• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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26: I Need Gravol

The sounds of the Badlands where Grandfather lives are unmistakable, he is far enough from Gallup that there were almost never any cars, no ATV’s running around, not even motor bikes come around here very often. We’re nestled on part of the Navajo Nations land, and technically under tribal law and rule. This means that instead of state police, it is native police officers.

I snuggle my chin over Feather, who is lying between my forelegs. Technically she's the same age as I am, if we go by earth ages but, it didn’t stop me from treating her like a foal, and really, she seemed to play up the foal part herself. I think she just liked the attention. It had also helped bringing her color back from the faded pink she had when she first arrived.

Blaze on the other hoof was lying beside me, a wing over my back again. I don’t know why but I’d grown to love the feeling of him having his wing over me. It was getting near dinner, so the only sounds I had expected to hear were those of Ah-Pee cooking. The sound of a VC-22 Osprey tilt wing landing outside was definitely not one of them.

Trotting out side we saw the black and navy blue aircraft touching down just off the roadway about 250 feet from the house, its rear ramp door lowering. A Captain hopped out of the back of the aircraft and ran over keeping on hand on his hat as he handed off an orders back to the LT.

“Ranger HO! Everyone on board this is an emergency call out, Sugarberry you’re in charge of the unicorn club, keep an eye on Feather. Security squad will be landing in 15 min to keep you covered, REST ON BOARD NOW!” The LT said waving his hand to the door.

The rangers hauled butt running for the Osprey, as me and Blaze stood blinking.

“Didn’t you hear me,” The LT said looking sternly at me and Blaze “Hall TAIL NOW!”

Without looking at each other Blaze and I ran on board, the Osprey was pretty cramped right now, there was a second 7 man team as well as 2 RIB’s in there already. The second team seemed genuinely shocked to see 2 ponies getting on the aircraft, not sure if it was because we were ponies, or because we were still in our PT Gear.

Headsets were handed out quick, it took some fidgeting but I managed to get mine to work by wearing them upside down, the noise cancellation in them let us hear what the Captain was saying. Everything was going on so fast though, usually briefings were not done on the fly like this. And with gear already in the plane I knew we weren’t stopping.

“About 6 hours ago, a US Coastguard Rapid Response was in pursuit of a suspected drug boat heading for international waters. The drug boat dumped its cargo overboard for better speed. It turns out the cargo was 2 ponies, 1 dead, one barely alive.”

Pulling down a Flat TV monitor the captain put up the picture of a large ship. “A P-3 Orion was able to pick up the go-fast and track it to a large ship, the RSV/MC Corvallis. It is believed that this ship has been supplying weapons and possibly drugs to terrorist groups operating within the USA. This ship has been declared a hostile target.”

Looking at Blaze I can only shake my head, normally operations like this take weeks of planning, this must be an emergency or high priority.

“Intelligence suspects that the ship is holding several ponies aboard for experimentation. Biological experimentation like this at sea is in direct violation of international laws, however the ship is flagged to the Czech Republic as such the likelyhood of their government taking action or sanctioning actions are slim to none.” Looking at the teams the captain shook his head, “Normally this operation would be a SEAL mission, but because of the situation, it was decided that this would be a joint SEAL and Ranger operation, the presence of shall we say, ‘friendly ponies’ is meant to defuse any situations with hostages.”

And now the other horseshoe drops, that’s why we are here.

“We will be dropping you about 22 miles from the ship, your job will be to approach, board the ship, eliminate any resistance, photograph and recover any documents you can as well as hostages. Once done scuttle the ship, your pickup will be a coast guard boat that’s on standby shadowing the ship at a range of 30 miles. They will begin their approach as soon as they detect the ships radar go down.”

“Primary targets are bridge, communications room, and engineering. Ranger team, you will be hitting the bridge and communications room. SEALs your jobs to make it below deck to the engine room and shut down main and backup power. Once done begin a sweep of the ship, labs and storage areas are mid ship.”

“Gear up folks, 3 hours till drop.”

