• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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41: Fallout

We end up doing a short touch and go at Fort Bragg with everyone but the Rangers getting off there. The rest of us continue for another two hours out to Fort Benning. While Fort Bragg is the home for many Ranger units, our home is actually Fort Benning. I’m not sure how I feel about going home but we all need to do it.

They are moving us to a new barracks though in Fort Bragg. I will be stationed there now. As well I would need to turn in a lot of my old kit. Most of it wouldn’t do me good anyway since I wasn’t a human anymore. Things like extra combat pants or dress boots, for example, won’t fit me anymore.

Exiting the plane the pegasi instantly take to the air. I swear if they knew they wouldn’t get in trouble they would have kicked the plane. At least in human form they are a little calmer about flying.

I am surprised to see several people waiting for us at the tarmac including seven different vehicles. Apparently they want to split us up here and that has me more than a little worried. Looking at the LT, he nods to me to let me know it is okay.

“Corporal Velvet?” I blink, looking up at a Captain and salute.

“Yes ma’am.” I’m not sure what is going on, I’d never seen this kind of treatment before.

“This way if you please.” The Captain motions to one vehicle.

Carefully I got into it sitting down. We had the driver as well as another private in the vehicle with me and the Captain. Looking around I am feeling more than a little anxiety, being separated from the other ponies.

“I’m Captain Maggie Southers but you can just call me Maggie. I’m a military psychiatrist and grief counselor.” She smiles softly, “I’m going to help you with sorting through your things for the move.”

“Why do I need a counselor?” I ask, blinking.

“It’s a choice the Army has made. Not every pony will need one, but this can be a very traumatic experience. You haven’t been back in this room since before your change. So the Army wants to provide you as much support as we can.”

I look out the window as the trees and buildings pass by. It has actually been 2 months since I’ve been back here. Though I have had longer deployments, this time returning feels so different. Looking back at Maggie, I nod slowly, “Thank you, I don’t know what it’s going to be like.”

“No one does. Don’t worry I’m not going to push you to talk about anything.”

“And the others?” I say, looking at the privates.

“Well not every pony is a unicorn, and not every unicorn has a good grasp on their magic, so they are going to help with the moving. Packing, sorting, and shipping, don’t worry they are not going to judge. They are actually from the US Chaplain’s Corps. They are Chaplain Assistants.” She says, nodding.

Getting out of the truck I find myself wobble a bit, a hand goes on my back to steady me. Looking up I nod to Maggie, “Sorry, still a little weak after my last big spell.”

“I heard about that. Don’t worry, you can sit down and relax a bit inside, we can have the mess hall deliver a box lunch or two for you.” Maggie says, her ever present smile is actually a comfort.

Honestly I am getting more scared at being treated nice, I am starting to feel like I’m on death row or something. Taking a deep breath, I walk up to my door. I know my barracks are small, it is only a single and most of the stuff I have in here is military gear. So I’m not sure of everything that I’ll be bringing with me.

It has an entry hall leading to a small kitchenette, fridge, microwave, sink, and hotplate. No actual oven but I do have a little toaster oven. There is a bathroom, very small with a bathtub, shower, but as a pony I can’t really turn around in it. Then there is the bedroom and closet.

The kitchen is easy, the cupboards and fridge are already empty. I always empty them before a deployment. The hot plate, toaster oven, and cutlery can all be packed by the privates. Cups and plates, and few cooking items I have are quick to box.

The bathroom leaves me feeling strange though, simple things I found are affecting me. I have my electric razor, which I’d never need again. I have a standard razor, for close shaves for inspections as well. Neither of those things I’d ever need again. Most of the shampoo and such I won’t be using anymore either. I had found better brands for me as a pony.

Slowly I walk into my bedroom. The poster and pictures on the walls are getting thrown out. For some reason a girl lying over a Ferrari hood isn’t interesting to me anymore. The football pictures are still there but I don’t want to take them either.

My computer, TV, and alarm clock I would take with me. Opening my drawers, I look at my old clothing. I start remembering different times, good and bad. Picking up my old Colts football jersey I rub my face against it, closing my eyes. I never played professionally but I played on school teams and pick-up games as part of PT. I guess I’ll never play football again.

“It happens more often than you think. A vet comes back after losing his legs. Thinks he’s fine, until he finds his favorite pair of running shoes. Then remembers everything he’s lost again. While your change isn’t debilitating per say, there is still a ton of emotions involved. That’s why the military wants counselors here.”

