• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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33: Picking up the Pieces

We stand watching the gate, keeping our distance as best we can, the last few stragglers that could make it on time have gone through, I didn’t know how many are left behind, or stranded, but we’ve tried our best to make it easy for those going.

I was surprised when Big Mac had come through, but at the same time I understand his reasons. Around the world ponies have received dreams to go to his farm. It could take weeks, or even months for them to get there. So him leaving the farm, would be him abandoning all the ponies that had been entrusted to him by Luna.

That is something he just can’t do, I know that. Though it does make Ah-Pee happy, even though he is human now, he is still an Apple. I could just see the Hunter family and Apple family having reunions, with any Apple stragglers meeting up at one of the two farms for years to come.

Irony made it through with plenty of time to spare, so we keep our distance to let them reunite, I know Dust is still hurting from the loss of her sibling. It is going to be hard for her, I know. It is going to be hard for a lot of families. Many might not know why or what happened, just that their loved ones have vanished.

That is going to be our next job though, for now, we all need time to heal. I can feel the energy of the gate flickering as it closes, going to sleep again for another two and a half years. Thirty moons till the next opening.

The LT gives the gate a salute that is slowly picked up by the rest of the squad. I don’t know if he is saluting someone, the gate, or Equestria itself, but at this moment it doesn’t matter. To each of us we have our own reason to salute it.

Eric starts singing again, catching every pony off guard, the words carrying our feelings, “I know the road is long, But where it lead to is home. Whatever you say, I find the way...”

Picking up the words, the feeling, we join in, “I run like the river, I follow the sun, I fly like an eagle to where I belong.”

To all of us, the gate means a way home, a way that is now closed. “No I can't stand the distance, I can't dream alone, I can't wait to see you, yes I will find my way home.”

“So what’s the plan now LT?” I said as I sit, watching him.

“Well, cleanup is going to take a few days. Many of these cars and such are now abandoned. Tomorrow we get down to really mundane work, we are going to VIN all the cars, trucks and such.” This gets a moan from the entire squad.

“Yep, it gets worse. Once VINned, we tag them with a white flag. Cipher gets to go through the records with Sugarberry, any rentals get a yellow flag. Those will get gathered up by the motor pool, and transferred to a parking area in town, companies will be notified to come pick them up.”

Looking at us he shakes his head, “Green flags are for vehicles that we can track down for active family members. Those will be gathered and shipped back to their families. The families will be advised that they will be responsible for any leasing, outstanding payments or what not on the car, but from there can choose to keep or sell them.”

“Red flags will be for cars who have no family. I’m going to suggest that those ones be auctioned off, and the proceeds go to the families of those who died. Don’t know if the military will go for it, but we need to do something with them.”

Nodding slowly I look at the girls, and then over at Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot hasn’t taken her eyes off the LT once, her face showing her concern and worry. I’m not sure what is going on, and I haven’t been told the full story of what happened in Equestria, but I am going to give him time.

“How long are we staying here, sir?” I ask, curious as to what the military is planning.

“They want to keep us here on station for 2 weeks, just to handle stragglers, again, pony face to defuse tension.” He says, looking straight at Blaze and I.

Blaze chuckles and shakes himself out, puffing his fur somewhat as well as his wings before saluting cheerfully, “Token ponies reporting for cuteness.”

Looking at Blaze I just groan, “Bad, Rainbow, just bad.”

“We are going to start cycling down military and police presence here. The statue will be locked up in the house but not moved.”

“Big Mac is talking about buying the land and statue.” I chime in.

“Yep, but until that happens, a small security force will stay here. We are not worried about something coming through, but we also don’t want to take a chance that it’s not stolen, damaged or destroyed.” The LT looks around at all of us, “For tonight, get some sleep, we will meet back here at oh eight hundred.”

Turning he heads off to one of the trucks, rather than using the Inn or one of the tents, the Officers have set up some cots in one of the MTVR’s and turned it into an officers quarters for the four officers here. Fleetfoot is bunked there, as well as two infantry officers. It was large enough to sleep them while still giving them a measure of privacy with the hanging dividers inside the vehicle.

I look at Blaze and trot back for the barracks tent. It is set up with 12 x 2 bunks, though right now there is about 10 infantry and us 6 rangers in it right now. Undressing, I fold my things up, putting them in my locker till I’m just in my panties and t-shirt.

Glancing over at some of the infantry I blink, “What? These are coed barracks.”

Eric chuckles “There just not used to seeing such a cute tail.”

