• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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76: The Magic of Beginnings

“What’s up?” Walking outside, the woman pulls the hood of her jacket up to shield against the biting cold wind.

Shaking his head, the man looks to his side at her, “Landing gear again, it won’t lock.”

“Damn it,” the woman growls and shakes her head, “It’s got to be ice build-up in the lines.”

“Can’t be, we are running it all through the engine to pre-heat the fluids now.” He says, then he looks up with the binoculars again.

Shaking his head, he looks down, “I’ll bring him around. Want to see if you can get the gear to manually lock?”

“Sure thing dad.” Turning, she spreads her wings. She curls her body a bit, then shoots off like a bullet. Her two tone orange tail is straight back as she speeds up to the aircraft, leaving a bright light trail in her wake. As she gets near the plane, she flips over so she is flying inverted, looking into the landing gear bay. It’s dark inside, but she can still see all the pipes and hoses.

“Well? What does it look like?” Comes over her earpiece.

Giggling softly, she shakes her head, “Looks like a dark, oily, piece of machinery.”

“Oh har har, any actual damage in there?” is the response.

“Naw, let me try muscling it.” She wedges her hooves into the landing gear bay. With a grunt she pushes against the gear with her back and neck. It’s not the most comfortable thing to do, but she keeps her position with her forelegs. A hard push later, she is rewarded with a hum and click as the nose gear locks.

“Pilot says he’s showing three green now. Good work.” Comes over the coms.

Dropping out away from the fighter, she turns and flies down towards the observers. Doing a quick loop she lands beside the older man. She flares her wings proudly for a moment before folding them at her side.

Moments later, the plane’s wheels scream as they touch the ground, everyone breaths a sigh of relief as the front wheel holds up. As the plane taxies to the hangar, the pegasus looks up. “Ice again?”

“No idea, we are going to have to take the entire system apart.” He murmurs as he watches the plans finish it’s rollout.

“How about we try this? Put it up on the brace, set the engines to low power, and leave it out in the cold for an hour or two. Then we will see if the gear drops normally.” The pegasus said, “Same trick we did with the FGFA.”

“Sounds like it’s worth a shot,” He chuckles, “You enjoyed the FGFA project too much.”

“What can I say dad, I was born to fly.” Spreading her wings as if to make the point, the pegasus turns and streaks for the hangar.

“I still just can’t believe she’s so comfortable with this.” The woman says.

“Whatever the case, she’s still our daughter.” The man says with a proud smile.

“Our little pegasus.”


“There it is.” The LT says cheerfully.

I blink and yawn, then I sit up and look around. The quiet road we were on has merged onto a small farm road. Though the farm road itself is littered with construction crews and paving equipment, working at fixing the road and making it a bit wider. As we get close to the farmhouse that we visited just a few months before, I can see several changes have happened since then. In addition to the barracks that have been built several houses can be seen in the distance. A community has been set up here, it seems. Which is good because the winters here can be very bad.

“Umm, why are they all naked?” Cookie asks a little timidly.

“Beggin’ your pardon missy, but… We don’t normally wear clothes.” Ah-Pee says, putting on her best Apple family accent.

Looking over his, shoulder Eric grumps. “That kind of line is supposed to end in sugar cube.”

Sticking her tongue out with a smile, Ah-Pee laughs, “And just what kinda manure have you had your nose in to think I’d say that.”

Sugarberry pipes in, laughing, “Leave my little songbird alone.”

Looking between the Eric and Sugarberry, Cookie huffs once. “I still don’t get how they can go back and forth though the gate and stay male.”

“Because they were never ponies, they weren’t cursed like us. You were a girl, cursed to be a boy.” I say, “All the mirror would do to you now is turn you into a human girl.”

“That, and strip you of your magic.” Ah-Pee adds.

I shudder at that, as do the other unicorns. “It may sound stupid, but, it’s hard to think of living without magic. Even just our basic telekinetic powers are so natural and ingrained in us. I can see myself walking into door expecting it to open for me.”

“I wonder about that. Those ponies, born in the wrong genders. Do they always know, on some subconscious level that they are the wrong gender?” Ah-Pee muses.

