• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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56: Let The Rain Wash Away

“Why the hell won’t they let them just leave in peace?”

“It’s the FSB! They don’t play nice.” The larger griffin calls back.

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, known as the FSB. Their job is similar in concept to the FBI, though they also have the job of targeted assassinations.

“How are the ponies doing Greta?”

Looking down, the larger griffin snarls. “They’re not going to make it across the border at this rate. FSB has the army out in force in front of them. They’re just three kilometers from the border but there are heavy vehicles dug in between the ponies and their freedom.”

“At least the pegasi got away.” The smaller griffin calls out, then she freezes. Both griffins blink, looking at each other, their bodies going cold. “Oh, hell no.”

The sound is unmistakable. Both look back as the Mi-24 SuperHind V Helicopters heave into view. There isn’t any cover for the ponies on the ground. They’ll be ripped to shreds in moments if the pair of griffins don’t do something.


“I see them.” She looks down and flexes her claws, “how strong do you think our claws are?”

“Strong enough if we get inside the passenger compartment.”

“It was nice knowing you Greta. I don’t think a round of ‘There’s a Rumor in St Petersburg’ is going to help us this time.”

Nat shoots off after the first gunship. Keeping low and weaving wildly, she draws and dodges the fire from the heavy helicopters. She might not be a pegasus, but griffins are no slouches in the air, or on the ground. The show had shown her in the Equestria Games as part of the relay team. To make that team, to compete against Spitfire and Rainbow Dash she knows she had to be one of the best. She just doesn’t know how good her cat, and bird, reflexes will be for this.

Pulling up hard under the Mi-24, she digs her claws into the side panel and rips open the door, much to the surprise of the troops inside. The fight is short and brutal, her claws able to rip through even the bullet proof vests the troops are wearing, two troops end up getting tossed out the ruined door, their screams truncated by their impacts with the ground. She finally pulls the pins on several grenades as she drops back out of the aircraft.

The resulting explosions cripple the helicopter. Smoke flows out of its engines and sides as it turns for a clearing.

Looking over she watches the helicopter Greta is in swinging wildly from side to side. “Come on girl, get out, get out…”

A moment later the helicopter starts spinning out of control. The form of the larger griffin falls from the stricken machine a moment later. Kicking in her speed, Natalya dives after her friend, grabbing her.

“You ok, girl?”

“Yeah, I got my claws caught in the firewall for a second. What’s going on with the ponies?”

Looking over, Natalya gains some height to get a better look. “They’re pinned down.”

Pulling up beside Natalya, Greta snarls. “They have two tanks and four APC’s pinning them down there.”

“T-14’s and T-15’s, I think.” Shaking her head, nearly thirty ponies are trapped by the FSB forces. “What the hell, the why won’t the Finn forces do anything? They have vehicles just 3,000 meters away from the border.”

“They don’t want a war, if they interfere it would be a shooting match. It’s up to us.” Greta snarls. She stops for a moment, determination lighting up her eyes, “It’s up to us.”

She’s no speedster but she is still a strong flyer, as fast as Gilda. She shot past the border and looked down at the Finnish vehicles. Greta dives down, Natalya in her wake. Landing on the top deck of a Patria APC, she leans side to side, looking at the gun.

“Greta, you're nuts.” Natalya says, hovering next to the other griffin.

One of the Finnish solders looks up at the griffins, “What are you doing?”

“Borrowing this.” Greta leans to the side and pulls out the locking pin. Then with a heavy heave, she lifts the entire M307 25mm cannon. She is bigger than a pony, longer, and apparently stronger. Based on the XM307, the cannon is low recoil, with a sheathed barrel. Wrapping one claw around the barrel and holding the rear handle with her other she takes to the air.

Natalya looks on in shock as the griffin take to the air, screeching out her rage. There are few things that are more fearsome then an angry griffin. An angry griffin carrying a huge cannon though…

Firing the cannon from her hip, she opens up on the rear of the first tank. The 25mm HEDP rounds slam one after another, ripping into the weak engine deck armor. After the fifth round, flames erupt from the vehicle.