I break the clothing up into three piles. Military that needs to go back to supply. The stuff that’s going to be thrown out or donated to charity. And the few items I want to keep for memory’s sake, or might opt to still wear if I can get it altered slightly. The Colts jersey for example, I definitely will keep.

Maggie sits beside, me putting her hand on my back, “Still have a lot of memories in some of this stuff don’t you?”

“Yes ma’am.” Sighing softly, I lift up an old ski jacket from the time I spent downhill skiing, “Things like this. Me, Henry and Yiska went skiing at the Alpine Ski lodge for a weekend, Yiska was a mess because he’d never downhill skied before. We had gone up there though because we needed Alpine practice for certifications and figured we’d have fun with it.”

“Is skiing big with ponies?” She asks.

“Nope, not that I know of. Even if it was it would likely be limited to earth ponies. Pegasi would find it too slow, and unicorns would be too tempted to use magic to help them with it.” Looking at the jacket, I sigh, “I wiped out and sprained my arm. It was comical because when we got back to the lodge I had three ski bunnies fawning over me.”

I shiver, looking at my leg. Then toss the jacket quickly into the donate pile.

“Don’t want to remember girls paying attention to you?”

“Not really, no. It never went anywhere. And to be honest, I’m not the slightest bit interested in girls now,” I say with a smile. “I have my Blaze.”

“But you have memories. And those will be with you too. You’ll be building a new life with new memories but don’t hide from your past.” Maggie gently pats my back.

“I have memories of being a mom, of sleeping curled around my foals. And I have memories of being Wally, going to school, going to bars with friends. And I have feelings attached to both of them.”

“Both of them are yours. They belong to you. Cherish them both.”

Nodding slowly, I sniff one of the shirts then wrinkle my nose, turning my head away.

“Ugh, male humans smell.”

“That’s your old scent.” She says, smiling.

“Ok, I really needed to wash these things more.” I say laughing.

*** The Lion ***

“What do you mean it’s going to take two days to get more equipment up there?” Standing up the older gentleman starts pacing, obviously annoyed.

“Whoever it was or whatever group is behind this was thorough. All of the bigger vehicles have 3 or 4 different things damaged on them. The chainsaws have all been pretty much ruined.”

“What about the security guards? The cameras?” Shaking his head, “We pay good money for site security so things like this don’t happen.”

“None saw anyone enter or leave the area.”

“Look this is going to cost us hundreds of thousands of pounds if not millions. We need to step up security.” Tapping the lion headed pen, the manager grumbles. “It’s not like anyone would care about these woods.”

*** The Unicorn ***

Beth touches her horn to the wall, waiting until it opens, and then bounds down the tunnel. She uses her hornshine to light the passage as she trots. She doesn’t need a torch anymore. Her brother, on the other hoof, still does.

He set up a nice area for her, it was easy to sneak stuff down here at night. She has fresh hay for a bed, LED camp lights. With the setup she had she could have light in here for two days without charging batteries. Her brother is coming down every day though, with fresh supplies, to ensure all the batteries are re-charged.

He has also been bringing her food supplies. She couldn’t really risk cooking down here, or in the forest. So he has been concentrating on vegetables, fruits, cereals and horse feed. Pretty much anything that could be used without cooking, and would store for a few days at a time, has been bought for her.

Skidding to a stop she finds herself prancing and giggling, “Tommy I’m back.”

“Hey sis, how did it go?”

“Well I’m getting better, I don’t have to get as close now to affect things. Those internet manuals you found let me know just what to damage.” She says, standing and puffing out her chest in pride.

“I was looking at the meetings that were scheduled for this project. None of them were in local papers or on the internet. All of the scheduled times were placed in papers for towns in the next county over. It’s no wonder there were no protests for it.”

Beth blinked and looked confused, “Wait aren’t these things supposed to be very public? What about wildlife impact studies.”

“No idea, I can’t find any news stories on it.”

“I don’t like this one bit.” She says, her tail lashing from side to side.

Tommy laughs softly, “Oh sis, you look so cute when you’re angry.”


“Your tail, you’re flinging it side to side, it just looks adorable.”

“Gee thanks.” She stomps her hoof a few times.

Getting up Tommy walked over beside his sister and started scratching his fingers deep into her mane against her scalp. Massaging her neck, crest, and head gently, he can’t resist chuckling. Slowly, she melts down to the floor.