“I never questioned my gender.” I say, blinking. “Growing up, I never thought about it. At the same time though I wasn’t a lady’s man, instead I was always the one the girls talked to. Maybe they sensed something.”

“It might be an interesting study. If it’s common with gender flipped ponies, it might be a way to identify them from a young age, and give them help growing up.” Ah-Pee says and looks over at Henry.

“Hey I’m just a human, no gender flip here, no pony hiding in me.” Henry says, holding his hands up defensively. “And unlike you ponies, I don’t go putting my heart out on the line.”

Sugarberry giggles and hugs him, “Doesn’t matter, you’re still mine.”

Looking at Cookie, I just can’t resist, “My little human, I used to wonder what friendship could be…”

That’s enough to get groans throughout the tactical vehicle. The LT pulls up to the front of the large farmhouse. Through the tinted windows of the tactical vehicle, we can see a few rather annoyed looking ponies standing and waiting for us.

“What the hell do you…” Mindy starts as I get out of the Tactical. She does a double take as she notices it’s ponies emerging from the vehicle.

“Hi there.” I say, smiling brightly,

“Velvet! What brings you and your brood here?” Mindy says with a smile. She hops in place several times.

“The Army wants me AWAY from the base, to give us all a chance be ponies.” Smiling, I shake my head, “I think they are just scared I’ll freak out and blow up the base.”

Mindy blinks, “Be ponies? How does one BE a pony.”

Henry hops out of the tactical vehicle, “First, you piss Velvet off, and then she turns everyone within three hundred feet into ponies.”

“That only happened once.” I say, my ears dropping as I pout.

There are a few chuckles among the human members of our team. The LT smiles at me brightly, I take a deep breath, “Well is there a place in town we can rent?”

“Already taken care of.” The LT says, causing everyone to look up at him.

“Huh? How?” I say, confused.

“Fleetfoot. Drizzle has a home here that she isn’t using. So Fleetfoot asked about renting it for a few months.” The LT says and nods. “It should be fine, it started as a two bedroom with one of them being a study, but she added on a second level, so it’s a six bedroom right now.”

I blink and shake my head, “Well that should do us all, if we take turns cleaning.”

“Well not all, it’s for you, the Unicorn Club, and your foals. Us two leggers have our own place rented.” The LT says with a chuckle.

“Permission to hug?” I say with a smile.

“You are on leave, so yes.” The LT chuckles.

Smiling, I reach up and give him a hug with both forelegs. Not the most comfortable position for me, but I manage.

“You and Blaze will have one room, the foals have one, then Cipher gets hers, Sugarberry and Ballad will share, and that leaves you an extra room for up to four students. We are putting bunk beds in there. To start it will just be Minty and Cookie.”

Henry smiles and rubs Sugarberry’s back, “Don’t worry, I’ll stay in town too.” Smiling softly at the unicorn, he looks to Mindy. “Something up?”

“Nope you just… feel like a pony.” Mindy says softly.

“Oh don’t start. I’m not a pony, don’t wanna be.” Henry laughs.

As the group turns, heading to the houses, Mindy rubs her horn with a forehoof. “That didn’t feel right.”


“Sunny?” Ambrosia blinks, looking around, “Sunny!”

Grabbing the front of the wagon, Sunny Daze pulls herself up by her forelegs so her head is looking over the ledge, through this leaves her hind legs dangling. “Here I am!”

Eeping, Ambrosia turns and laughs, “Will you behave? What are you doing out there?”

“I’m trying to find us supplies. It’s a new country, so there are new chances at supplies.” She nods.

“Really? You think you can just…” Ambrosia starts, then blinks as the foal tosses a bag up onto the seat.

“Be back in a bit.” Sunny said before vanishing. For an earth pony without teleport she could still disappear fast.

Dropping down, she bounds into the jungle with a crowbar. She had grown up on the streets and is already great at scrounging. She’s regularly up with the sunrise and she will explore the area, looking for things she can use or sell. This has always been a way of life for her. She had never had any real amounts of money as a human. Her mom had died speaking out against Noriega.

Her father died during the US invasion, one of the many casualties. The USA had promised aid packages, they said they would help. The packages, though, only went to the wealthy. The aid went to the businesses, industries, and such, the idea being, help them and they MIGHT help the people. But, who helps a four year old?