Flying sideways she puts more rounds into the second tank. By this time the IFV’s have taken note, but there is little they can do. Greta is above the arc of their guns and firing down on them. Round after round rips into the tops of the vehicles, where the armor is weakest.

It’s the chance the ponies need. Making a break for it, they run the three kilometers at a gallop, they cross into Finland. Greta and Natalya land, looking at the Finnish military, then back at the ponies.

Natalya spreads her wings, “Natalya Kerensky. We are mostly from St. Petersburg and area, we seek asylum and permission to enter the European Union. Forty-two ponies are with us. Unicorns and Earth Ponies, with a lot of foals, they are cold and hungry.”

Greta shoulders the 25mm cannon like it is a hunting rifle. “Yeah, we’re a political nightmare, we know. Just please, before you start worrying, get the foals somewhere warm, and get them food and drink.”

***Twilight Velvet***

I wake up to a soft giggle. I recognize my mom’s giggle, even though I haven’t been home in months. It is musical and magical, to my ears.

I yawn and open one eye, turning my head to give Blaze a gentle nuzzle, then I hear the giggle again. It fills the air with happiness.

Lifting my head, I looked over and see my mom standing at the guest room door, her hand over her mouth.

Blaze and I had fallen asleep on the bed, it is small, but ponies are generally smaller than humans so it is fine. Blaze is on his back, wings spread, snerking, or half snoring in his sleep. Since he doesn’t have a wing over me, it is easy for me to sit up and look around.

The Cotton twins had curled up on top of a sleeping bag on the floor. They are using each other as pillows. Each of them having their head on the other’s back. Blinking, I look around for the pillows. The pillows from the bed are gone, as are the two the twins had.

Mom clears her throat and points to the dresser, smiling from ear to ear.

Looking up, Feather has somehow claimed all of the pillows, and then some. She had brought them up onto the top of the dresser. There, she made a fluffy pile of pillows to sleep on top of. It is her own little faux cloud inside the house.

She lay on top of the pile, curled in her own little ball, one wing twitching in her sleep. Her tail over her muzzle such that only her closed eyes are visible through the sea of pink tail and mane fur. Mornings like this are why I love being a pony. The peace, the family bond, the…

Emergency teleport active! I appear in an instant in the bathroom behind my mom, I lean over and throw up into the toilet. My stomach flu is back with a vengeance.

Blinking, my mom looks between the bedroom and the bathroom, before closing the bedroom door. “How… how did you?”

“Ugh. It had to be that damp English air.”

“I still say, you should get a checkup with the doctor.”

“I will when I get back to base.” Sitting up, I look up at my mom then move over and hug her. I snuggle as tight as I can to her. Holding her tight with my front legs and snuggling my cheek against her.

Gently, she starts stroking my mane with her hand, looking down with that smile that always seems to make everything better.

“Oh mom, it’s like on one hoof, I know and understand everything you went through to raise me so much better. On the other I wonder and worry if I’m still the mare I was, if I’m still a good mother myself. Or if I can be as good as you were.”

“I think Feather, Cotton, and Candy are in the best… hooves. I raised you and let you live your own life. From what you’ve told me you’ve already raised two foals. If you ever need help or just someone to talk to I’m only a phone call away.”

Pushing my head against my mom, I find myself starting to cry. I just need her so much right now. I don’t know why, I just do. She’s my mom.

Smiling, mom reaches up, pulling down her hair brush from the sink and begins brushing my mane. I don’t know if it is just the closeness. Or the brushing itself, but I feel myself relaxing in her arms. Like nothing could ever hurt me.

“Is it still throwing up?” Ron says flatly.

And now it’s gone.

“I’m not an it,” I say firmly. “I didn’t ask for this, I didn’t dream of this, I didn’t want this.”

“Yet you embrace it, you even use those silly cutesy pony terms.”

“It’s our language. Or at least how our language translates to English. We don’t have hands, so saying on the other hand, just doesn’t work on an instinctual level.” I say and huff, “Try thinking, talking, and doing everything in base eight. Or base four. You have ten fingers, so working in base 8 is alien for you.”