“Gee thanks, I thought you didn’t look at those things.” I respond.

“Well, at least you’re wearing something. Girls on the other side weren’t. And in pony form, when sitting or lying on the ground you really had to watch where your eyes drifted.” Henry chuckled. “The LT got some of us with that.”

“Well sorry to disappoint you guys, no free shows here.” I said taking off my hoof boots and tossing them into the locker.

Rather than the normal clunk I’d expect, I hear a squeak and whimper. Turning, I lift up the duffle bag at the bottom of the locker. Pink fur and feathers, what?

“Feather? Why didn’t you go through the gate?” I say, lifting her up in my telekinesis.

“I… I couldn’t. I couldn’t face them, I couldn’t bring what I did to Equestria.” She says, looking down.

“Oh Feather.” Pulling on my pants I put her on my back. “You should have just told us rather than hiding.”

Heading to the mess tent, I pick her up some food before heading back to the barracks. “First have something to eat, and then we’ll figure out what we can do to help.”

I watch her finish eating, then I clean up her face with a cloth. Carefully, I pick her up and pull her in bed with me, snuggling her I look over at Blaze. “We can decide as a group tomorrow.”

“Sure thing, I don’t mind her staying with us till she can sort things out for herself.” He says with a smile.

*** Fleetfoot ***

“Dust? Dust…” She trots up and stops.

Looking back from her herd, Dust stands up, “What’s up Fleetfoot?”

“I need a Wonderbolt’s help.” Sitting, she keeps some distance between herself and the herd, looking mournfully at Dust.

Getting up, Dust walks over to sit beside her, “What’s up?”

“A human went through the gate, fought for us, and risked their life for us. The mirror magic made them a pegasus there, and they lived up every bit to the Wonderbolts oath and way. The problem is they came back traumatized. They would never raise a hand against a pony, yet they nearly took a swing at me.”

She sighs, quiet for a long time, then she looks up at the turquoise pegasus, “I need Luna, I need some way to get through to them. Right now they have so much loathing about themselves, they don’t think they should have lived when real ponies died.”

“Who?” Dusk asks.

“I… I can’t say, it’s somewhat confidential. I don’t… It’s like…” Taking a deep, breath she looks at Dust, “It’s like their greatest dream, what should have been their greatest accomplishment, was torn up and left at their hooves.” Fleetfoot shakes her head. “And it not fair to someone who just wanted to help our kind.”

Dust sits down, thinking. “Velvet told me something about this, but I haven’t talked to Princess Luna.” She continues to look thoughtful, then she brightens and looks back, “Moon Shadow,” The gray unicorn looks at the two pegasi, “We need your help.”

Moon Shadow blinks and stands up, reluctant to leave Irony’s side, but still comes over. “What do you need Dust?”

Dust turns to face Fleetfoot, “Moon Shadow was Luna’s apprentice back in Equestria, she’s a dream walker. Maybe she can help.”

“I’m just afraid that they are going to do something that will make things worse for themselves. I need a way to get through to them. I’ve been trained in the basics recognizing the signs of PTSD, survivor’s guilt and such but…”

“I’ll see what I can do. Dust, take care of Irony for me, please.” Moon Dancer stands up to follow Fleetfoot towards the truck.

“You know I will, Moon.” Dust responds as she moves over to the massive earth pony and folds a wing over her.

“I trust you won’t let this get around. Stuff like this can be a career ender.” Feetfoot says softly.

“Healer-patient confidentiality, Luna made me swear never to reveal things from dreams.”

“Lt. James Fisher, he earned his cutie mark in Equestria, but he associates it now with the death of others rather then what it really is. There’s so much… He’s got it in his mind that the only reason he has it is because a young mare died.”

“Something like that can just…”

Fleetfoot looks mournful, “I told him I’d try and find a way to help, he wants it removed, but that would just be running away from the problem.”

“Removed? You mean he kept it?”

“Yeah… it’s true Equestrian magic, it’s a true cutie mark. He may be human but, there, he was a pony, and as such.” Fleetfoot just looks at her hooves for a long moment, before steeling herself and hopping up into the back of the truck.

Following behind, Moon Shadow could sense the suffering right away, while he is asleep he is tossing and turning, reliving the nightmares. The strength of the agony catches Moon Shadow off guard and she wobbles a bit. She shakes her head, “Remind me never to go to a PTSD ward in a veterans hospital.”

“That bad?”

“I haven’t even started yet, best to wake him up, I don’t want to do this without his permission.”