She grew up with friends of the family for a while, but she found if she wanted anything, she had to find a way to pay for it for herself. She had never stolen though. That isn’t in her nature. Instead she’d look for discarded things and repurpose, or resell, them.

People throw away the strangest things, old computers, cellphones, and such. Most can be salvaged in some way shape or form. Almost anything can be used for something, or broken down for scrap rather than just left in the trash. In this case, it is an old car wreck, someone left it to rot rather than paying to have it towed out.

Wedging the crowbar in against the trunk, she gives it a few solid bucks with her hind leg before the trunk opens. Once inside, she gives a loud squee of excitement at the bounty inside. The spare tire looks good, no rot, some rope, flares, and it even had a first aid kit that is still in its vacuum sealed plastic case. She bundles and ties things together, finally she turns and heads back to the wagon.

Climbing inside, she giggles, “Look, it’s Christmas!”

“And just what do you plan on doing with all of that?” Ambrosia says, looking at the filly.

“Well the flares and first aid kit we can keep, the rope might be useful. The tire, I might be able to trade it for some basic supplies!”

“You know I don’t like you exposing yourself to people unnecessarily.” Ambrosia says, looking worried. Her ears folding back as she scuffs a foreleg.

Wiggling her tail Sunny giggles, “I won’t.”


Goldie blinks, looking at the door, then at her phone. The address is right, it’s just not what she is expecting. The hallway has mismatched paint on it in places, and plaster spots, where makeshift repairs had been made. The carpet in the halls is okay at best. Her sensitive nose picks up the animal scents of the different pets that had left their marks for their territory on the carpet.

Timidly, she lifts a hoof and knocks on the door, almost scared to see what the apartment looks like.

“Who is it?” She hears coming through the door.

With a sigh, she rears up on her hind legs, putting her forelegs on the door so she can get her face up to the eye hole. “It’s me.”

Hearing the clicks of the lock, she drops to all fours and waits patiently. A few moments later, the door opens and Anthony smiles down at her, “Come on in.” He says, beckoning her to enter.

Actually, she notices, the inside isn’t bad. The floors are tile and carpet, the walls were all uniform colors, light greens with brown trim. It even smells fresher in here, complete with plugins, giving the house a smell of hay and...

“Hi Goldie.” Fleur says, as she was lying comfortably on a pile of pillows in the living room, the couch has been pulled way back, maps, photographs, and pictures are stuck up on the wall. A small folding table has been set up with three laptops and a wireless modem.

Fire, Wind, Fleetfoot, Drizzle, Jetstream, as well as several other pegasi are laying in a cluster. Several cans of juice, as well as snacks lay in the center of the pile. Anthony is sitting at the chair with the laptops looking over the group.

“Okay, good, we’re all here.” Anthony says softly.

Sitting down, Goldie nods, “Nice place Anthony, low rent?”

“Not all of us get the big bucks. This was the best place I could find at a reasonable price.” Anthony says with a chuckle.

“Ok this is a two phase and three team mission.” Fleetfoot says as she extricates herself from the other pegasi and stands up. “Wind and Fire have already done part of phase one. They have deployed several small cameras to monitor the traffickers.”

“I’ve already been gathering pictures and information on the people coming and going from the house.” Anthony says, pointing at the laptops. “It looks like there are four to six people there at any given time, but I think there are several more in the buildings nearby.”

“Once we are ready, we are going to break into groups. Fire and Wind, you and the rest of your group are going to be hitting them and getting the hostage out.”

Fire nods, “I can’t wait to see what Anthony has for us for that.”

“Jetstream, Drizzle, and I, are the intercept group. As soon as Hearts crosses the border, Drizzle will start following her, but she will be keeping back. That’s the go time for the operation. You have to get the hostage out and in the air. Though preferably across the border before she reaches her drop off point.”

Fire and Wind both nod.

“Once you have them, Jetstreams and I can begin our run. We can head her off. We can let her know that her sisters safe.” Fleetfoot looks slowly around at the group. “Remember, this is a volunteer operation. If you want to back out, you can.”

Wind looks at the pegasi in his team, “This is about a foal's safety, but I don’t want to see any pony here get hurt.”