I huff and look at my mom.

“It’s okay.” Mom my hugs me again. “Let’s go make breakfast for the brood.”

Smiling, I follow my mom down to the kitchen, “You know, unicorn moms have one huge advantage.”

“Oh what’s that?”

“Watch this.” Winking, I start up my magic. I’ve been practicing and my skill is coming back. The fundamentals training has built my strength and control back up. Taking a seat on a kitchen chair I begin humming cheerfully while waiving a forehoof for fun.

My magic dances across the kitchen, turning on burners, moving pots, and pulling out goods from the fridge. I begin making breakfast, three different kinds of pancakes. The advantage here, I am able to control several different things at once.

Mom laughs as she watches. She is probably having Fantasia flashbacks here, but I am just having so much fun. Smiling, she puts her hand on my shoulder while I work. She just looks down at me with a mother’s love.

Singing aloud as I work, I look back at my mom, “And the music makes your heart soar in reply. When you find you've got the music…”

*** Fleur ***

“Hey Lis?”

Fleur sits on the floor, she got herself a few pillows to sit on. It is more comfortable than sitting on the chair, especially when it decides to start rolling, or worse, spinning on her. She has her muzzle resting on the desk as she looks at her screen.

“You look down.” Anthony says, tilting his head. “Still upset about becoming a pony?”

“No, doesn’t bother me.” She huffs, “Okay, I need a bigger bed, and I’m gonna need to trade my car in for something with more horn room. And I really, really, need a bigger bed.”

Spinning his chair around, Anthony rolls backwards to sit beside Fleur.

“Oh. Isn’t that Jetstream, the pony that tried to kill herself the other day?"

“Yeah, I’m wondering how many more like her are out there. For that matter how many more like Ruby are out there.”

“If there are, we are going to find them, get them out of trouble. If military personal are involved, we will punish them. If they are military, we will help them adapt.”

“Cuz your just such a pony sap.” Lis says with a giggle.

“Nope, just cuz I like chasing tail.”

“Ok, eww.” Lis puts her tail tighter to her body out of reflex. “Didn’t you take your course in office sexual harassment?”

“Yep, and it didn’t include making comments about tails. Though I think they may need to update things. No trying to catch peeks under mare’s tails would probably be a good addition to the curriculum.”

“You really want me to be wearing a skirt and outfit around the office now don’t you.”

“Don’t worry Lis, I’m sure they don’t look. Not even that one girl who, I swear, wants to brush your mane.”

With a shudder, Fleur shakes her head. “Ok, let’s change topics.”

“How’s your TK going? You know you’re going to need to master it, before you hit the range.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. I don’t know what it is, sometimes it’s hard to pick up a pencil, then I crush a glass.”

“Your focus, needs more focus, little one.” Anthony puts on his best fake Asian accent for that.

Standing up Fleur shakes herself out. “Well let’s get to the hospital. I want to check up on both Ruby Splash and Jetstream.”

“See what more information we can find out from Ruby?”

Standing up, Fleur puts on her badge and picks up her small bag. “I think I am going to go for the training class.”

“Hey it’s sort of a vacation to Fort Bragg. At least it won’t be hectic or such there.” Anthony says, grabbing the keys.

“SUV right?”

“Yep. If I tried to put you in the mini, we’d end up with holes in the roof.”

“Tanya! Lis, before you go.”

Hearing their names called out, Fleur turns and blinks, looking at the HR rep who is panting a bit as she jogs up.


“No pressure, but we are doing some PR posters for the ponies. We want them for public relations, recruiting, and as a way of calming ponies down a bit. So they don’t think we’re all human here.”

“Why me? Why not Goldie?”

“Goldie’s OSI, you’re CID. As well, you were a fashion model in Equestria, right?”

“I’ll think about it.” Sighing she turns and looks at Anthony.

“Don’t say it.”

“Pinup Pony!” Antony says as he dodges the horn poke.

*** Fleetfoot ***

“Arrow this is Corkscrew. Fast mover track 331. 32,500 feet, break right and dive for intercept.”