*** over 1000 years ago, but under 2000 a nice Wednesday afternoon ***

Lilac was one of the younger does from Thicket but she was still proud, she had proven herself as a trusted seed collector and could identify most types on sight. Her coat was dark brown with the exception of a white heart on her left hip. While it was one of her fawn spots that had never really faded, to Starswirl it reminded him of a cutiemark, except it was only one side. Seriously, who would only have a cutie mark on just one side.

Rather than a water flask around her neck she had a turtle shell, attached to her neck by a soft pink silk strap. It was her pride and joy, her mom had given it to her when she was just a little fawn. She trotted beside Willow she nodded to Starswirl, “Hi sir, you called for seeds?”

“Actually no I didn’t but apparently Maple and Juniper wanted some to help the local’s, they wanted a few extra foods for some variety.”

Bowing her head she touched the side of the shell sliding the hidden clasp to open it revealing the seeds inside. “I brought some squash, sweet potatoes, beans, and a few other little vegetables. I also brought some Zap Apple seeds I really doubt I’ll use them but never a bad thing to carry.”

“What’s that big one?” Starswirl said leaning forward examining it.

“It’s a seed from the Heart Tree in Thicket, mom said as long as I carry it I’ll never be far from home.” Closing the case, she turned looking up at Willow, I’m ready sir.”

Stepping through the gate was every bit as horrible as Willow had warned, even Starswirl grumbled about having to do something about it. Looking around Lilac caught her first view of the alien world and forms. Maple was there wrapping a blanket around Lilac and laughing.

“Trust me, no fur is a pain at times, I don’t know how these bipeds survive.” Maple said with a smile helping Lilac to stand.

“Why does it look like I’ve had a fawn of my own?” Lilac said poking one of her udders.

“I have no idea, but all the female bipeds seem to have them.” Willow said with a chuckle.

Standing the group made their way down to the village, it was Lilac’s first time away from the forest and she was going to make the most of it. New seeds, new plants, as long as it was just for a day she could put up with this form, as long as she could explore a bit.

*** Velvet ***

The VC-22 flew in at 50 feet above the deck, the pilot and co-pilot had their lowlight gear on, the flight engineer was kneeling between the two of them, eyes on the Radar screen calling out ranges. They wanted to get as close as they could without being detected by radar.

“That’s it, hold it here!” Shifting to hover configuration the VC-22 rocked a bit as the rear ramp dropped.

In the payload bay, the green light game on, and the bay engineer pushed out the first of the 2 RIB’s, with that the SEAL team dropped into the water one by one. Once clear the second RIB was dropped and it was our turn.

Looking down I gave my gear one last check, this actually felt weird, but me and Blaze were ready for combat this time. The armor went around our chest and barrels with ceramic plates in the front and down between our forelegs. Our sides had layered armor that was strapped around our barrels covering our sides and back. Combat boots went up to the knee’s in front and back with protective caps over them. We both wore dark black suits, under the armor, and Ballistic plastic face shields protected our eyes and muzzles.

Looking down I teleported down onto the boat as the rangers jumped out, Blaze flapped down landing on the front of the boat and lay flat, I had started the engine and maneuvered the RIB to pick up the rangers as they dropped into the water.

One by one the team climbed onto the boat, as the LT took my place at the wheel. With a nod to the SEALs we started the engines and began our run, the waves were pretty high still cresting about 5 feet so we kept losing sight of the other RIB. This was a good thing because it meant a low chance of being spotted on radar by the ship. We had a 100 foot rope running between the boats, but it wasn’t there for keeping in contact with the other team. It was part of the attack plan.

As they approached the ship, they shut off their engines and started to drift, it only took about 10 min from where they stopped before the research vessel hit the line both boats were pulled and spun around till they were tight against the hull of the ship. Somali pirates came up with this trick for raiding tankers. And while you might think the line would just go under the ship, the “bulb” at the nose of the ships actually stops that. The mission was a go, and time to get to work.

Leaping off the RIB Blaze carried the ladder up the side of the ship and landed on the deck locking the grapple to one of the water drains on ship's rail. Teleporting up I took a watch position covering the other side. Staying tight to the superstructure I kept an eye out for deck patrols as the rest of our team started up the ladder.

