• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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71: The Friendly Skies

“What is a civilian?” The General muses, leaning back.

Shaking his head, the Major sighs, “I think it’s pretty well defined.”

Looking out the window at Sugarberry, he sighs, “I just saw the civilian casualty reports for the attack on Samaru. Normally I would be appalled at high civilian counts.”

“Not this time though? We’ve had problems with deciding what a civilian is for ourselves since Vietnam. While Granada and Panama had clear defines about who the civilians were, the fighting in Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria blurred the lines more and more.” The Major sips his coffee and flinches.

“The entire city had no other means of income that intel could find. That is, other than piracy and slave trading. They funneled slaves from Russia, the Middle East, and Africa to there, and then around the world. They bought and sold people and ponies. They supplied weapons and arms to pirates. They maintained and repaired pirate ships. It was pretty much their entire industry. They also supported terrorism throughout the world.” The General sighs.

“So it’s hard to feel sorry for them?” The major says softly, “Actually I know how you feel. They profited from the suffering of innocence. They were still civilians, and there will be repercussions for this action. In the end though, we made the region so much safer. And we did rescue hundreds of people and ponies.” The Major puts down his coffee.

Taking a sip of his, the General coughs a few times. “That we did. Um, new order, so let the staff know. Ciphers coffee is clearly marked in the break room, when serving staff don’t use that pot.”

The Major chuckles, “I’ve had espressos that were not this strong.”


Pegasi, all pegasi, five of them for this flight, oh wonderful. Well at least it’s a short flight so that is a blessing. It’s a mix of ponies heading down to the 520th HQ for police training. Taking a deep breath, he braces himself and steps out of the cockpit and into the cabin. He looks around and puts on his best smile.

“Hello, I’m your co-pilot today. My names Lieutenant Sanders. No relation to Colonel Sanders, so please don’t ask me about chicken. Today’s hop will be from Fort Bragg to Quantico and will take approximately an hour and a half, barring any traffic jams, sky work, or nosey pegasi. If you are a pegasus, please remember that the doors are closed for the safety of us all. Please don’t decide to get out and take a walk midflight.”

Pointing to the doors, “Emergency exits are there, there and there. If it really comes down to using them, please let one of the staff open them, and no, bad turbulence is not reason enough to pop one open and jump out. While we may not have our own wings, we do know how to fly this plane. With that in mind, please keep any comments as to our flight skill to yourself until after we have left Quantico. Since the majority of you here are pegasi, we have taken the added security precaution of disabling your seat phones just to make sure this flight is extra pleasant.”

Pointing over to the cabinet, “Today’s inflight meal was provided by the US Army Quartermasters Office. I’m sure it’s edible, but if it’s not, the lavatory is in the back. Our lavatory is fully modernized and pony friendly, so please remember to use it. If you haven’t figured out how to use it yet, please tell our steward and he will provide you with rubber seat covers.”

Taking a deep breath, he points to the ceiling. “While we do not plan on having an in air depressurization, if we did I’d have taken the day off after all... we do have precautions in place to deal with it. Air masks will drop down, unfortunately they are probably set to fit humans, so I wish you luck. Though given that pegasi seem to be fine at high altitudes, it shouldn’t be a problem. If you do manage to get them on, remember to deposit a dollar for the first minute, and twenty-five cents for each minute after that.”

“Lastly, please wait till our engines are fully stopped and we say it’s okay to exit the plane on the ground. We’ve already had to replace the engines once, when one of Santa’s reindeer got sucked in. Since ponies are a lot smaller than reindeer, the damage to the engine might not be as bad, but please remember that some service person will be expected to sponge up the mess afterward, so please be careful. As always, thank you for flying Pony Air, because we know you really don’t have a choice.”

Turning, he heads back to his seat, “Tower this is Pony Air 002, ready for departure.”

Looking over, the Captain shakes his head, “You are certifiable, you know that right?”

“Don’t make me start singing, 'it’s what my cutie mark is telling me'. Last time I did it, all the ponies picked up on it right away.” The co-pilot singsongs as he runs through the final checklist.

“Tell me why you’re not a pony again?”

