• Published 13th Feb 2015
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Five Score: A Velvet Nightfall - kitsy-chan

A small group of US Army Rangers are caught up in a web of corruption and dark deals, as the attempt to deal with 2 of their own, who have had their lives forever changed, by the Five Score curse

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Part 4: To Ride a Pale Horse.

May 4th 2020, 2100zulu

“Five score divided by four”, Strawberry Sunrise said, causing all of us to freeze in our tracks. Well, correction, all of the ponies.

The LT walks right into my rear, knocking me forward a step, “Corporal put your hand up if you’re going to stop, you know the rules.”

I blinked, looking back at the LT and weakly raise a forehoof, signaling a stop… of course it was a little late now… and it wasn’t actually a hand.

“Five score, divided by four…” I repeated.

Strawberry Sunrise nodded to me “I heard it in a dream.”

I nodded slowly to as did the other 3, “like something long forgotten.”

The pony with the wheat cutie mark closed her eyes as her color starting to fade again. She trembled badly and let out a soft whimper. I moved to step forward but Strawberry Sunrise was closer and moved to put a wing over her.

Henry looked back “LT rest time? The civilians don’t look so well still.”

The LT nodded “let’s set some of the last of our tripwires about 100 yards back and then rest here for 20.”

“We are actually moving faster than expected, don’t you think?” I asked looking to the LT who just gives me a gruff nod. “Permission to share some of my food and water with the civilians?”

Looking at the other 4 ponies, he thought for a moment then nodded “Guys, check your rations for the extras, crackers, jams, and what not.”

Crouching down I back out of the two rucksacks, and give each of them some water from my ration. Not an easy thing to do when you don’t have hands, but Yiska was quick to help, pouring water into the canteen cup, adding some crystal flavor packs and helping each drink in turn.

“So when… did you start to change?” I asked. While they all spoke Spanish they also could at least speak some English. That meant it wasn’t that bad communicating. I just wish I had passed my Spanish classes now.

“I noticed the mark, on my legs just after my birthday.” Sunrise said. “So probably the first.”

Blue Sky gulps softly, “The first of May. I’m 25 now.”

“Who… all has a May first birthday?” I ask nervously as it begins to sink in. “It can’t be that common.”

All 5 ponies raise their hooves.

The LT blinked at that, “and who’s 25?”

Again, all 5 ponies put their hooves up, “Now that’s kind of spooky.” I say, looking at the others, then look at the LT, who is levering himself off the ground. Nodding once I look to the others, “It's time to start moving again.”

As we walked I look at each in turn. Then to break the silence I looked to Blue Sky's, “So what happened?”

Blue Sky takes a deep breath, “I worked as a parasail guide at a resort at Cerro Silva, I grew up in that city. I went out drinking with some of the guys from work, when the tattoo appeared. I went to the clinic the next day, after my ears appeared the clinic doctors began to get worried. They didn’t know what was wrong with me. That night 3 gunmen came in, and took me off.”

With a sigh he looks down “My real name is Manuel, but the name Blue Sky sort of stuck. It’s hard to explain, I woke up saying it.”

Looking over at Sunrise I ask in a gentle tone “And you?”

She glances at me then at her hooves while walking “I was Angelina, but now I guess it's Strawberry Sunrise, I started changing at the same time as my friend. We were both born on May 1st, we both turned 25 a few days ago. Tina and I found our marks at the same time, and sort of knew our names, instantly, or I should say each other’s names. I knew Tina was Candyshine, and she knew I was Sunrise. We were both scared, and both went to the clinic in our town. The town is pretty small so word spread fast, and people started panicking. The minister in town said we were demons. He said the change was our true forms showing through, that god was reviling us as the sinners we were. The people of Tortuguero were all riled up…”

Closing her eyes I could see the tears in them and moved to press my side against hers. With a deep breath she continued, pain evident in her voice. “I had fully changed when they came and got Tina and I, in the very early morning. They took us from the clinic, Tina tried to run but… They shot her… They left her there on the streets and loaded me into the truck, we drove for a few hours then… they unloaded me and walked me into the camp.”