The pegasi looked to each other than saluted Fleetfoot.

“Well I think that answers that part.” Fleet chuckles. “Now, Fleur, we want you at the border. How far can you teleport?”

“Umm, it’s line of sight, I’ve jumped maybe sixteen miles at a pop. Generally, if I can see it I can teleport to it.” Fleur says.

“We are going to put you in a boat, off the coast. If things get bad, the team can pop smoke as a teleport marker for you.” Anthony smiles, “Goldie and I will monitor things from here. Now, on to the gear.”

Walking into his bedroom, all the ponies watch curiously as he drags out a large duffle bag. “A lot of this stuff is rushed through. In fact, some of it is still in prototype. Hostage rescue has been testing it. The military equipment has been pretty cobbled together, but this stuff is factory made so it’s a lot cleaner.”

Pulling out the helmets, “Bullet resistant flight helmets, complete with heads up display visors, built in cameras, audio pickup, and night vision mode. Very much like combat pilot’s helmets, but they will stop up to a 7.62mm rounds. The visor is rated up to 5.56mm. The muzzle mask is for air filtration, like a gas mask. It also has your coms in it, so you can talk with the team or I.”

Pulling out the blue and grey flightsuit, he lays it out on the floor. “Fireproof ballistic weave, with ceramic plates over vital areas, as well as extra padding over your joints.”

“Whatcha got for offensive punch, Q?” Fire says, smiling.

“You can thank Belgium for this one, I have no idea why or how they got it ready so fast.” He pulls out a compact rifle, “This is the FN-EP95, single barrel 5.7mm submachine gun, it’s feeding off three fifty round magazines. They nicknamed it the Pony-95 and will give you a hundred fifty rounds for burst fire, or about seven and a half seconds of constant fire. In controlled bursts though, it’s about the same amount of ammo most infantry carry into battle.”

He looks at all the ponies, “I want you all to have some range practice with these. White Lightning has cleared the range for 520th and equine practice, so you’ll have several hours to get used to them.” Nodding, Anthony hands out the gear to the team. “This is still off the books. And since none of this stuff is public or even available yet, deniability will be right up there.”


“I don’t know if I can get used to everypony being naked.”

“I know Cookie, but remember, in Equestria we never wore clothing most times anyway. Well, most times. Some wore hats, scarfs, or other things. Others wore full dresses.” I say, looking aside at Cookie and smiling.

“Ugh, don’t remind me. Cipher was kind enough to show me the picture of me in the princess gown. It was just awful.” Cookie says, looking around.

“I don’t know, I think you looked pretty in it.” I say, thumping my hip against hers.

Looking sideways at me through narrowed eyes, “Right, would you wear something like that?”

“Maybe, maybe something a little simpler, but it would have to go with my colors.” I say and look around the streets, the construction crews are going non-stop. An entire town is being built in front of us. It’s different, walking along seeing more ponies than humans. It has a different feel to it.

“Wait up!” I hear from behind me and giggle.

“Minty?” Cookie says, looking back.

“Minty, Minty, you came, you came!” I say, then duck a swat.

“Bad pony, bad pony.” Minty says, giggling at me. “God, it’s lucky the older generations of ponies aren’t actually real. Can you imagine having to put up with some of them.”

Giving a little shrug, I smile innocently. “Who knows, they may be real, may be parts of our history.”

“I hope not, so what’s today’s lesson?” Minty asks.

Cookie moans, “No, can’t we have a day off? I don’t like my horn melting.”

Laughing softly, I shake my head, “Don’t worry, it will be fun.”

“You have a really sick idea of what’s fun.” Cookie growls.

“Now, now, be fair.” Minty counters, “Before your change, did you think things like going to the gym and working out, jogging, or standing in a batting cage swinging a bat again and again were fun? Stuff like that is physically exhausting, but people do it for fun all the time.”

“Unicorns have a natural ability to multi-task, it’s part of casting spells. If you think of our magic as hands, there are times where Rarity or Twilight grab dozens of things at once. Then they don’t just move them all in the same direction or such. Now think of doing twelve different things at once. That’s something that unicorns do.” Giggling, I look at the two others, “We can see things in ways we could never understand as humans.”