"The FDA and USDA turned me down. I was a month past my expiration date, so I didn't get my butt stamp."


“Just not one of the lucky ones, I guess. I was born a whole month too soon. And to think, I never even watched My Little Pony until I found out about them.”

*** Somalia ***

Gritting her teeth, she watches. She doesn’t trust them, doesn’t like them being there. They are trouble, and will attract trouble. She moves a bit to keep her eyes on what they are doing.

The aid workers are laying out a large rectangle on the ground with white sandbags. They have a large cross in the center. It’s obvious they are marking a drop zone, but it would attract unwanted attention.

They had driven here in a small jeep, why they couldn’t just bring the supplies in by the jeep? It might not have been as much, but it would have been safer. There are other eyes watching this, and she knows it. They will come. Warlords, rebels, whoever… To take the food for themselves and kill anyone who gets in their way.

Why had they come here? Why did they decide to use this valley? This was her home.

*** Velvet ***

Not to say the scream was girlish, it really wasn’t that feminine… Who am I kidding? That one was well into the Rarity octaves. It was even higher pitched than Twi-Twi being confronted by a quesadilla.

All the girls lift their heads, blinking and looking around. Cipher blinks, Ballad and Sugarberry stand up, looking around and taking a head count. Ah-Pee looks at me as she stands up. We had fallen asleep watching old classic movie. Mad Max Fury Road was only five years old, but still a true classic.

Blaze is sitting up in the chair, looking around. A confused look on his face as he tries to figure out which mare screamed. The foals are at the tree-house, and even then they might not be able to get to that high a pitch.

Slowly we all looked at each other, then all heads turn towards the bathroom. “Umm Billy? Are you okay in there?”

Blinking, I look at Sugarberry, “Should I get a psychologist or councillor here?”

“You know what she’s going through. That why the base hospital suggested you handle this, unless it’s an emergency.”

“Yeah but I didn’t scream like that.”

Blaze noses me towards the bathroom, “Nope you squeaked and whimpered.”

I may be dressed, but Blaze’s muzzle still hit a rather private spot, causing me to squeak and look back at him.

“Just like that.” Blaze says.

Sighing, I use my magic to open the bathroom door and step inside. Billy is sitting on the toilet, his eyes wide and trembling badly. His, well her, hands are gripping a towel with a death grip. Oh goody, he or she is taking it well.

Taking a deep breath, “Well it looks like you’re going to be Cookie Crisp. Canterlot elite unicorn, owns a bakery but is a real umm…”

Tilting my head, I look at Billy, he didn’t seem to be paying attention, or he was in shock. One of the two, “Umm, are you okay?”

“Okay? Am I Okay!?!?” She lets out a little laugh.

“Oh no.”

“NO, I’m not okay! I’m a girl! It’s gone! How do you think I feel?” She squeals.

Taking a step back, I sit and whimper, “Scared, betrayed, confused. Angry at everyone. Well it is okay to be angry at Discord actually. Since this is his fault. He’s already been beaten up and punished for this.”

“Angry, try…” she starts and looks at me. “So, I can’t even get payback.” She says, tears falling.

“You’re only part way through your change. Don’t worry. Things will be better in a couple of days. You’ve got so much to look forward to.” I say cheerfully.

“Oh yeah, like what? PMS?”

Giggling softly, I shake my head. “Nope, don’t worry, ponies don’t get that or periods. So we don’t really have to worry about things like that. Add to that we have a great tea to help and it's fine. The best part though will be the magic, trust me. It will be so much fun, especially when we start with the fundamentals!”

The sound of multiple groans is a dead giveaway that the Unicorn Club is listening at the door. With a little giggle I perk, “And you won’t even have to do them alone, I’ll have Cipher, Sugarberry and Ballad help you practice!”

I hear a soft “Baaaaaah” followed by a thud on the other side of the door. Somepony really likes that idea, it sounds like.

“But I’m a girl!” She says, starting to pant.

“Yes, and trust me you’re not the only one this has happened to. You are one of the lucky ones. Some have turned into foals, or even newborns. Some have turned into elderly, picture going from a twenty-five year old, to a one year old… or a ninety year old. Picture becoming nine months pregnant due to the change. JUST becoming female is a nice change from what others have had.”