Holding her wing out, Fleetfoot backs up, pushing Moon Shadow back as well to get some distance before she calls out. “Rangers HO!”

The LT bolts upright, pulling a service pistol out from a holster on his bed. Looking around, he blinks as Fleetfoot shields Moon with her wing. “It’s ok James, you were having a nightmare.”

Holstering his pistol he covers his face, “Yeah, bad dreams.”

“Moon Shadow here is a powerful unicorn, probably more powerful than Velvet, she might be able to help you.” Fleetfoot says softly.

“She can get rid of the mark?” he says, looking at both of the ponies.

“I… I don’t know, but I might be able to help with the nightmares.” She says as she steps forward.

Looking at his hand, he watches it tremble, and makes a tight fist to stop it. “I’ll be fine when I get rid of the mark.”

“I don’t know if it’s the mark or not. I’d like to find out, if you’ll let me.” Moon Shadow smiles gently, “You helped us, now it’s our turn to help you.”

“I’ll help too.” Fleetfoot says sternly, looking at both of them.

Moon Shadow shakes her head slowly, “It only works with family members, or those who share a connection of love.”

Fleetfoot looks at Moon sternly, “I will help, we share a connection, it may not be love but it’s there. Every time he puts his hand on me I feel it.”

Looking between the two, Moon Shadow sighs. “I will try but I can’t be sure it will work.”

Laying down beside him, she takes a breath, “lay back, close your eyes, and relax. I’ll be with you the whole way.” Taking his hand, she guides it to her cutie mark, “Here, draw strength from me.”

Shaking her head, Moon Shadow closes her eyes, she still isn’t sure they are close enough emotionally but she’s going to give it a try.

“Just breath, relax, close your eyes and try to sleep.”


Moon Shadow appears, standing on the bed of Grandfathers pickup truck, James is sitting on the edge of the tailgate, softly stroking Fleetfoot’s neck, calming her. He speaks to her soothingly, telling her she is safe, that nothing would hurt her.

“James…” Moon Shadow steps forward. “We need to go to Equestria, James…”

Slowly the scene changes, James is sitting beside Henry. Fleetfoot is next to Moon Shadow, she looks around, then looks down at Henry. Equestria is an absolute mess, there as burned out and damaged buildings, spray painted buildings, broken glass and shattered doors.

“I didn’t know it was this bad here.” Feetfoot says.

“Me neither,” Moon Shadow says, then blinks as she looks at Henry. She takes note of Henry’s cutie mark, a little taken back. Watching as he uses his magic to heal, she shakes her head slowly. “That’s… he…”

“He’s a medic,” James says. Standing up he steps out to see all the injured being tended to.

“What about the battle?” Moon Shadow asks softly.

“The battle was hours ago. This is the aftermath, very few ponies came out without any injuries.”

“Can I see the battle?” Moon Shadow asks gently.

With one more step, they are standing on the top of the hill, a pair of royal guard pegasi stand with James, looking down he watches the breach open, a large bear had punched through the lines. He starts charging down, heading for the breach. The royal guard follows, following his orders, and following his tactics. He is their wing commander.

It is a race, to see who can get to the wounded first, on either side of him the stallions protect his flanks, behind them a pair of mares. There she was… the one who…

The scene jumps back to the pickup. James is again stroking Fleetfoot’s neck softly as he tells her to stay calm.

“I know it’s hard. I need to see it though, I need to see what happened.” Moon Shadow says.

“I’m not a pegasus, I was never meant to be one… So why did she sacrifice herself?” James says, looking at Fleetfoot.

He is running again, charging towards the triage center, spreading his wings, he leaps over the wounded and starts flying, the entire group of pegasi take to the air with him. Flying full speed over the wounded he is heading for the large war bear in the lead.

The mare behind him is smiling, a great flying wedge formation with James at the tip of the spear. Looking ahead, the bear rears up and roars.

Gunshots, everything goes dark, “LT, LEFT SIDE!” Wally calls out. James turns to his left, he sees a girl, no older than fourteen, wearing a baroque. She picks up an AK-74 from a body and starts to point it towards the LT. A short controlled burst leaves her lying there, dead.

Moon Shadow stands blinking, and looks over at Fleetfoot.

“Afghanistan, we were house clearing in a Taliban village.” James says, panting.

“But why are we here?” Fleetfoot asks.

“Sometimes memories become linked… especially stressful ones. This is not just about the pegasus.” Moon Shadow says as she steps forward.