“Yeah, but…” Cookie looks down and sighs.

“Seriously would you give all this up just to be a boy again?” I ask her, tilting my head.

Cookie freezes and sits down hard. Her eyes wide as her mind races.

“It’s one of the hardest questions I asked myself. IF I could go back being my human self, no cutie mark, no magic, no pony, could I?” Looking back at my cutie mark, I smile. “My mark is so important to me. It means so much more than just a few stars.”

Looking back at her mark, Cookie touches it with a hoof.

“Even without really knowing what it means to you, you still… know it… don’t you?” I say softly.

Minty sits down, looking at her diamonds and touches them too. “It’s strange that something so simple… can mean so much.”

“The curse took everything we had, everything that made us special, it took them away from us. It took who we were at the core. We just got it back. Could you give it up again?” I ask gently.

Looking at me, Cookie blinks and then looks back at her mark, “Even having to put up with fundamentals? No, I couldn’t…”

“We are as were supposed to be.” Minty says, standing up and bouncing a bit on the spot.

“Ponies.” I say with a nod.


“Nope, not here.” Feather says with a huff before dropping to the ground. “There has got to be a place.”

“If we’re going to be here for months we need a clubhouse or meeting place.” Cloudy says and huffs, looking around at the sparse foliage compared to Fort Bragg.

“Come on girls!” Candy says, bounding, “We can’t give up hope!”

“Nope, not a good place for the hearts and hooves song.” Cloudy giggles. “So what else we got?”

“Strong as horses?” Feather says, laughing as she takes off again, doing a little loop before landing again.

Candy boos, “Done that!”

“I’ve got it!” Cloudy calls out excitedly.

“Which song?” Candy and Feather ask in stereo, looking at her.

“No, not the song, the tree!” Cloudy says, pointing.

The thee foals start circling it, examining it critically. They check its bark, its limbs and leaves, looking for parasites or termites. Anything that would make it ineligible, but everything looks fine. Looking at each other, the three foals high hoof, “Cutie Mark Crusader Club house!”

“Let’ go get the Unicorn Club to help us set up.” Feather says, smiling brightly and flaring her little wings.

Cloudy giggles and shakes her head, “You know, if we keep moving every few months we’ll end up with these club houses built all over the place.”

Feather looks aside and smiles, “That’s not a bad thing.”

“What do you mean? All the time and effort?” Cloudy looks at Feather, confused.

Looking back at her blank flank, Feather giggles, “Yes and no. It’s never for nothing. Think of it this way. Even if we don’t get our marks, some other pony may. Each of these houses we set up, can be used by other blank flanks that need a place of their own, a place to learn and grow.”

Candy bounds up, “A place to discover who they really are, not just after the curse, but if they are born here on Earth. It will be a place to find their true selves.”

“A Cutie Mark Crusader is about the journey, the adventure, and sharing that adventure with all blank flanks.” Feather says and giggles.

“So even without our marks, we’ll keep trying. And at the same time we’ll keep laying the seeds for other ponies to get their marks.” Candy says, her head held high.

“Cuz were the Cutie Mark Crusaders, yes we are!” All three start singing.


“Humans sometimes, you are such prudes.”

“Just because I won’t walk around naked doesn’t make me a prude Sugarberry.” Henry says with a chuckle. “Unlike you ponies, I have modesty.”

“Hey us ponies are modest!” Sugarberry protests.

Chuckling, Henry counters, “Right, how, many ponies walk around with their tails high?”

“That doesn’t count. That’s just natural for us.” Sugarberry says, clamping her tail down self-consciously.

“Sure, sure.” Henry chuckles. “Next thing you know you’re going to tell me you are not… horny.”

Sugarberry cringes, “Oh that was bad, no horn jokes.”

“Really? Too corny?” Henry jokes and makes a fake grab for Sugarberry’s horn.

“STOP THAT!” Comes a loud shriek. Both of them look at the source of the voice. A pony comes galloping up, “That is WRONG!” Royal Ribbon yells as she skids to a stop before them.

“What? Why what’s wrong?” Sugarberry looks confused.

“Do you know how PERSONAL horns are? You never do that, not even in jest.” Royal Ribbon says, stomping a hoof.