Billy’s eyes dart around frantically, “What am I going to do?”

Closing my eyes I think for a second, then I take a big breath, “Semper Fi Marine! Adapt and Overcome.”

That gets through to him, or her. Sitting up a bit, Billy takes a breath then blinks, looking at me. “What?”

Once a Marine always a Marine, the training is so ingrained that even in the worst cases it can be used to get through to them. “The ponies were at war with Discord. Consider the loss a battlefield injury. Now you have to adapt to it. Fight through it. Adapt and overcome! You’re a Marine!” I yell.

I can see him trying to work through this. It’s going to take him a long time but if I can do it, he can. “Come on now, get yourself cleaned up, pull up your pants and come into the living room.”

He opens his mouth for a second. I don’t want him to start thinking about it just yet, “NOW, MARINE!”

He stands up and quickly pulls his pants up. He walks out of the bathroom, looking almost timid. The other girls sit in a row, looking at him, though Blaze stays back, rocking in the chair.

Stepping out into the living room, I look over my shoulder and nod to Cookie, “Girls, her name’s Cookie Crisp. She’s from Canterlot.”

Cipher giggles, grabbing Cookie with magic and pulls her into a group hug. Ah-Pee joins in, hugging Cookie along with the rest of the Unicorn Club. “Can we go back to sleep now? We don’t need to be up for another two hours.”

Laughing softly, I nod.

*** 520th ***

“Okay, mares and stallions. 520th air police is going to be just that. Police Officers. As such we are getting new training. Our job is to enforce the laws of the air ways, make sure all the pegasi around know the rules and laws, and we also get to chase down any pegasus breaking said rules.” Looking around at the collection of pegasi, White Lightning paces in front of the ranks.

“We are all being trained in FAA regulations, crash scene investigations, first aid, search and rescue, hoof to hoof combat, and basic law enforcement. We will be aiding the FAA in investigations of crashes that have involved or are suspected to involve pegasi. We will guard and protect government buildings, such as the White House from intrusive pegasi. We will patrol and watch for pegasi violating safe flight rules.”

Stopping her pacing, White Lightning turns to face the herd, “So far, our jobs have been mish-mashed and haphazard. I know some of you were pressed into service under a stop loss. Don’t worry, while we are doing physical combat training, I won’t put any of you in the line of fire. Our job is working with pegasi, first and foremost. Once everything is stabilized, and we have enough volunteers willing to stay we will begin processing those who want to leave, out.”

“Right now though, you are all part of something special. We are the closest thing the Earth has to the Wonderbolt reserves. So even if you do leave, you will be leaving as a 520th member. That is something you can carry with you with pride and honor for your entire life.” Smiling, she looks around, “That being said. Fleetfoot, you’re up.”

“520th!” The ponies call out.

“520th For Earth and Equestria!!!” Fleetfoot calls. All the pegasi cheer.

“For those that don’t know me I’m Fleetfoot, and I’ll be your flight instructor. I’ve served in the Wonderbolts, and it’s become my job to whip your sorry wings into shape. But you have to be thankful it’s me doing this. If it was Spitfire, she’d have all of your tails doing laps and cloud busting for six weeks just to lose those tubby tummies you have.”

Smiling Fleetfoot sits down, “I’ll also be teaching you FAA regulations. Some of you are already certified pilots, so I expect you to help those ponies who never got their licenses. Fire Streak here has been working on hoof to hoof combat training and will be helping us qualify there. We will have some human trainers for parts of the course for teaching things we aren’t certified in yet.”

Jet Stream can’t help but gulp at that, but she’d promised her sister she’d give it a try. Glancing over at Drizzle she sees the pride Drizzle is taking here. She had heard how scared Drizzle was coming here, even asking Lightning Dust to find out what’s going on for her before she came.

Now though, Drizzle is filled with confidence and pride. Almost all the pegasi here are. It might be being part of something like the Wonderbolts. Jet Stream isn’t sure, all she knows is, everypony is here to help ponies.