The town is hell, it looks worse than Ponyville, with two burning HLWV’s, buildings that have taken hits from 2000 pound bombs, some buildings are flattened, with nothing but a door frame and a twenty foot hole in the ground.

The air is thick with smoke, with burning oil, with burnt flesh.

It takes everything Fleetfoot has to stand beside the LT, Moon Shadow is hardly doing any better. A twelve year old by runs across the street with what looked like wires coming out from under his vest. He is heading for the Rangers position, but doesn’t make it halfway across the street before one of the snipers puts him down.

“Heads down!” James shouts.

A B-1B comes across the village, left to right, unloading nearly fifty JDAMS in 1 pass, the earth shakes, the buildings the Rangers were in, pieces of roof and the walls fall inwards… there is no sound other than explosion after explosion, even the gunfire is drowned out.

“It’s ok, it’s just a bad dream.” The LT says, sitting by Fleetfoot in the pickup. “You’re safe, just breathe.”

Moon Shadow shakes her head, ears flapping a bit, trying to get the sound out of her head. Yet he continues to come back to here, this is his safe place. She smiles, of all the memories he must have, this is where he comes to be safe. Just sitting and running his fingers through Fleetfoot’s mane.

“James, you’re flying, your first flight ever, you are in Equestria.”

James pumps his wings hard, he is covering the distance. He flies over Henry, who is refusing to leave the wounded, even though Discord’s forces are coming right at him. “Fan out now!” James yells as he hits the lead war bear with his shoulder and neck, sending it tumbling backwards. His speed, his mass, the amount of force imparted from that collision leaves even Fleetfoot stunned. He hit the bear with everything he had, knowing he had to stop it.

The royal guard and other pegasi fan out to form a U around the advance, to stop and contain them long enough for the heavy cavalry to arrive. The wing mares though, refuse to leave James unguarded. They fight close to him, keeping the cat creatures off of him. For them, for others near him, James is a banner, a flag, something to rally to. All the ponies can see that. Moon Shadow watches the looks on the various faces, he’s leading them, polarizing them, getting them to do what they would otherwise be unable to do themselves.

When the great bear takes a swing at James, she is there to keep him safe. The battle stops, everything stops. James just sits by the body of the broken female. Bodies all around, but it was her, she had given her life. Lifting his wing he looks at his mark.

Laying down he curls up by the body, “She was the real pegasus, I was fighting to give her a life there, I failed completely.”

Fleetfoot comes close, laying her wing over James, “You earned your mark before she died. Not because of her dying.”

Moon Shadow asserts her control and stops the dream, only Fleetfoot, James, and herself could move. She can smell the burnt flesh, the smoke thick in the air, but the sound is blotted out. There are so many dead and wounded. Even Moon Shadow recognizes a few, it is easy to see how someone could give up under this. Want to hide from it. She looks at James, he’s staring at the form lying on the ground. His pain eats at her own soul. She sighs and lets things continue.

They are back at the pickup truck, James is curled in ball in pegasus form, wings trembling badly, Fleetfoot is sitting, her legs dangling off the edge of the tailgate stroking James neck softly with her hand. Blinking, she looks at herself as a human and shudders.

Moon Shadow looks at Fleetfoot, “It’s his turn to feel like this.”

“I couldn’t fly after that, I couldn’t eat, I didn’t want to be a pegasus, I don’t want to be one. I just want this mark off of me.”

“She died a soldier, she died doing her duty, and protecting her commanding officer. She’s a mare, there’s an instinct there. We have to protect the stallions. She had to keep you safe.”

“It’s how pilots are trained too. Protect your wing leader at all costs. Abandoning your wing leader is the worst thing you can do.” Fleetfoot says, “Had she let you fall, the entire formation could have crumbled, then the wounded would have been next.”

“Your mark is about trust, the trust you inspire, it’s not the mark of someone who fights alone, it’s a mark of a person who fights with a flock, a herd, a squad. She didn’t die because of your mark, but hundreds more are alive because of it.” Moon Shadow says, stroking his wing to stop it from trembling.

“I don’t think the mirror is random in what it turns a person into. I think instead it turns them into what they are meant to be in that reality. I’m sure some humans would be turned into Griffons, others into Zebra’s, I don’t know how it works things out but it knew you were a pegasus. Your energy, your personality, maybe your family history, decided that on Equestria you would be a pegasus.” Fleetfoot gently picks James up, cradling him and hugging him tight. Well maybe not picked him up as much as rolling him over and pulling him up into a hug.