Cutting the turn Fleetfoot eats the G’s and dives hard for flight level 32,500. She needs all the speed she can get to hit the intercept point.

“Arrow, this is Corkscrew. Adjust course two degrees left. Target will be crossing in twelve seconds.”

Fleetfoot pushes herself as the target data comes up on her goggles. The datalink highlights the target for her but, she can still see it with her own eyes, there is a light trail behind this one. It’s going to be close.

“Arrow this is Corkscrew. Intercept in eight seconds. See if you can boost your speed.”

Giving it everything she has, she locks onto the intercept point… she has to get there first. Hearing the countdown over her ear piece, she banks as hard as she can, turning sideways. It is close, but she flashes across the targets flightpath, barely a hundred feet in front of her.

Lightning Dust blinks as she flies through Fleetfoot’s turbulence, she cuts her speed fast. “The HELL!” She yells.

Arching back Fleetfoot slows up, pacing the turquoise speedster, “Damn you’re hard to catch.”

“Well I’m not called Lighting Dust for nothing.”

“Dust, we’ve had several complaints now about you.”

“Me? What did I do? And who’s we?”

“I’m with the 520th Air Police Squadron.”

“Yeah I heard about you guys, several pegasi from the farm were stop-lossed back to help out. Why are you after me though?”

“Well for starters, you just cut across two federal no fly zones. Flying way to close to passenger jets, cutting across restricted airspace.”


“Were serious Dust, you flew within 50 feet of a jet.” She stops at Dust’s chuckle.

Dust grins, “Within fifty feet my plot. I put my hooves on both wings.”

Dust’s grin is wiped away by the look on Fleetfoot’s face, Fleet looks at the younger pegasus sternly, “While that may not seem like anything to you, air traffic controllers and pilots can get spooked. What’s worse, the pilot can be given orders to change course to avoid you as an emergency instruction. On most primary radars we show up as missile sized targets.”

“Really? Missiles?”

“Look Dust, the navy intercepted a shipment of man portable anti-air missiles recently. Everyone is on edge. Please, be mindful of the poor human pilots.”

“Yeah ok, surprised they sent you, but I guess they had to send a speedster.”

Fleetfoot flinches and puts a hoof over her belly. She sticks her tongue out and urps.

“You ok? You don’t look so hot.”

“Yeah, since I’m the fastest they have right now, they sent me. I shouldn’t be here though, but we needed to let you know. As well as get you to get a transponder, and start listing your flight plans properly.”

“Right… Like I need a transponder.” The other mare says as she rolls her eyes.

Fleetfoot gestures and Dust follows her, they land on a cloud. “It’s best that all pegasi have them.”

“So they can track us?”

“Yes so they can track us, and see us easier. That way, we don’t scare pilots.” Fleetfoot retches softly again, her hoof on her stomach.

“Okay Fleetfoot, what’s up with you? You really don’t look well.”

“I shouldn’t have pushed myself so hard to catch you.”

“Well why did you?”

“Orders… You’re such a priority, you can be a real pain in the cutie mark for that, right now. They sent a pregnant mare to chase you down.”

“Oh come, on I’m not a…” Dust stops and blinks. “Pregnant?”

Fleetfoot gives Dust the saddest eyes she can muster, “Please Dust, for the sake of my unborn foal. Get a transponder, and fly safe. I can’t be chasing you all over the country, I could hurt myself.”

“Ok that’s just cruel.” Dust huffs and lays down on the cloud, “Using pregnancy and those eyes against me.” Dust sighs, ”Fine. I’ll get a transponder.”

“Thank you.”

Dust sits up, and looks at the transponder strapped to Fleet’s foreleg, “That’s an ugly thing.” She gestures to the phone case strapped to her own foreleg, “got an app to put on a phone that will do the same thing?”

Fleetfoot looks at the transponder, then at Dust’s phone, and shakes her head, “I have to use an ipad or other tablet for filling flight plans, this is all hardware, and a big battery, something your phone doesn’t have.”