Just as Eric came over the rail I saw one of the boat security personal coming around the corner, a merc in basic fatigues carrying an AK-107, basic combat helmet, and Kevlar. My horn lit and instantly the knife at my side launched out and struck him in the neck. Quickly I put my TK field around him and pulled him back towards me, the knife returning to its sheath as I moved the body overboard.

Eric knelt holding his P90, silencer attached, lasers were not turned on at this time. I knew why, the mist in the sea air would show the beams so anyone in a side corridor would see them. We had been issued P90’s because they have far better penetration against body armor then the 9mm’s the older Mp5’s use.

Jay and Henry came up covering my side and finally the LT and Sanchez. Moving slowly Sanchez took point covering the first cross corridor as we passed holding that point. The first door we came to on the superstructure was dark, but Eric held there covering. Looking up the stairs the LT pointed to Blaze.

Nodding once Blaze jumped off the side of the ship and flapped up landing on the top level behind the bridge, moving up he could see 3 crew members in the wheelhouse. Crawling low he held his wing over the stairs for a few seconds then flashed it 3 times, extending and retracting it. Then he held his wing out and made a sweeping motion with it before crawling back.

The LT motioned forward as Jay, and Henry moved upstairs followed by me and finally the LT. Keeping low, Jay and Henry made their way to either side of the bridge door. Kneeling the LT opened the bridge door. Quickly Henry and Jay put 3 rounds into each of the crew, while silencers do not actually eliminate sound, the ship noises as well as noise from the sea drowned out the shots.

Blaze moved down the stairs partly and waved Sanchez and Eric up, the bridge was clear and quickly we shut down the Radar systems. The signal for the Coastguard to begin their approach, let’s hope they were on the ball.

I moved back watching the rear door to the bridge, putting my TK around the knife just in case, I could fire the knife with about the same energy as a bullet; we found that out with the pillows. Moving back now we began our room by room sweep, sticking with knives as much as possible, we didn’t want to alert everyone at once. The more small groups we could take out, the safer we would be.

“Who are…” Was all he got out before my knife hit the guards neck, again using my TK I pull him into a side room out of the way and put my knife back in its sheath. Honestly I should consider carrying a few of those, for close combat under 50 feet they are perfect.

I was just turning around when I heard the explosion, all the ships lights shifted to red as main and aux power went down. The emergency lights gave the halls an eerie look, as people started running out into the halls.

Short controlled burst to the center mass then head. The 5.7mm AP rounds used by the FN P90’s were very effective in these close ranges, even the light body armor the security was using hardly provided any protection against them. I could always tell when Jay or Sanchez was firing, they preferred the double tap method rather then bursts, firing 2 rounds fast.

For Blaze and I, though, it was keeping our heads down. I could see how frustrated Blaze was at this point, no room to maneuver, not able to fly, and no way to shoot back, all he could do was keep his head down.

We had just reached a wide corridor when the LT held up his hand, and ducked back, a large volley of fire hitting the bulkhead sending a shower of sparks and fragments around the area. Looking back at us the LT signaled, “5+ targets, defensive line, both sides.”

*** Almost 27 years ago ***

Several green bolts of energy whipped by splashing against the wall, the pegasus guard captain shook his head, “14 maybe more. No way we are getting down there.”

“Damn changelings, were cut off from the armory, and they have range on us.” The sergeant called from the other side of the corridor. “Were going to have to do something soon or…”

“Hey boys, get ready to move on my call.” I said nodding to the Captain.

“Velvet shouldn’t you be in the shelter?”

“What shelter? These things are everywhere, and I’m EUP remember?” Glancing around the corner I had to pull my head back quick to avoid incoming fire.

“Yep there’s a lot of them missy.” One of the younger pegasii said.

“I wonder if Pinkie Pie planned this,” I smile looking over at the Captain.

“Planned an invasion on the wedding day? Are you nuts?” The Captain called back.

“Well you know, she wanted to make this fun for everyone, and I haven’t had this much fun in years!”