“Yep, now I have finger envy.” Beth says with a giggle, “That feels so good.”

“You know I’ll be here for you any time you need. That’s what brothers are for.”

“The animals here trust me, I think I’m their only hope. Did you see the little fox?”

“Yep though she stays way away from me, guess she doesn’t like my smell.”

Beth sniffs him, then curls her nose, “Yep can see why, eww.”

“Gee thanks,” Tommy laughs and pats her head. “So what’s our next plan?”

“Keep up the pressure, and try and build public support and awareness. If the lion is trying to sneak this through, public outcry and delays are our best hopes of stopping it.”

Magically grabbing a bowl she brings over a serving of alfalfa to munch on, nodding.

*** The Crown ***

Sir Fredrick leans back in his chair, brandy in one hand, cigar in the other. “Was not Lion Construction supposed to have started work?”

“Not yet sir, there’s been delays due to vandals.”

“Oh wonderful, just what we need. An excuse for the Minister to start waffling.”

“Well he wasn’t that thrilled with the idea before this.”

“Julian, how long have you been a permanent secretary?”

“Umm, three years sir.” He says, looking down.

“Then you should know, it’s the job of the secretaries to ensure their ministers do their jobs properly regardless of the Minister’s wishes.”

“What if the public doesn’t want this project though?”

“The public doesn’t want the new aircraft carriers, should we scrap them?”

“No sir.”

“Good, so keep your eye on this problem.”

*** Velvet ***

Sitting down, I cover my face with my foreleg, shaking my head. “Seriously guys, just admit it.”

“Admit what?” The LT says, “We have another 24 hours like this at least so I’d like to fly back to base under my own power, practice and exercise.”

“I saw how you were on the flight here. It threw your pegasi senses all out of whack.” Henry says, standing beside me.

“You boys have fun, fly back, I’ll take the plane. Blaze, can you make sure they don’t get in trouble?”

Blaze nods, “Ok first though we’ll stop by supply and pick up some spare transponders.”

Shaking my head I look at Henry. His horn glows as he picks up his carry-on bag, coffee, box lunch, and some doughnuts. Shrugging, I pick up my carry-on and get onto the plane. “Henry what are you going to do without your magic?”

“I’ll have hands… hands… hands I tell you, hands!” He says, chuckling.

Sitting down, I buckle myself in, shaking my head, “Yes, Lyra.”

“Do I look mint green to you?”

“Only when you’re airsick.” I say chuckling.

“Oh come on I got airsick once, we were flying through a thunderstorm, even the co-pilot got airsick.” He says laughing, and floats a doughnut over to me.

“So you’ve been hanging out with Sugarberry huh?” I ask, grabbing the doughnut and start munching away.

“We’re just friends, we just chat about things. Movies, TV shows, Equestria, even magic sometimes.”

“Magic?” I giggle softly.

“Well yeah, I really only know my TK, but we’ve talked about that, what it feels like how we do it. We were trying to see if we could put it into words to help others.” Henry looks down.

“It’s hard, it’s like trying to explain what a rose smells like.” I say, shaking my head, “You can say, it’s like this or like that, but the truth is, until you smell it you never really know.”

Tilting his head, he nods, “Yeah, I don’t know how you can teach it so easily.”

“It’s not easy. It’s something though that every unicorn parent, mother or father, tends to have to do. Again, it’s like learning to walk or talk. The child can experiment but the parent needs to guide them.” Smiling evilly I look over at him, “So, how are you coming with your fundamentals?”

“NO!” He protested, “No, no no no no. I am NOT doing that torture.” Shaking his head so hard his ears flop, “I’m a human, I’m not a permanent unicorn so you can’t make me.”

I giggle too, yes it is torture, but so is flight training, and so are things like apple bucking. Ponies work hard to be good at what we do. Just like humans do. “Our special talents come naturally, but that doesn’t mean we still don’t need to practice, or understand them. My talent is magic, but that doesn’t mean I automatically learn every spell. I have to study and work at them. It’s just easier for me. Sometimes I’ll even be able to use magic without knowing the spell.”

“Sort of like guiding a spark?” Henry asks.

“Sort of. Sparks are random bursts of magic, but sometimes you can guide them.”

“Hence what happened at the tent.”

“Sort of, though at the same time I knew there’s a spell that lets me transform a pony or person into something else. We see it in the show where my daughter turns her friends into Breezies.”

“So you can do it again?”