Yiska hummed softly, “Well that explains why Tortuguero is a no go.”

I looked at him sternly. While I know he was right and it was the most likely reason that we couldn’t go there, I still didn’t like it said aloud.

The mare with the wheat mark starts to speak next. She is walking slowly, her mane actually bouncing a bit now, starting to look fuller and not as limp. “I’m Mia. I don’t know any other name, no one’s told me one, and I haven’t had dreams about them. I’ve had nightmares but I’ve tried to forget them. My mark appeared during my birthday, my family owns a farm and I was visiting. When I started to change my father took me to the clinic. He stayed with me a bit, but when my hooves formed, and the cries of demons from other towns came out… He left me there. Later that day, the men showed up and took me to the camp.”

The last mare, the one with the fleur-de-lis lets out a sigh, “do I have to?”

I tilt my head looking at her, and touch my muzzle to her neck with a rub, “It does help.”

Mina nods once “She’s right, it does help Lilly.”

With a breath, “I’m Sophia, I was a dancer. It was the only job I could find, I lived at the club. When I started to change, the club owner was worried I was contagious and sent me to the clinic. I spent the next day there until… they came and took me.”

“And you had no, dreams or memories of your name?” I ask softly as we walk.

Flinching, her color fads for a moment, “I don’t remember.”

“Twilight, you called us crystal ponies,” Sunrise speaks up while walking, “what’s that.”

“Honestly, I don’t know how I knew, I just knew. It’s not you Sunrise, those three were the crystal ones. I just knew they were, I could sense it, in some way.” Sometimes this really sucks, I could not figure out how to put into words what I felt, because nothing I knew explained it. It was like a tingle in my… horn?

Yiska puts his hand on my back, looking down and chuckling “Maybe it was magic.”

“Right, magic, next thing you know were going to be talking about aliens, little green men.” I say with a laugh.

Yiska chuckles “Oh good idea, hmm, aliens stopped time, beamed you up, altered you and sent you back as to see how humans would react before colonization.”

Eric shakes his head “Next they will begin dropping pods into the ocean and launching an invasion against LA”

“Oh I loved that movie,” I said, looking up, “I gotta watch that again when I get back, it a classic.”

Looking back at me Eric shakes his head “But seriously, about the magic thing, I saw that glow with the RPG, blowing up beside you…. How did you do that?”

I think for a second, “I remember you calling out the warning, I remember turning, seeing the puff of smoke and the rocking heading for me, I closed my eyes and braced figuring I was dead anyway and… honestly I don’t know. I don’t remember doing anything really, I remember the horn shine, and I had to hit my horn to get the glow to go away… Umm, Goa'uld personal shield?”

With one stern look from the LT we all quickly drop that line of talk. Looking to the LT I clear my throat “Sir, what we do know, is there’s a bounty on equines here, we know that for some reason the cartel was collecting them, and somehow getting the information on these people, likely from the clinic’s themselves. We’ll need to report that in when we get back.”

The LT nods once calling for a halt.

Looking around I notice that it’s already close to evening as the sun is dipping below the tree line, “are we going to bivouac for the night sir?”

“Ok set up perimeter guard, we will dig in here till morning. We should be able to reach the evac site pretty quick.” He states then finds a place to sit and work on his weapon.

“Eric, Yiska, I hate to ask but, could you help us with dinner? Seriously having no fingers really, really, does suck.” I say with a snort.

“Hey Yiska, I think Wally’s got… Finger envy”

I can just see Yiska biting his tongue. I KNOW where he wants to go with that envy comment, and really no, I am NOT in the mood. “Don’t do it Yiska.”

“I wouldn’t dare.” He says with a chuckle.

Angelina, Strawberry Sunrise, tilts her head looking at me, “Wally?”