Holding her head high, Streams listens to the end of the briefing before they are dismissed. “Come on Drizzle.”

Laughing Drizzle follows Streams up to the cloud house. Well, what used to be a cloud house. Over the last few days more and more cloud material has been brought in. Now, hovering over part of the Chopawamsic Creek is an actual Cloud Barracks. Each pegasus had a two story room with twelve hundred square feet per floor to play with as they want.

The entire cloud forms a horseshoe shape with a large central fountain. About 750 feet by 700 feet, the barracks isn’t huge by some standards, especially with all of the open area. It is still enough to house nearly a hundred pegasi.

“Cloud shaping helped a lot of the pegasi get in touch with their magic.” Drizzle says as her hooves hit the cloud, “That was a great idea of yours.”

“Oh come on, I only meant it as a joke, I didn’t expect it to become well… Mandatory.” Streams says.

“No, it’s great. It also brings us together, we don’t need to live here. But at the same time, having pegasi help each other with the interiors is great bonding.” Drizzle says, then she huffs as she looks across the cloud.

While the central fountain in the clouds is meant as a show piece, Some of the pegasi have taken to using it as a giant bird bath. One stallion in particular has his chest all puffed out, head high, as he tries to show off to a pair of 520th mares. He is prancing, with his hooves just hitting the water, causing splashes. A younger mare has her hooves in the fountain, looking up at him and giggling.

“And then there is that kind of behavior.” Drizzle says, shaking her head.

Streams giggles, “Well he is kind of cute, or at least you think so.”

Drizzle blinks, “Hey, what do you mean by that?”

Trotting for her apartment, Streams giggles, “Check your wings girl.”

Drizzle looks over her shoulders, then acks, putting her wings down quickly, “Must be that time of the month.” She says, huffing and chases after her friend.

*** Velvet ***

Humming softly, I put down a big bowl of Alfalfa-Bits in front of Cookie, “Here ya go. Your teeth should have changed, so this is your first real pony meal.”

Looking down, Cookie blinks and pokes at it, “What is it?”

“Alfalfa, it’s a horse feed. It’s sort of become a tradition that we have it as our first meal. Helps clean out our system and get us used to the taste of plant over meat.” I say, sitting across from her. Her mane has really come out, a two tone blonde and brown with a fashion model level of shine and bounce. Wavy as if she’d spent hours crimping it, yet that is her natural look.

With a sigh, she starts to eat her breakfast. Looking up at me, she shrugs, “Not bad actually. It could use some sugar, though.”

“Yep, that’s the unicorn in you. I think us unicorns kept Sugarcube Corner in business. There were a LOT of unicorns in Canterlot and Ponyville, so sweet shops had a lot of business back in Equestria.” With smile I look up at her horn, “Well today we are going to hit the PX and buy some pony supplies.”

“Pony… supplies?” Cookie looks confused.

“Yep, just basics, your first saddle bag, your first puzzle.” I blink as I hear the clatter and scampering of hooves. Looking up across the kitchen I see Ah-Pee there, looking confused.

Looking side to side Ah-Pee turns around, “Well Cipher, Ballad and Sugarberry WERE here with me, what did you say to scare them?”

Shaking my head I giggle, “Umm. I said I needed to get another puzzle.”

“Oh, that explains it. We won’t be seeing them for a bit.” Ah-Pee says and giggles. “Want me to join you two?”

“Sure thing.” I say, floating my saddle bag onto my back.

Cookie finishes her meal. Then she stands up and puts her plate in the sink and washing her hands off. “I’m ready, I guess.”

Cookie has on combat pants, combat shirt, and her beret. Which with her amount of hair and bounce just looks way too cute. Honestly, I’m thankful this phase of the change involves udders, if she had grown a pair of human style… she’d have been a total looker and never wanted to leave the house.

Celestia, what would I look like as a human? I shake my head, I really don’t want to know. And I have an excuse for not finding out, I’m pregnant. I still have trouble at times with gender. Sometimes I wonder if I was always feminine in nature. Seeing it like this in someone else, however… Just brought back all the…

“Something wrong?” Ah-Pee asks.

Shaking my head I looked over, “No I was just thinking.”

