foals. As did one of the army psychologists from the medical corps.”

“Psychologist sir?” I asked blinking.

“It was actually at her request. Well her Candy and Cloudy’s request.”

“About what if I may ask.”

“The psychological impact and separation anxieties involved in herd structures.” Turning the page, “I swear the psychologist said there is so little information on this that it’s something we will need to start studying.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“At Feathers request, we had counselors checking on the mental states of both Cipher and Ballad, as well as Apple Pie.” He said flipping pages, “Their stress levels were way up, they were skittish, and having problems sleeping. In some aspects it was similar to a PTSD but on a smaller scale. Cipher seems to be handling it best by effectively hiding in her work.”

“Is there anything I can do to help sir?”

“Nope, the military is handling it. Corporal Ballad is currently being reassigned to the 249th Engineer Battalion, Prime Power, they specialize in construction and maintenance of electrical power networks and power plants. Something she might have fun with. Private Apple Pie is getting reassigned to the 407th Brigade Support Battalion. They are a supply, support, and rebuilding battalion, often tasked with disaster relief and post combat rebuilding.”

“I see.” I said still worried.

“Where are these units based?” Blaze asked noticing Sugarberry starting to snicker.

“Both of them are based in Fort Bragg. While Cyberwarefare isn’t actually based here, we have some gear shipped in since Specialist Cipher can actually work from any office space.”

I squee’ed. Seriously, I never knew I could make that sound. My ears went right up and I was smiling so wide my face hurt. That’s when I realized what the camera was for. Ugg I was never going to live this down.

“They’re coming here!” I spouted unable to stop the grin, with both of my forehooves on the table.

“Yes Corporal, its best for their mental welfare that they remain close together. While any group of you are on missions, the rest can watch over the foals, thus maintaining at least a few ponies together. The psychologist thinks this should mitigate or minimize the stress.”

“When do they get here!” I bounced in my chair like a little filly. I was so happy and excited. Ah-Pee would be here, and the Unicorn Club was getting back together!

“Woah, calm down, they should be here today. Staff is helping them pack.” Looking sternly he stood, "Now, dismissed."

Getting up I grabbed my kit and scampred out with the other ponies then spun hugging Blaze tight.

*** The Crown ***

“It’s been a week, and they haven’t even started clearing the woods!” Sir Fredrick snarled as he paced back and forth.

Looking at the newspaper, he grumbled. The article in The Times was less than flattering, and the Financial Post story was less so. Suggestions of miss spending and handing out contracts without proper bids were going to be a problem.

“Sir Fredrick!”

“Yes Minister?”

“Have you seen the paper?” The Transportation minister walked in looking sternly at Sir Fredrick.

“Which one Minister?”

Dropping a copy of the Guardian on the table the minister looked sternly, “The government picked a company for laying out a new flyover, sliproad and motorway, based on kickbacks?”

“How dare they.” Sir Fredrick looked at the paper sternly.

“So, you were unaware of this?”

“No sir, I had no idea that they would print something like that.” Sir Fredrick said folding his papers up.

“That’s not what I meant. I was referring to the project.” The minister sat down on his chair leaning back.

“Yes minister, and so were you. It was in your boxes. Notifying you of the impact survey, traffic flow projections for the next 25 years, special dispensation for military transport, as well as the committee’s decision on which company to use based on closed bidding process as per previous contract decisions of the past years submissions in accordance with all guidelines as set up by inter inter-bureau committees discussing said issues.”

The minister blinked several times as the long string of terms flew by and shook his head. “I don’t remember seeing it.”

“I don’t know how you could have missed it minister, it was nearly 1400 pages long.”

“Oh, that report. I see. My cat is still recovering from the report falling on top of it.”

“Don’t worry I’m sure it will be gone in a few days.” Sir Fredrick stated.

“The cat?” The minister blinked looking up.

“No sir, I meant the press stories. Once the forest is cleared, and the construction gets underway people will lose interest.” He said assuredly.

“I don’t understand why this project is needed personally.” The minister stated.

“It was all laid out in the report minister. Including the engineering requirements based on traffic management.”

“I am the Minister of Transport, Sir Fredrick. Not an Engineer.” The minister said sternly.