Dust waves a hoof, “Oh, I can probably get one built. Just put a bigger battery in the phone, and add in the antenna for the transponder. Maybe an extra circuit board or two.” She unstraps the phone case, manipulating the phone, “It’ll be thicker than my phone, but I think it could be about the same dimensions except for the thickness. Maybe an extra external antenna.”

Fleetfoot is hoofed the phone, she runs a hoof along the screen, “Damn, this thing is almost as big as my ipad mini.”

Dust chuckles, “I’ve never liked those tiny phones. I can use a stylus and text pretty well with it. You military types like your big, bulky equipment.”

“And durable, Dust. Durability is a good thing.”

Dust rolls her eyes, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll see about getting that taken care of.” She looks at Fleetfoot seriously, “So who’s the father?”

“Lt. James Fisher.”

“Really? You’re pulling my wing. How?”

“When a mare and a stallion really, really, like each other…”

*** Sugarberry ***

“So what do we have planned for today?” Henry says, walking in.

“Have a new unicorn showing up in a few days to be trained by Velvet.”

“That makes what?” Henry says, sitting down on the floor.

“Three for this batch. Two stallions out of West point, royal guards, I think. And get this, CID is sending one mare. Fleur Dis Lee.”

“Really? The fashion model? What are we supposed to train her in, how to put on makeup?” Henry says with a chuckle.

“Be nice, it’s about quality of life, remember.”

Leaning against Sugarberry, he nods. “I know, just certain ponies in the show seem less, skilled.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“I’m just worried about unicorns abusing their magic.”

“Oh come on, we would never… Would you ever abuse your magic?”

“Magic comes from deep inside, not just from your mind. It comes from your heart and soul. Emotions can lend it strength, dark emotions as much as light. Sombra used hatred and fear to power his spells.” Henry closes his eyes, “The magic I used though came from the heart, it came from love. A need to help and protect those who are suffering. It’s a maternal feeling I guess. A chance to give life.”

Sugarberry blinks, then she hugs Henry snuggling into him tightly. “I love you.”

Henry chuckles softly. “Yeah, I know. I have a stupid view of magic. I think though, that some might be tempted to use magic for darker reasons, just because they were humans.”

“Nope, not stupid. I think it’s perfect. You use harmony magic. Though no, I don’t know what it is but pony nature seems to keep most ponies on a moral course.”

“Well, that unicorn thing I became used harmony magic.” Henry smiles. “I’m more than happy staying human though. That way I can do this.”

Quickly he ruffled his fingers under Sugarberry’s mane to start scratching. The response is very quick, a soft moan of joy.

“Ok, fingers do have uses.”

“Thank you. I just had them lengthened. Now they go all the way to my hand.”

Sugarberry blinks and starts laughing. “Well, we have some time off till Velvet and the foals get back. It seems so quiet around here without the little ones around.”

“Yeah, no sirens, screaming kids, firetrucks, or MP’s. Just think, human kids are one thing, but if you ever have a foal, it too will go through the cutie mark acquisition phase.” Henry looks down at the mare chuckling.

“Oh, they can’t be that…”

“Cutie Mark Crusader Pyrotechnics Experts.”

“Okay, not having foals.” Sugarberry says as she nods firmly.

“Besides, to have foals, you kind of need a stallion.”

Putting on her best Apple Bloom accent, Sugarberry sings out while giggling. “I don't think that we're mistaken, it seems all the good ones are taken.”

Laughing, Henry shakes his head. “So you going to be helping teach the magic class this time around?”

“Nope, I can do, but I can’t teach. Takes a special kind of pony to do that, you really need to understand the basics or have an innate tie to magic.”

“You’re a unicorn, you have an innate tie.”

“Yeah, but I haven’t even figured out why my cutie mark means yet.”

“Well, I have two places I want to take you to today. We are going on a field trip.”

“Really? Where?”

“It’s a surprise, get your day bag. It’s been cleared with command, we’re going on a cutie mark hunt to find out what your mark really means”

*** Velvet ***

“Velvet! This is downtime.” My mother complains.