“Um not on that scale but I might be able to do it on smaller scales.” I giggle, “Maybe 1 or 2 at a time.”

“Might be handy, turning a suspect into a rabbit until we can secure them.”

Nodding slowly, I giggle softly again, “Now I’m having flashes of a unicorn like, the great and powerful Trixie actually becoming a stage magician like David Copperfield, mixing real magic with illusions. You’d never know what’s what.”

“I’d pay to see it.” Henry says, laughing.

“Speaking of smells I have got to ask.” I say trying to look innocent, “Do you like Sugarberry’s scent?”

“What do you mean? I don’t walk around sniffing her!” He says, blinking.

“Oh no, you don’t need to sniff her per say, but being close to her, you should be able to smell her scent, like mine. I can smell yours just sitting here.”

“I never, thought about it.” Henry looks over and sniffs a few times, then blinks, “Um ok.”

“Trust me, it gets silly, if you smell your old clothing you might find you actually don’t like or don’t trust your human scent. When I sniffed my old shirts I found myself turned off by it.”

He chuckles, “Well you have a guy, and your male scent doesn’t smell like your guy.”

“Point, I was just wondering though, if you like Sugarberry's scent.” Smiling, “I love Blaze’s scent, and can fall asleep easier if I smell it.”

“I guess we have a stronger sense of smell than humans.” Henry thinks for a moment, “I guess it makes sense though. If the clones we see in the show aren’t clones but actually cases of ponies having the same colors? Scent would be how ponies could tell each other apart too.”

“Something to think about, try taking a shower without shampoo or anything, no extra scents. Dry yourself off with a towel getting your scent on it. Give it to Sugarberry, it might help her on nights where she has trouble sleeping.”

“I’ll ask her if she wants, don’t want to be presumptuous or such.” He says, blushing as if he can’t get any more pink.

Giggling softly, I steal another doughnut from his box.

“So how do you think the foals are doing?” Henry changes the subject quickly.

“Oh I’m sure they are fine, Ah-Pee’s watching over them. They’re on an army base, they should be perfectly safe.”

*** Ah-Pee ***

Cipher trots into the common room at the guest barracks, looking around. “Hey Ah-Pee, how’s it going?”

Looking up from her book she giggles, “Oh doing fine, just foal sitting.”

Cipher looks around, “Um, foal sitting who?”

Blinking, Ah-Pee sits up and looks around, “Oh come on, they were just there five minutes ago. They said they wanted to look stuff up on the computer.”

Cipher walks over to the computer, calling up the history. “They were searching cutie marks.”

Ah-Pee charges over and looks at the note pad by the computer. “Step 1, figure out special talent. Step 2, prove special talent is cutie mark worthy. Step 3, get cutie mark. Step 4, learn to use magic or fly!!!”

“Oh no…” Cipher puts her hoof over her muzzle, “Tell me they aren’t exploring an army base to find their special talent.”

“We better go find them, before they end up trying to drive a tank… or fly a helicopter.” Ah-Pee shouts and turns, galloping out.

*** The Flight Club ***

“The first rule of the Flight CLUB!” Eric calls out, laughing.

Jay, Sanchez, and Blaze yell out in response, “You do not talk about Flight Club!”

James shakes his head, climbing away from the others a bit. They are nuts, but it is true, when they are human again, it’s not something they would be talking about. Just what humans need, the idea that they can be turned into ponies. Unicorns would find themselves being harassed by fans.

They actually are turning the trip into different types of competitions along the way. From races to mock dogfights. Blaze and the LT are not allowed to take part in the races. Blaze is a speedster and the LT is a borderline speedster, so it isn’t fair.

Dogfights though, are far more interesting. Blaze and the LT have some experience in it, and when they fought each other. The others just have to sit back and watch in awe. It’s like watching an airshow, with Rolling Scissors, Immelmann Turns, and rapid speed changes. Blaze has the edge in experience and power, but the LT holds his own, using Fleetfoot’s training. By keeping it in a turning battle he is able to limit Blaze’s top speed.

After their dog fight, Jay, Sanchez, and Eric break into more coordinated fights, two on one, one on one, one on two. It’s all fun and games taking turns at being the aggressor. Slowly with their games they work their way to Fort Bragg.

Finally they touch down at base some six hours after the plane landed. They check in at the temporary lodgings barracks. It will still take a few days for their new barrack assignments to get in. First things first though, they all need showers. They’ve had one heck of a work out.