“Um yes, that’s my actual name, just, Twilight Velvet came to me in a dream I guess. It feels right so I’ve used it.“ I say as I lower my head in a blush. “With all that happens in some ways it gives me something to hold on to by saying it. “

“But… isn’t Wally a guy’s name?

I ok this is a conversation I didn’t want, I’ve been really avoiding that part, and didn’t really want to confront it, I knew it was the end of my career in the rangers but.. Being a pony horse thing was the end anyway. With a deep breath I sigh “Well, I was, but the change was a little…”

“I wouldn’t have guessed, you have such a gentle mothering voice.”

“Gentle and mothering? But I…” I looked confused and looked to Eric.

“Actually Wally, your voice has changed, It changed over the last day or so, it mostly happened slowly so I don’t think most of us really considered bringing it up, but its definitely feminine, and it is really soft and gentle.”

“I, but, and,” My mind starts to churn, I sound female… Seriously? “Umm, can we change the topic, so um, how about Manchester United this season.”

“Ok everyone, keep it down, and get some sleep, we are meeting up with the chopper tomorrow.” The LT Said firmly. And yes, he was defiantly the law around here.

Mia, cringed at the mention of sleep, “But the nightmares.”

Very quietly I got up and lay beside Mia, “How long have you been having them?”

“Since the first night,” Mia says, “I’m almost scared to sleep.”

“Do you remember what they are about?” I ask, not wanting to make her uncomfortable but I am now really curious.

“I, I can’t, I wake up with these feelings of dread. Have you been having them?” Mia asked looking to me.

“I started with nightmares, I think, the problem is when I wake up, I have the hardest time remembering, just for a few seconds, in that time between sleep and consciousness, something breaks through, a word, a feeling that I can hold on to. For that brief moment, and then it’s like some dark veil is dropped over my mind.” I blink once then snort, “Sorry, I’m not used to talking about dreams and such.”

Closing her eyes Mia yawns, “Its ok, it helped,” she said as she drifts off to sleep.

I close my eyes too, the feeling of Mia against my side is strange, it gives me some comfort and makes it a little easier for me to relax. As I look over I notice the other 3 ponies are in a group also, as they sleep. I know horses are herd animals, but are ponies?

I give my head a light shake, and close my eyes to sleep, mothering, how could I be mothering?

“A mother? Really?” I say in surprise, as I dodge through the trees, the mud under my hooves was slowing me down a bit but I could still move at a fair pace. The bog mud wasn’t that deep and my stepsink spell kept me from getting really stuck.

“We are really having this conversation now Twilight?” Rainbow said, banking hard to avoid a falling tree. “You’re running for your life, and worried about me?”

“You’re the one that said you were going to settle down.” I laugh, as my hooves get traction on more solid ground. “I thought you were going to be forever the bachelor. RIGHT SIDE!”

We both dodged right, as another tree went down. “Wow this guy is persistent,” Rainbow said, “are you sure you don’t want me just to…”

“No showing off this time Rainbow. We don’t need to hurt it just keep it occupied.” I said firmly as I started running uphill.

“But I can take him without problem. You’re the one that’s in danger here.” I could hear the worry in Rainbows voice. I know Rainbow could probably tie the thing in knots with stunt flying tricks but sometimes I just like doing things for myself.

“Nope, we’re fine, Hydras are not made for long chases, we got him to follow us through Frogbelly bog, and keep his eyes on us, rather than the others. “ I said as I leap off the cliff.

“You’re not going to make it Twilight.” Rainbow said with a chuckle.

Oh hay, Rainbow was right about that one, that cliff drop was about 3 times longer than I thought. Rocks below, muddy water, no safe landing spots down there.

Rainbow did a spiral around me as I dropped “Want me to catch you, or you going to teleport? The ledge is over there.”

Looking where Rainbow pointed, “Thanks, I see it now.” My horn glows bright and I wink out, appearing on the ledge, I'm panting hard now.