“Fun?” The young pegasii said looking shocked.

“On my flanks, this is going to go close combat fast.” Taking a deep breath I threw up a shield wall in front of the hall and leaped behind it.

Quickly the rest formed up behind me, walking the shield forward gave the pegasi the mobile cover they needed to get in close to the changelings where they could fight hoof to hoof. This tactic wasn’t new, Inkwell had taught me about it when she stood with Celestia in the battle against the Night Army when she was little.

Glancing over to the younger pegasii the Captain spoke firmly. “And that little missy is Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armors mom. Now you know where they get it from.”

*** Present day hell ***

Blinking I shoot my head then threw up the shield wall in front of the corridor, “LT, partial cover to cross.”

“Eric, Jay, cross over keep low below the shield.” The LT nodded to me as they ran across, keeping low, the shield was only 4 feet high allowing Jay and Henry to shoot over it providing suppressing fire.

Moving to stand behind the field I started walking it forward, giving us mobile cover Blaze was quick to move beside me, to provide close guard.

“Rangers ADVANCE!” The LT called out and moved up as well. Suppressing fire keeping the security pinned down while we moved up for the kill shots. It only took a few minutes to secure the corridor, before I ducked into a side room panting a bit.

“You ok Corporal?” The LT called checking in on me.

“Oh fine, I just need more practice with that.” I said with a giggle.

“Where did that one come from?” Blaze said looking at me concerned.

“Inkwell taught it to all of us in the EUP, it was a standard offensive maneuver. Something about the fight made me remember using it with the guards at my daughter wedding.” I said looking up.

“LT we’ve got hostages!” Eric called out.

Looking over we found a security room with 5 ponies inside, 4 earths and a unicorn, though none of them looked in good shape. Underfed, beaten, their manes hung limply around their faded bodies.

“Where are the SEALs!” Henry called out as he fired off a few rounds down a side corridor.

“Late as always, Henry trade places with Sanchez, check the hostages make sure they can move.” The LT called out.

As Henry started to fall back, a grenade bounced off the wall, flatting my ears I threw up a shield between it and Henry as Sanchez yelled the warning.

The Shield diverted the explosion away from the team but the sound was still loud enough to have our ears ringing. I dropped the shield shaking my head trying to clear it from the bang, while Sanchez picked himself off the ground and started returning fire again.

“That was to close.” I say panting a bit harder.

“LT, Velvet, over here!” Jay called from the room across from where the prisoners were kept.

Inside the room, was lab tables bolted to the floor, cameras, monitors, and surgical tools. On one of the tables the body of a unicorn, horn cut off, partly cut open its cutie mark and fur colors faded almost beyond recognition. The foal couldn’t have been more than a few years old pony wise, maybe a year younger than Sweetie Belle. She had probably just earned her mark before the curse, and now…

“There held up in what looks like a mess hall.” Sanchez called back. “The SEAL team is on the corridor on the other side.”

“Jay, get photographs of all of this, and grab any laptops, thumb drives, or such you can find. Velvet… ah hell where’s Velvet!”

I walked calmly up beside Sanchez throwing a shield to cover part of the door and stood looking across the room. I could see the where the security personal were using tables for cover, a few lab personal were in there too also shooting.

“She’s up here LT,” firing over the shield he ducked back as a few rounds bounced off the shield.

What kind of creatures would experiment on a foal, what kind of monsters would do that? Stepping back behind cover I reached out with my TK, dropping the shield, I knew I could grab several different things at once, it wasn’t hard especially if they were light. Jerking my head once as I pulled, I collected the rings in a ball in front of me and slammed both the doors shut.

The LT looked down at me, “What did you do?”

“Ever see X-men United?” I said coldly, dropping all of the grenade pins at the LT’s feet.

The door muffled the sounds of the explosions inside the mess hall. The SEALS on the other side had stopped firing and I heard the calls of all clear.

Eric blinked a few times, “Ok that was excessive.”

I was about to open my mouth when Blaze turned winged flared, “Are you kidding me? They got off easy, take a look in the room over there, where they were dissecting a unicorn foal.”