“Well we got our tails handed to us by a real pegasus.” James says, laughing, “but was fun, we should be back to normal tomorrow.”

“To bad Henry couldn’t join us. Downside of being just a unicorn I guess.” Sanchez said before getting smacked lightly by Blaze.

Both Blaze and James are looking at him sternly. “Never belittle another tribe.” James says firmly. “Henry has his own gifts and powers, just like Velvet. Ah-Pee has her special powers. Without each tribe's gifts the ponies likely would never have survived.”

“Sorry sir.”

Eric starts laughing, “Yeah we need to get back to human soon, were starting to sound like we're going native… Next thing you know we’ll start saying everypony.”

Everpony stops, thinking about it for a moment, then they groan in unison.

Shaking his head the LT sighed, “And this is why I said we needed to get rid of these cutie marks.”

*** Velvet ***

“What do you mean you lost them?” I just shake my head in disbelief.

“One minute they were there, the next, poof, they were gone. I’ve notified the MP’s, but they are so small. A cruiser could drive right by them and not see them.” Ah-Pee says.

“Ok it’s not like they are real foals, they aren’t likely to try something stupid like flying a helicopter or driving a tank to get their cutie marks.” I hope, I really hope…

“When are the boys getting back?” Ah-Pee asks, “We could really use the air support.”

“No idea, they aren’t all speedsters so they are flying at the speed of the slowest flyer. Makes it Eric or Jay.”

“Ok, so it’s just you, me, Cipher, Sugarberry and Henry.”

Cipher sighs, “I know it’s an emergency but I’m scheduled for a supply flight to my home base in twenty minutes. I have orders to report to Cyberwarfare command as soon as I arrive.”

“And Ballad?” I ask, whimpering a bit.

“Her flight left an hour ago.” Cipher looks down, “You were still in the air when she left, I’m sorry.”

Hugging Cipher tightly, I feel tears flowing down my cheeks. “I’ll miss you, be careful and don’t let them push you around.”

“Go find the foals. I’ll Skype you later.” Cipher says, and trots for the airstrip.

“Ok girls… and Henry. Let’s move."

“Just because I’m pink…” Henry starts.

“Nope, used to saying girls since Ah-Pee and the unicorn club are all girls, haul tail.” I say, turning and breaking into a gallop.

Splitting up, we begin checking the most logical places we could think of. The gym, career councillor, library, any place people would go if they were trying to find a job or something they liked. The MP’s are on the lookout for them to. They are so small that a house dog could kill them, and the thought of them getting mauled by a dog makes me shudder in fear.

Skidding to a stop I check the kennels, are they captured? Searching through the kennels I get more than a few growls and barks but no foals. Panting hard I shake my head, at least they didn’t end up here.

“Henry, anything?” I call across my earpiece.

“No one’s seen them at the library or school. I am NEVER going near another library or school again. They tried to grab my horn.”

“Sorry Henry,” I shake my head. “How about you Ah-Pee, are you having any luck?”

“Nope, not horn nor feather.”

“Velvet, they were at the park about thirty minutes ago, looking at the fountain. They were looking at the prism effect off the water, and talking about a rainbow’s bright glow.” Ah-Pee said. “At least that’s what the MP said who saw her. But this was before the alert.”

I wish I paid more attention to the TV series, I knew I heard that somewhere before. Charging back to the park I look around, nothing, no ponies, not even a dust buster.

“Found ‘em, they're at the headquarters.” I heard Sugarberry call over the phone.

Exhaling, I turn and race for the building, meeting up with Henry and Ah-Pee at the door.

“Sorry about this Sugar, where are they?”

“Conference room one,” she says, shaking her head.

Trotting into the conference room we see that Feather is already there, laying on her back. She curled her forelegs up against her chest as she is being scratched by the Brigadier General. The other two are snacking on ice cream. As we walk in, all eyes go to me and the foals eep, choosing to hide behind the General.

“I’m sorry sir, they are still adults so they should know better.” I say, looking at them sternly.

“They know better than you think. Its fine Velvet, they wanted to some time to talk with me. No harm done.” He says, standing up and brushing off his pants.

“Talk with you, sir?”

“Yes Corporal. And it’s interesting to get others views and takes on situation.”

Gulping I look at the foals. “Oh, wait until Blaze gets back. For now, you’re grounded.” I say putting my hoof down.

The General though just can’t help but laugh. “Mothers.”

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