Rainbow landed beside me and struck a proud pose, dark blue wings flared wide. “Oh come on, you should have just let me handle that thing, you know how awesome I am Twilight.”

“I know I know, you're cooler than any other pegasus out there, but seriously, I never pictured you hooking up with a mare. You always loved the adventure as much as I do.” I smile softly.

“I hooked up with you didn’t I?” Rainbow said giving my hip a light swat with his wing.

“RAINBOW BLAZE…. You know perfectly well that’s not what I meant. I’m not looking for that kind of a relationship. We’re best friends. Friends forever, but I don’t know if I’m ever going to settle down and have foals of my own. But you, you take care of Twister, she’s got a HUGE heart.”

“I will, I will, but sometimes I can’t help wonder… what would our foals have looked like?”

“Nope, not happening, no baby bottles, diaper, or safety pin cutie mark for me, mine is all about the magic and adventure.”

My eyes snap open, for a moment I hold on to the image of that cute stallion. His golden eyes, his rainbow mane and tail, wings spread in his famous I’m so awesome pose. Then I feel it starting to fade.

I shake my head hard, trying to hold on to it, trying to hold onto the picture. Then it hit me, cute stallion, I thought he was cute? And that was it, the image was gone. As hard as I tried I couldn’t remember what he looked like. The only thing I had was, that he was cute.

Of all the things to hang onto from a dream, the idea that I thought a stallion was cute, was not one I wanted to deal with. This had to be some cruel joke, some evil prank, some dark curse just to make my life miserable.

I look around and see Strawberry Sunrise, Angelina, she is standing, facing the morning sun, with her wings spread wind, her head facing into the wind, forelegs prancing slightly. Her whole body looks tense, like it was expecting to leap into the air, but she stays grounded.

I walk over to her, unsure of what she’s doing or thinking “Morning.”

Her ear twitches, “Have you ever felt like you want something, you need something so bad, but don’t know why?” With a long sigh she folds her wings, looking down. “I woke up with the sun, the clouds calling to me. I could feel it, like an itch between my wings, like an ache deep inside my heart.”

“Your wings,” I ask, looking at her curiously, “Have you tried to fly?”

“Fly, really? With these stubby wings, that’s not possible.” She said, turning her back on the sun, “My wings would have to be huge to get off the ground. In case you didn't know, I'm no lightweight.”

“I don’t know, maybe there’s magic involved. The only thing I could say is for you to try.” With a gentle push of my nose to encourage her to turns back to face the sunrise.

Spreading her wings again she takes a deep breath looks at the rising sun for a long time. I could see her wings feeling the air currents the feathers moving in the morning breeze. It was more than that, I could feel her wings gathering the energy in the air, I don’t understand it myself but deep in my horn, I could sense her energy building. I knew she was ready.

“All right folks, fun time is over, let’s get ready to move out.” The LT barks out.

Sunrise lets out a squeak and clamps her wings to her side, looking back at the LT, who was getting his gear ready.

I knew the LT was right, we could still be in danger and now really wasn’t the time for risking herself trying to figure out how to fly. If she hurt her legs in a crash or bad landing, and then we would have to carry her out.

I walk over to the twin rucksack saddle backs, and find myself almost prancing as I did. I had no idea why I was so happy but I was. Over the last day I found walking, running, everything had become second nature. It felt completely natural to me, to be in this form.

With one smooth motion I drop my front end and duck under the rucksacks, then with a wiggle they settled on my back like saddle bags again. Standing up I looked back and see Yiska standing a few feet behind me, looking away, his hand shielding the side of his face from me.

“What’s your problem?” I ask, feeling confused.

“Wally, you’re not wearing any clothing.” He stammers out.

“I haven’t been for the last 24 hours. And nothing I have would fit.” I turn to face him, “Sides I have fur right now.”

“Not… where you flashed when you bent down to get the packs on. All your… parts were visible.”

“All my…” I blink once looking back at my flanks, then clamp my tail down tight feeling my face start to burn bright red. “Pants, first thing when I get back, I need pants.”