“Yes minister. Sorry, simply put they expect over the next 25 years, traffic flows to increase in the area by nearly 62% based on current local traffic growth models. This new motorway is expected to limit that growth to 12% by allowing diverted traffic though the area.”

“I see, so currently, a lot of cars use that road?”

“A lot is subjective minister.”

“What does that mean?” The minister asked then instantly regretted it.

“Subjective, it means; based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. Minister.”

“I know what subjective means.”

“Then why did you ask?” Sir Fredrick inquired looking annoyed.

“I was asking how many cars use that road currently.” The minister shook his head.

“I wouldn’t hazard a guess myself, but I’m sure if you read the report you will find that number as well as the means used to determine it.”

“Thank you Sir Fredrick. Dismissed.”

Picking up his papers Sir Fredrick quickly left the office, he would have to see that this forest was cleared much quicker. Too many questions were starting to be asked.

*** CMC:EC ***

Candy shook his pink mane out, “Ok girls, what are we going to do today?”

“Same thing we do every day Candy,” Feather responded.

“Try to take over the world!” Cloudy piped in.

“Narf.” Candy said then giggled.

“You really should stop with the giggles. You’re a colt now.” Cloudy teased.

“Yeah well you need to remember to put the toilet seat down, I almost fell in this morning.”

“That was me, my bad.” Feather said giggling, “I left it up after I was emptying a bucket into it. Sorry.”

“Bucket of what?” Candy asked looking confused.

“Fudge, I tried making 3 trays of fudge for us but… it came out looking like oatmeal.”

“So… why was it in the bucket?” Cloudy asked blinking.

“Cuz it was easier to pour the 3 trays into the bucket and flush that then carry each one in one at a time.”

“Makes sense,” Cloudy said, “And Candy, cross confectioner/fudge making off the list for Feather.”

“Done and done.”

“When you were a human Cloudy, did any jobs strike you as fun or interesting?” Feather asked crossing her forelegs and laying her muzzle over them.

“I drifted a lot, I could never settle on a job, worked at a fair doing cotton candy, caramel corn, and such.” She said with a huff, “Then I was a janitor for a while, then did short order cook at a 'You Buy it We Fry it' place. Worked at a 'Beer and Bullets' convenience store yes, one store sells both.”

“Ugg I remember that carnival stand, the flies and the cotton candy turned me off the stuff for life.” Candy said with a shudder.

“And the owner still expected me to sell it like that. Needless to say I didn’t last long there.”

“You Candy?”

“I went to school. College for meteorology. My boyfriend at the time was a storm chaser, so I got into doing that and helping with research grants there. Local station saw me and picked me up as a weather girl.” He said then blew at his pink mane.

“They hired her for her assets.” Cloudy said laughing.

“Yeah, and now you have them isn’t that udderly adorable.” Candy responded before pulling his head back as the wing went in between them.

“Come on, we all have our problems with the change.” Feather said and sighed. Her past career wouldn’t get her a cutie mark… well not one she’d want… definitely not after reading about the rainbow factory. Shuddering she felt sick to her stomach again going a little pale. That story still gave her nightmares. She saw herself at her old job, but with ponies instead of horses.

“You ok Feather?” The siblings both looked at Feather concerned.

“Yeah, just, bad memory.” She said choking back the bile.

“Ok so what next?” Candy asked.

“The naming trick doesn’t work, Cotton Cloudy would be a pegasus name for a weather pegasus, but as a unicorn I don’t know. Feather Pinch is less helpful, unless my special talent is pinching feathers. Cotton Candy seems self-evident, except for the fact that making the stuff would turn your stomach.” Feather just shook her head.

“Anyone tried boating?” Cloudy asked looking between them.

“Boating?” Feather looked at Candy confused.

“Yeah, there’s terms like feathering, and such in sailing. Weather is important in sailing. I didn’t find any candy terms in sailing but who knows.” Cloudy smiled bright.

“Well where to?”

“20 min bus ride north of here.” Cloudy said.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SAILORS ARE A GO!” they said slapping hooves and trotting out.