“I know, but Blaze and I are having fun. When’s the last time you had a pegasus to fly up, cleaning the awnings and gutters, while a unicorn fixes the shingles?”

Feather pokes her head out from under the front porch. The hole is hardly larger than she is, and she has dirt on her face and muzzle. She has a little LED flashlight stuck into a handkerchief that is tied to her head to use as a headlamp. Sneezing out a little puff of dust she looks up, “Looks clear down here, no animals, so we can board it up. Foundation looks good, no cracks that I can see.”

Cloudy and Candy are painting the fence, or each other. I’m not sure which… At least it’s non-toxic paint. Both of them, however, will be needing a bath, big time. Oh, who am I kidding, the entire family will be needing to be hosed down at the end of all of this.

Feather pulls herself out the hole, she turns around, and the twins notice something. “You got your cutie mark!”

Blinking Feather looked back, on her hip was a white circle with an orange heart on it. Squeaking, she turns around, snapping her head around, though the mark is only on one hip.

“Huh?” Cloudy and Candy blink and walk over.

Walking up, I look at Feathers hip, then I groan. Carefully, I pull the sticker off her flank with my magic. “Oranges are good for the heart? Okay, but not so good for the cutie mark.” Looking over, I put it in the trash with the rest of the debris we’ve collected.

Feather whimpers and droops. “Darn, thought I was onto something there.”

The twins, on the other hand, fall on their backs rolling in laughter.

“Well at least you didn’t suffer from McDonald’s syndrome where the marks are only on one side.” Candy calls out between gasps.

“It's time for us to come together. It's the only way that things will get better. It's time for us to take a stand. So come on and lend a helping hand…”

The twins catch on the song right away, starting to sing as they get back to painting. “Fix it up… Yeah, it's all right… We'll get it ready by tonight.”

Feather closes up the crawl space, singing out herself as she hammers it shut, “Mix it up, help a friend, We'll come together in the end.”

Blaze lands behind my mom and uses his head to push her up to the kitchen, “It's time to show that we've got pony spirit, raise your voice and let everyone hear it.”

Mom just can’t help but laugh now. All of us singing along and working is just too silly for her. Looking down at Blaze he points up at the empty lemonade pitcher.

Continuing to sing, I duck my head into the kitchen, harmonizing with Blaze. “It's time to show that we're strong. So come on, everybody, sing along.”

*** Fleur ***

“Look how we've all come together.” Fleur says, sitting beside Ruby Splash, stroking her mane.

“Things are only just starting to get better.” Drizzle adds in, smiling at the mare. Her colors have come back, though the doctors still want her in the hospital, for observation.

Ruby sighs softly, “I don’t remember a lot. My mind just blanked it out.”

“Don’t worry, if you can’t remember. We have the person that did this, and he’s going to help us find the people that took you.” Fleur says, smiling.

“So what’s going to happen to me now?” Looking at her hoof, “that I’m this…”

Drizzle hugs Ruby tightly. “Well, you will have the option of staying with the military in noncombat postings, embassy staff and such.”

“Or we can see about getting you a job as a pastry chef.” Fleur says, smiling.

“Pastry chef?” Ruby blinks, she never really tried cooking. She’s always so busy, most of her food is either quick cook, or takeout.

“Yeah, back in Equestria you were an up and coming star in Manehatten.” Fleur says with an air of pride. “You specialized in berry pies, though apparently you started a resurgence trend when you created your own crystal berry pie in your class.”

“Wait Equestria’s real?”

Drizzle looks at Fleur and blinks, “Educational video time!”

“No, no, no, no, no. I’ve had my share of those, you show her. I’ll go check on Jetstream.” Fleur says, laughing.

“You’re just jealous they didn’t get you to star in them.”

“Do I look like an actress?” Fleur says, blinking.

“Nope, you look like a fashion model.”

“Oh I’m never going to live that down, am I? My cutie marks a Fleur, not a camera. The Fleur is associated with monarchy and leadership. As well, it’s part of the French royal guard.”

“So… Fleur was a guard or noble?”

“I… have no idea.” Fleur says and trots out.

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