“Oh come on, we are friends, just joking around.” Henry says, holding up both hands, a smile on his face.

“No, that’s not a joke. I’d say maybe you should spend some time as a unicorn, but even then you probably won’t understand.” She snorts, “Humans, your type never learn. So no, you don’t even deserve the gift of being a unicorn.” Turning she storms off with tears in her eyes. “What next, plucking a poor pegasus?” She growls.

Blinking, Sugarberry shakes her head, “What… what just happened?”

“I don’t know, but least I agree with her on one thing. I shouldn’t be a unicorn.” Henry says with a sigh.

Narrowing her eye in the direction of the other unicorn, Sugarberry huffs and mumbles, “not what he needed.”

*** Lightning Electric ***

“Pat… Oh Pat… I need your help.”

Blinking Pat, looks up from her paperwork, “What is it, I’m busy. I’ve got fifty invoices to process.”

“There are some… kids… here to see you.” The health safety and environmental rep for the company says softly, getting the older woman to blink several times.

“Kids?” Pat puts down her papers, “Who’s kids?”

“Well, foals I guess, little ponies.”

Pat stands up from her desk. She walks over through the main office where several other employees of Lightning Electric handle the majority of paperwork created by the hundred and fifty employees of the company produce daily. She opens the door to the big entry foyer and looks down at the three foals. She had seen them before on video but she had never realized just how small they really are. Or just how big their eyes really are when they sit there, looking at her sadly.

Feather looks up mournfully, “Hello ma’am, I’m Feather Pinch, this is Cotton Candy and Cotton Cloudy. We all changed here on earth a few months ago. We don’t know who our pony parents are. If they are here, on Equestria, or even if they are alive.”

Taking a deep breath, Candy looks up, “We’ve been adopted by a pony, Twilight Velvet. She takes care of us, protects us, makes sure we have food, a warm safe place to sleep and such. She doesn’t have a lot of money though.”

Cloudy turns sideways, “We are all blank flanks. In pony culture, that means we haven’t found our special talent, our place in society, our calling, or duty. Rather than doing a normal job, we are supposed to try and experiment with different things till we find our special place.”

“There are lots of ponies like us,” Feather says, spreading her wings. “And there are new ponies being born here on Earth. The problem is, we aren’t always safe. Coyotes and even big dogs can pose a threat to us. We’ve already gone through grade and high school, so we are left underhoof. We can’t spend all our time at home.”

“What we need, what we are doing is trying to build a club house. To make a safe place for not just us, but hopefully other ponies to visit, to have a place to find their special place.” Candy sits down and looks up, scuffing a forehoof on the tile floor, “We’d like to build a tree house, it needs to be safe from the rain and weather, safe from predators.”

“It needs to be able to be warm and dry inside, with some kind of basic insulation, since it can get so cold up here in the winter. So we need something we can safely do for heat and light. At the same time, it has to have windows and a proper door.” Feather looks at the girls. A couple other faces poke through the door into the foyer from the back office, watching the ponies. “Normally we use a ramp to get up to the house because we can’t do ladders well, but that means animals could get in, so we need the door and often a way to lift the ramp when we are inside.”

All three nod and look up at Pat, their tails wiggling a mile a minute. Smiling Candy goes on, “We are looking for someone to sponsor us, we need supplies and help to build it. Is there anything you can do?”

“I…I… Oh dear… Umm,” Pat turns back and looks at the other women watching, they have big smiles on their faces. They notice Pat looking at them, they all nod in unison. She makes her decision and gestures for the foals to follow her. They walk through the employee break room and she opens a door, leading to the expansive warehouse of the electrical contractor. Three men are bent over the open hood of a Dodge 3500 service truck. Two more are sweeping floors, and one is operating an electric forklift. All activity ceases as everyone sees Pat with the ponies in tow. She looks at all the men there. “I need a few volunteers. We are going to help these foals with a clubhouse.” She looks back at the three foals staring around wide eyed at the massive building and all the activity going on. Then, fighting her emotions, she looks at the humans, steeling herself, “Dust would want us too, trust me on this.”

This gets several nods from the assembled humans, along with several smiles, “Anything we can do to help.”

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