*** Across the pond ***

Beth stood looking at herself in the mirror. The armor she wore was a rich burgundy in color with gold inlay. The helmet had the same gold inlay in S patterns on either side of the hole for her horn. The chest piece had the large blue gem ringed in gold in the center of it.

It was the armor from her dream. She had modified the helm a bit according to the diagrams, there was some difference based on male and female heads but she wasn’t sure why. She hoped the armor would help her remember more.

Turning sideways she looked at herself, the armor completely hiding her heraldic mark. Or was it protecting it? Why would unicorns need armor? How many of them were there? Was she the first? Or the last?

Shaking her head she looked over as Tommy walked in, “Got lunch, and news. The papers are starting to make a stink over the spending, and questions on why the motorway was needed.”

“I can’t figure out why they would want it in the first place, as is the motorway only sees maybe a few cars an hour go by.”

Sitting down Tommy laid out the food, mix of vegetable pies, cake, and fresh juice. “Here you go sis.”

“You know, you can actually eat meat around me, I won’t take offense.” Beth smiled.

Shaking his head no, “Sis, I wouldn’t do that to you. I’m not going to tease you with food you can’t eat anymore. When with you I’ll stick to vegetables and fruit.”

“So what do we have today?” Beth asked perking.

Smiling Tommy put down his tablet. “2 more guards, now they are up to 4 guards at night. 8 more cameras have been added. Next up, a new bulldozer is was brought in, they are using it to move the old one onto a truck. It’s a D11T,” Opening up the page on the dozer he chuckled, “lets figure out how to break it.”

“Oh that’s a big one.” Beth said giggling, “And just look at all off those hydraulic hoses up front.”

“That would be wire saws, how many do you want?” Tommy said going over to the supply desk.

“Best make it 3 just in case.”

“3 it is.”

Tossing them into the air she caught them with her magic and put them down beside her. Taking off her armor she hung it up on the racks before picking up the saws again. “Time to be a unicorn.”

Heading up she checked the camera to make sure the outside was clear before opening the door. Once outside she giggled making her way through the woods. While there were paths, she chose to change her way through the wood each time, often not even using the trails. She left hoof prints so she figured anyone would just think she was a normal pony.

She could hear the nose of the construction vehicles, and used that to cover her approach, it was easy enough. Her fur was white and grey, but it still didn’t stand out much in the woods. Lying down behind a wild rose bush she smiled and slowly sent out the first saw. Snaking it slowly along the ground she waited till it was close enough to the dozer that no one would see it. Bringing it up in the shadows of the blade she started cutting the hose.

Within moments there was an explosion of fluids. Quickly she cut a few more cables before leaving the saw. Men ran over quickly, yelling to shut down the large machine. The damage should keep the machine out all day. Meaning she could come back tonight and finish off the evil beast.

Turning she pranced back to the castle flicking her tail happily. It was another perfect mission. Coming up the ridge she felt the magic again. She could see the unicorn stallion standing on the top of the hill looking down at the castle. He always appeared when she started getting close. A reminder of what she was fighting for she thought.

Moving up to where the image was she sighed. Tourists.

A bus had let out a few tourists to look at the castle. Given the fact that it had become her home, she was accepting but slightly inconvenienced by them. Especially those that thought littering was fine. The Asian groups tended to be quick, coming down taking lots of pictures and leaving. The America groups through, ugg they just took forever.

Sighing she laid down in the sun watching. It looked like a mix of European and Americans this time. A couple of families, university students, even some kids. Beth watched and sighed as the kids played around the ruins. Why couldn’t they keep their kids in check? Ok yes she played in the ruins too but she knew better then to try breaking off rocks.

Looking up she saw one of the kids, a little girl handing out one of the upper windows. Seriously, that entire area was closed, it wasn’t really safe yet of course the parents let their kids play. Blinking she watched in shock for a moment as the girl's brother grabbed her from behind. The girl screamed, jumping then fell forward over the window ledge.

“Oh God.” Beth jumped to her hooves running down the slope, reaching out with her magic she grabbed the girl slowing and redirecting her till she was safely on the ground. It took a lot the child was heavier then she expected and she needed to be almost under her to fully stop her.

Panting hard she blinked as the camera flashed.