The LT put his hands on my neck and Blazes, “Eric, you know the feeling, think of the village in Khandahar after the Taliban got it.”

“Yeh I know, I’m not saying it was wrong or nothing, just took me by surprise.” He said, “And you know my view of explosives. Only what you need.”

Looking back at the survivors I recognized one, a pink and blue pony with a lotus mark, but there was only one here. My heart sank wondering if her sister had already been…

“Taxi’s here!” One of the SEALs called out.

“Blaze, you’re up,” the LT called out.

Nodding Blaze gave one last look to Eric then grabbed the first pony flying them down to the coast guard craft.

Captain Harris had the boat as close to the larger ship as he could safely hold it, the large open aft deck was a perfect spot for Blaze to land and hand off each pony. One by one, Harris’s crew brought the ponies inside and down into the survivors' compartment ahead of the bridge.

Pulling away the Coast Guard boat held position about 1000 feet away.

I stood on the deck watching before our team started down the ladder our RIB, once everyone was on board I teleported down to the RIB myself and lay flat against the bow again. Blaze was quick to join me putting a wing over me to keep me warm and safe, but I just felt sick.

Eric leaned past us and cut the rope so our ship broke away from the research vessel and the LT kicked in the engines, the SEAL RIB pulled up beside us, and nodded pointing back.

Looking over my shoulder I saw the flashes of light, as the charges ripped through the hull, tearing huge holes in the side of the ship below the waterline. In the movies there’s always these great fireballs, this huge victorious spout of flames going high into the air, but this isn’t the movies. This was flashes of light followed by the sound of the explosion and rending of metal… water flooding into the engine room and storage areas. The listing and slow death of the RSV/MC Corvallis, as it sank beneath the waves.

Pulling up beside the Coast guard motor boat lines were thrown over to us to tie off. Even if we had full tanks of gas, we’d never have the range to make it back to shore. Towing us was the only option, least till we got near port.

Hugging me tighter with his wing, I leaned into Blaze. His wings always made me feel safe and better, it was like they could take the worst pain away. Closing my eyes I moved my muzzle as close as I could to him without the armor interfering, than let myself drift off to sleep.

*** Multiple Threat Alert Center (MTAC) ***

“How did it go?” Brigadier General Wilson’s face came up on the screen.

“Ship’s gone down 322 miles off the coast. 2 SEALs injured, no rangers injured.” The Marine commander said.

“Coastguard boat 45652 has 5 equines on board, 2 will need ambulance, other 3 are not critical but need medical care.” Investigator Jenny Mathews spoke up from the Coast Guard Investigative Services office in California.

“Good I’ll have ambulances standing by at port. As well as transport for my team.” Wilson said with a nod.

“I still want to know why the Coast Guard hasn’t been fully read into this.” Jenny said looking sternly at the screen.

“Simple, because we didn’t know the drugs were…”

“That’s NOT what I’m referring to, intelligent horses seems like a small detail to miss.” Jenny spoke, her voice carrying the ire she was feeling right now.

“Sorry Agent, I guess no one in the Coast Guard turned into one, or it they did it didn’t go through the channels there.” The marine commander stated.

“What do you mean turned into one? Are you telling me these were people?” Jenny thought back to the one she saw dead on the boat.

“Yep, several dozen changed about 3 weeks ago or so. We don’t know the exact number, but certain groups have been carrying out experiments on… them. Most of the experiments would be classified as crimes against humanity, but because they aren’t human anymore there’s a loophole. This is the first case of trafficking of them we’ve seen, but keep your eyes open… there may be cases of smuggling or trafficking of them on boats now.” Wilson shook his head.

“Captain Harris said one of them was wearing combats.” Jenny narrowed her eyes.

“Oh yeh, no that’s one of ours, a ranger, don’t worry about him. I have a meeting now with joint chiefs.” Standing up the Generals monitor went blank.

One by one the monitors cleared in MTAC, leaving the NCIS director looking at the images of the sinking ship. “As if we don’t have enough problems to worry about around the world, now we have this?”

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