“Actually I was asking Cookie.” Ah-Pee giggles.

“Um, my boxers are just kind of… going places while I walk.” He says.

“Oh… ouch.” Ah-Pee shakes her head. “Yeah, hadn’t thought about that. It’s a waste to buy panties for just one day, but boxers are going to be problematic.”

“Actually the army issues boxers for mares, but we’ve found they go places too. A local company’s started making panties for us that work much better.”

“Panties, right, no thanks.” Cookie says, “How far is the PX?”

“It’s only a mile or so.” Humming softly I look at Ah-Pee, “Notice we walk more as a pony?”

Ah-Pee laughs, “Yeah, as ponies we move faster and can walk further. We tend not to notice or think about it, but we are built to walk. Generally a ten minute walk for us, is where humans start driving.”

“Unless it’s an SUV owner, in which case a two minute walk for us is a drive for them.” I say with a giggle.

“We’ll take a taxi back, just because the change gets hard on your legs and back.” Ah-Pee says with concern in her voice.

“So what do you do when walking that far?”

Blinking I look at Ah-Pee. Ah-Pee leans forward looking at me and smiles.

“Life is a runway. Listen, here's what it's all about…” Ah-Pee starts singing as she walks.

Shifting my gait a bit, I move into step with her, picking up the song immediately. “I tell you, life is a runway. Time to bring what's on the inside out.”

Together we harmonize as we prance on either side of Cookie singing, “Life is a runway, when you see it my way, take all the good inside, and make it shine out…”

*** CID ***

“Fleur, drop what you’re doing, we’re up.” Anthony says as he walks up to the unicorn.

“What’s up? Lead on the double murder?” She says, getting up off her pillow.

With a chuckle he shakes his head, “Nope, this one’s your specialty.”

“Rape?” Fleur blinks.

“Nope, magic and ponies.” Anthony says, grabbing his go bag.

“Since when did that become my specialty?” Fleur protests as she picked up her go saddlebag, putting it on her back.

Anthony grabs the keys from his desk as well as his side arm, “Since you were trained in magic and are the only unicorn in three agencies.”

“And yet this is the first magic case we’ve had. Where to?” Fleur pulls on her ID badge around her neck.

“Los Vegas, Nevada. They want us to go, rather than agents from the Arizona office.” Trotting down Fleur lights her horn, opening the front door.

“So what? We are driving to Los Vegas?”

“Psha. Like I want smell horse butt for THAT long.” Anthony says, heading for the car. “Nope, we have a flight waiting for us at Turner Field. We are flying in style too, it’s one of the Gulfstreams.”

“Well that’s why you don’t wanna smell horses butt. Cuz you’ve been kissin so much butt to get a Gulfstream flight to Vegas.” Fleur says with a wink.

“It was here dropping off members of the 520th and refuelling. So the office booked it, now as to the case, call came in to our hotline the other day, officer took his family out to dinner at some magic show in Vegas.” Anthony shakes his head and chuckles, “Well long story short, the stage magician conjured Diamond Mint in front of the audience. They want us to check up on her, make sure she isn’t being held against her will or mistreated.”

Parking the car, they head out to the runway where the plane is waiting. The door is open and the stairs are down, so they head right up. “You know, FBI has like a dozen of these things.” Anthony says.

With a flick of her mane Fleur holds her head high, and prances regally for the plane, “This will have to do, it’s below my standards through. It has nothing on the unicorn luxury yachts out of Canterlot. Now there was flying in style.”

“And you have no clue what the yachts looked like past what you saw on the show.” Anthony says with a chuckle.

“Nope, not a clue, those memories haven’t come back yet.” Fleur smiles, “Thankfully, I’d hate to turn into a snob on you.”

“Wow, this is upscale.” Anthony says, looking around at the sofa. Two flight crew are catching some sleep on one pair of sofas and the radio operator is asleep at the coms station. Obviously they’ve been busy.

“How long till we take off?” Fleur asks, looking at the flight crew.