Several people were taking pictures of her and cheering. What had she done? Humans weren’t supposed to see her, they weren’t supposed to know unicorns existed. She couldn’t let the girl die but now what?

Starting to cry she turned running for the woods again. She had messed up bad and she knew it.

Humans would know unicorns existed…

*** Velvet ***

“Yes, Unicorns exist, didn’t you read your briefing?” I said with a giggle looking at the corporal.

“Yes ma’am, I mean no ma’am.” The corporal looked flustered then back down at his computer.

“I’m not a ma’am, I’m a corporal too.” Sitting I found myself drumming my front hooves again. Honestly I don’t know if that was instinctual or genetic, I didn’t see other ponies do it, but I never did it as a human.

“We’re baaaaaaack.” I heard Cipher say.

Leaping off the chair was possibly not the best idea, I heard the scraping of metal and crash behind me, but who cares it was Cipher and Ballad! I barreled into the two hugging and nuzzling them as tight as I could.

“Oh Celestia I missed you girls.” I said.

“Tell me there’s a Starbucks on base.” Cipher said giggling.

“2 of them, one is near the PX about 5 min from here. The other’s in the middle of the base.”

“MINE!” I grunt as Ballad landed on my back.

“When did I become yours?” I ask looking over my shoulder at her.

Hanging with her front hooves off the right side of me, rear hooves hanging off the left, she licked my cheek. “The moment I got here.”

“Ah-Pee’s plane is landing later tonight.” I said giggling and started walking towards the door carrying Ballad.

“Your tail’s wiggling a mile a minute again.” Cipher said giggling.

“That’s fine, so is yours.” I said giggling, looking at her tail going.

Dropping off my back Ballad picked up her carry-on bag and prancing with us laughing. “Where’s our little Sugar Bee?”

“At the office, Blaze and the Rangers are on a hop, with some recruits.” I said smiling, “I’m still on light duties right now. I’m cleared to work tomorrow though.”

“I can’t wait to see my office, they set it up to the specs I had at the my old base. But they changed my classification. I’m not longer just a 17C. They upped me to a 35Q. Cryptologic Network Warfare Specialist!!!”

“Now if we knew what that meant.” Ballad said giggling.

“It means she gets paid more.” I say giggling.

“Technically it means I need a cutie mark in Cryptology… Oh look I have one!”

Nuzzling her I don’t care, I’m just happy she’s here, and safe. They were as close as family, they were like sisters to me. I know how my daughter felt when she found out her mission was over and she had to return to Canterlot. The thought of losing her friends, was just devastating.

Walking into the PX first I showed them around. In the last 2 weeks, the number of pony items had grown here. Hoof polish, rain cloaks, civilian saddle bags, if it was out there for a horse, it looks like they had a version for ponies. The fact that the base had cared enough to do this was just something special.

Heading over we sat at the Starbucks getting our coffees. “So I’m going to be moved to PMQ’s, in other words an on base house if one becomes available. Right now I’m in temporary lodgings. You girls are going to love it. All 3 of you will likely be in 1 apartment for starts.”

“We know you’ll need to go on missions. At least we know there will always be at least a few of us together at all times. And none of us will ever be on our own.” Ballad said nodding firmly.

*** 23.446357, -162.238562 6 knots, Sea State 4 ***

The ship was not the best for rough waters in open seas. Waves often broke well over the bow of the ship. With a 9 knots max speed there was little room for error as the ship didn’t have the power to get out of trouble.

The captain had brought the boat up North West of Hawaii and was now doing his turn, he hoped to avoid coast guard ships or navy ships seeing him. The problem was his engines were running hot, and his cargo had been in the case for 10 days, they likely didn’t have much food or water left. Add to that the weather was getting worse.

But his buyer was paying a million dollars for this. With that money he could just dump this rust bucket and pick up a new ship or just retire. Either way, he and his small crew were almost there. If he could just reach the drop off area he could start unloading. He knew though, if the weather got much worse, he might have to consider dumping the cargo and calling for help.

Dumping the cargo, throwing away a million dollars, that would be a last resort. Getting caught however was not an option either. The containers were heavy enough, and the air holes in them would let them sink fast, it would take only moment once dumped overboard for them to sink to the bottom.

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