“Fleetfoot can help you through this.” Moon Shadow says. She concentrates, and the world around them whirls for a moment, bringing them back to the battlefield, sitting by the mare. “She died, but it wasn’t a death in vain. She died for something, James.”

“You can run from this, try and hide, try and avoid facing the pain. Like so many do. We’ve both seen how that ends.” Fleetfoot says, putting her wing around him but tucking her muzzle under his neck. “Or we can take it slow, come to understand the sacrifice. At the same time accept the mark for what it is, a mark of growing up, of reaching a new level.”

“The first step though, is facing the pain, accepting it, not trying to hide from it, not trying to run away from it.” Moon Shadow says softly.

“I’ll be with you as much as I can through this James. I’ll be by your side, or a phone call away. I have a great frequent flyer program.” She says, softly hugging him with her wing.

They are back at the truck, he is panting softly, and tears are in his eyes as he looks down at the pegasus mare. Stroking her neck he closes his eyes, “Good little soldier.” She murmurs as she leans into the touch from the human, a soft smile on her face.

*** Velvet ***

Waking up I get undressed and put on clean underclothing before getting out of bed. Changing while under the covers is a military specialty at times. It came in most handy in the Arctic, but, for a mare in a coed barracks, useful too.

Pulling on my combats and combat boots, I give them a quick rough polish to remove scuffs. Polishing combat boots isn’t as much about the mirror shine, but more about just having them scuff free. There isn’t a lot of leather, these boots though are mostly cloth and rubber, but I still want to make them look nice.

I gently nuzzle Feather, “Up an at em sleepy head.”

Feather pulls the covers over her head, “10 more hours mom.”

“Oh no, you wanted to stay on Earth, I have work to do, you’re coming with me.” I say picking her up and putting her on my back.

Cipher groans, rolling out of bed, “Where’s my Coffee IV.”

“In the mess tent,” Sugarberry sits up, ruffing her mane out a bit, then she looks over and blinked.

Cipher sits, eyes half closed, blowing on a hot cup of coffee.

“Cipher, I thought teleports are for emergencies,” Ballad says, working a brush through her tail, trying to get some knots out.

“Morning coffee IS an emergency.” Taking a big drink of her coffee she looks over at the others, then starts to get dressed herself.

“Anyone seen Ah-Pee?” I ask.

“Mess hall already,” Cipher said, “saw her when I got my coffee.”

Turning, we start trotting for the mess hall, a few infantry watching us as we walk. Once inside we grab our breakfast and start our game plan.

“Ok we got our orders, Cipher, use the sat link, link up with CID, NCIS and run the VIN’s and plate numbers as we bring them in. Sugarberry get to work on the lists. Ballad and I are going to VIN the cars and text the numbers back to you.”

Blaze drags himself in, yawning, “You girls didn’t wait for me?”

Giggling, I look up, “You looked so cute and adorable sleeping. I hate to do this to you Blaze, but, you’re on VIN duty, and runner if needed. If anypony shows up I want you there to calm them down as fast as possible. Don’t tell them right away though that they missed the gate. We don’t want to crush anypony like that.”

Getting up, I start for the tent door, when Ballad start singing beside me… For once… every person, and pony groaned.

Portal Wrap-Up, Portal Wrap-Up!

Let's finish our traveling Year

Portal Wrap-Up, Portal Wrap-Up!

'Cause tomorrow police are here

'Cause tomorrow the police are here

Getting out to the where the cars are, we start laughing as she goes on, the song just getting worse…

Vinning all the cars and trucks

A ponies job begins

In clearing all the roads and lanes

To let the tow trucks in.

We move the barriers and we clear the tape lines

when we're done the police can come in and issue fines...

“Ok ok, Ballad you win, I won’t be able to read the VIN numbers if you keep singing that.” I giggle.

“Sorry, just doing what my cutie mark tells me.” She says and giggles back.

We both keep our cellphones on, reading the VIN numbers and magically typing them into our phones, including the license plate numbers. Meanwhile Feather is on my back, looking into the windows of each car. There is most of the usual stuff you’d expect, some laptops, cellphones, books and blankets.

Some cars have food left inside, I really don’t want to be the one to open the doors on those cars. Not our problem.

I hear Ballad start laughing across from me, “What’s up?”

“We can never get locked out of a car.” She calls back.

Looking over at her I chuckle, “Just realizing it now?”

“I just tried it, I can unlock the locks with my TK.” She calls back.