From one of the couches, an officer lifts his hand. “And welcome above Pony Air flight 2, Quantico to Los Vegas. Our flight should be about five hours give or take, barring any pegasus problems. Speaking of pegasus problems, if any of you are pegasi or related to them, and you feel the need to comment on our flying skills, please be so kind as to do so about seven hours from now, as we hope to be well away from you by then.”

Sitting up the aircrew stretches out, yawning. “Our lavatory facilities are in the back, and are fully pony friendly.” Looking around and seeing only a single unicorn, the co-pilot chuckles, “But maybe a little small for horses. Lunch has been catered for us by the US Army Quartermasters offices in the form of bottled water and MRE-P’s. Trust me, they aren’t as bad as they sound with the exception of the hay. For some reason it just doesn’t agree with me.”

Cracking his back the co-pilot points out, “Our emergency exits are there, there and there, oh and I think ones over there. In the side panel of the seats you will find instructions on how to properly use them as well as a service card. If you have to use the emergency exits, please remember to check off the yes box for enjoying the flight and turn that in to the nearest rescue worker.”

“Since Pony Air is the only airline that caters to ponies, please remember that since your crew are not ponies we don’t understand what a pain in the tail the seat belts are. Instead simply ask for any help if you need it and our lovely steward here,” The co-pilot quickly motions to a sergeant in combat fatigues, “Will be more than willing to help. Just as long as you don’t call him doll, apparently he doesn’t like that.”

Grumbling the sergeant looks at the co-pilot. “I hate you, you know that right?”

Giggling Fleur looks over to Anthony, “Oh we have GOT to introduce him to Mindy. Have you heard her chatting on Skype?”

*** Velvet ***

What was once two or three shelves on a small aisle in the PX has grown over the months to a full section with its own label. Though honestly, I wonder how many kids have seen the pony isle sign and ran for it, thinking it was My Little Pony toys. There are other ponies in the aisle, shopping as well today. Earth and Unicorns buying things for themselves.

There are pony dependents in the US military. Some children of career officers have changed and moved to live on base with them. Some are married to service members who actually stayed married. The military, though, has made exceptions for ponies that were divorcing service members after their change.

Non-military ponies are being allowed to continue living on base. Special buildings have been set up just for them. This will allow them to stay close to any children they have, but at the same time keep them with other ponies. Forcing ponies apart has been proven to have detrimental effects on their psyche.

“Saddlebags are the equivalent of a pony backpack, purse, or whatever. We carry everything we need in it. They come in lots of different, sizes based on personal needs and styles. You might want a medium sized one to start. That will do you for groceries and day to day stuff.” I say, holding one out.

“I’ve been customizing ours, normally they come with a blank clasp, but there’s a spell I found in the EUP field manual.” Touching my horn to the clasp I change it to the 3 cookies of Cookie Crisp’s mark.

Cookie blinks, “That’s kinda, cool but what’s the point?”

“Well it was for unit insignia, letting ponies put their insignia on their saddlebags and such. However it’s able to be used to do cutie marks too. Good for showing which bag belongs to which pony.” I say.

A young unicorn trots over, looking at me and the bag. “How did you do that?”

Giggling softly, I pull out the EUP manual from my bag and open it to the spell page, “Here, read this.”

Sitting down, the mare tilts her head, reading slowly. It takes us about half an hour, but soon she has the clasps on her saddle bag changed for herself. “My First SPELL!” She cheers.

Giggling softly, “You haven’t learned other spells?” I ask.

“Not really, I’m kind of okay with my floaty stuff, but that’s about it.”

“Well if you ever need help, I teach spell-craft and basic magic. Talk with the Veterans Affairs office about the course.” I say, smiling, and put some stuff into the basket.

“I might do that, though I’m supposed to be heading to Lightning Dust’s farm soon.” The little unicorn says.

Giving her a hug I smile, “Good luck.”

Looking down at me, Cookie shakes her head and smiles. “Are ponies always so social?”

“We try to be. Kindness, generosity, and laughter reside in all of us. We just need to let it out once in a while.” Smiling up at Cookie, I stand up, “Who knows, every life we touch, every person we help may have a ripple effect. No one really knows what will happen in the future. All we can do is hope that the lives we touch carry the gifts of harmony with them and share them with others.

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