“Yep, works on house doors to. If we can see the lock handle, we can turn, pull, or push it.”

“Man the government’s worried about pegasi. Us unicorns and the earth ponies are just as big a problem.” She says with a sigh.

“Hey, never consider what we do a problem. I think that’s also the reason we rarely see keys or such in the show. In most cases, they would be pointless.”

Feather hops off my back, onto the hood of a small SUV and clambers up onto the roof, looking down though the sunroof. “Well, that paint jobs scratched to heck now, Feather, what are you doing?”

“Body, got a body here.” Feather says.

Blinking, I open the door, there is a human woman, I judge her age to be in her forties, her hands are duck taped, as well as her feet, and her mouth has a strip of the gray tape.

“She’s alive!” I call out, “Get Henry and call for an ambulance.”

“The portal opened four nights ago, she could have been in there up to three days, easily. Let them know she could be in bad shape.” Ballad says.

Henry runs up to check her over, after a few minutes he looks at me, “She’s alive, but barely, pulse is weak and thready.”

Feather looked up, “Why would somepony do this?”

“Why do you think it was a pony?” Ballad asks.

“Because only the ponies knew about this place.” Feather says.

“Great, just what we need, a case of a pony kidnapping a human to get here.” I say, “OK girls, let's pick up the pace a bit.” Grumbling I look up, “Rainbow!”

Blaze lands beside me, “What’s up?”

“We just pulled a body out of one of the cars, do a quick search, make sure there’s no more.”

Nodding Blaze starts car hopping, checking each of them, as we move on with our job.

“Has anyone seen the LT?” Eric calls out.

“Not since last night,” I hear Blaze respond.

“Now what…” I say, shaking my head.

*** Fleetfoot ***

Moon Shadow shakes her head as she steps from the dream, She looks at Fleetfoot and James. Even if they haven’t admitted it, they are a lot closer than just friends. That would never have worked so easily if they were just friends.

Working through the dream is easy, for her. Everything after that, some of the things she saw left her feeling ill, she can’t talk to Dust about it though. Dust has too much to deal with right now, too. So many lives destroyed by this. She sighs softly, looking at the pony and the human curled up together.

Fleetfoot moans softly and pushes herself up, “I feel like my head, my heart, and my cutie mark have all been ripped off and stomped on. Still, it’s not as bad as my college day hangovers.”

“He’ll sleep peacefully for a while but he’ll still need a lot of herd support.”

“I don’t know, I kind of feel bad now, the other night we were joking around, laughing at Eric getting a musical cutie mark, Henry being the pink unicorn. They went through so much there though.” Fleetfoot shakes her head slowly.

“Henry wasn’t thrilled about being a unicorn?” Moon Shadow asks, glancing up at her horn.

“Actually I think his only problem was the color, and everyone making fun of him for it.” She shakes her head, “Most of them are or were humans, so the idea of a pink male unicorn just doesn’t fit with the testosterone.”

“That’s it?” Moon Shadow shakes her head.

“Yeah, he was the only one there though that could heal some of the unicorn’s injuries. He just couldn’t wait to get back to human form though, should have seen how happy he was that he was back to normal except for the cutie mark.”

Gently Fleetfoot strokes the LT’s hip with a wing. “He made a pretty respectable pegasus though. Definitely would have been EUP or a Wonderbolt Reserve.” Looking back at her own cutie mark, Wings around the horseshoe with the shockwave in front of it, she giggles “Their cutie marks at least could pass for Wonderbolt Reserves.”

“How do you feel about him?”

“Safe.” Fleetfoot responded, as if that explains everything.

“Well that was informative.”

“There’s just few people I can really let my guard down with. Few people I can talk to or trust. Fewer still that I’d let pick me up or hold me. Whenever he touches me though I just feel safe, like I know he’d never hurt me. That whatever happened I’d be ok in his hands, it’s like I could close my eyes and imagine his wings over me.”

“So… you have a crush on him.” Moon Shadow says with a coy smile.

“I’m not going creepy stalker. Again. I didn’t get my head hit that hard recently. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I’m glad there are parts of my pony life, that I just can’t remember.” She laughs softly.

“I’ll let Dust know we’re done, and ready to go.”

“Sure thing and I’ll keep an eye on him, if there’s any trouble, I’ll call.”

Nodding slowly, Moon Shadow heads out, while Fleetfoot climb into her cot. Pulling her pillow over her forelegs she lays her head down to watch James. “Nope, not creepy in the slightest.”

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