Chuckling “That or not to bend over like that with guys behind you,” Yiska said shaking his head.

LT smacks Yiska on the back of the head as he walks by “Eyes up, Ranger. You don’t want a harassment complaint on record do you?”

“Sir no sir,” Yiska chirps and started marching.

With a deep breath, I start my trek too, the other ponies were also naked, but I don’t know if it bothered them as well. At this point though, there was simply no clothing available to us. Can we even wear clothing? How would we dress ourselves, seriously, something as simple as tying a shoe lace now seems impossible. I have enough trouble eating, at least for drinking I have the water hose in my rucksack.

I look to the crystal ponies, it has been over a day and a half since their rescue, and their color is already starting to come back. It’s amazing, when we first found Mia for example, she was dark grey with brown mane and tail hanging flat to her neck and head. Now body fur has turned a light indigo, and her mane has lifted into golden curls. “Of all of ponykind, the crystals have the hardest time with captivity.“

Yiska looks down at me, “pony kind? Crystals?”

“It’s that instinct thing again; I know they are crystals when I look at them but I don’t know why, or what that means. I know they can’t take imprisonment, and the proof is in their colors… the more they lose hope, the duller they get. We’ve seen it with our own eyes.” I shake my head, I wish I knew how I know things but this was not the time to figure it out.

“Yeah, but what’s with the colors, yellows, reds, purples, violet?” Then Yiska looks at my mane, “not that it doesn’t actually look cute on you.”

Ok, that has my cheeks going red again as I look down at the ground, “Umm, thanks.”
As the forest starts to clear, the LT calls a halt. “Henry, Eric, up front Take a look around, I don’t want any surprises, That rocky knoll is the landing spot, I don’t want us breaking cover yet though, circle around it, make sure we have no company. Yiska, get Nightshade, tell them we are ready.

“Nightshade, this is Twilight, we are at bravo awaiting pickup, we are plus four with civilians, over.” Yiska taps the mic waiting for a moment before getting the response.

“Twilight, this is nightshade, evac 10 min, clear for pickup, nightshade out.”

The LT looks at the ponies and points, “Squad, poncho’s, turn them over to the ponies, now. Camo their colors a bit.”

Nodding, each of the members quickly put a poncho over one us, they didn’t fit but it wasn’t about the fit, it was about the camo pattern, and hiding the bright colors. I was already sitting at the edge of the clearing still in the brush, when one by one the others were brought over and told where to sit.

“Look there is still a chance we could be attacked, and the helicopter coming in is the most dangerous part. What’s going to happen is, the squad is currently spread out, when the helicopter lands, they will head for the chopper, we need to move as fast as we can when we are signaled by the LT, and cover the distance from here, to the center of the field, Keep your heads and ears down, it going to be loud.”

“Walter?” Blue Sky, or Manuel spoke quietly, “how are you so calm about this?”

“Calm?" I chuckle at his words, "I’m screaming up a storm on the inside, I’m scared, I’m worried, I’m confused, sometimes I feel like I don’t even know who I am anymore. I’m also a ranger though. I know if I panic, right now, I’ll put you all at risk, as well as my friends, my squad. In some ways my training prepared me for this, in as much as, it taught me that staying calm, in life and death situations is the most important thing.”

Shaking my head I take a deep breath “Don’t worry, I’ll freak out later. When I’m safe… and when I get some pants.”

“Pants?” Sunrise says tilting her head.

“Trust me, we need pants.”

This gets a giggle or chuckle out of all the ponies, at least its raising their spirits a little. What I find strange is, you don’t really notice or remember you’re not wearing clothing unless it’s pointed out unlike as a human where you notice being bare foot, or such, as a pony it doesn’t seem to register as much. I guess it’s a need based thing. If you’re cold you’re more likely to notice you don’t have pants.

The sound of the helicopter soon could be heard in the distance, the heavy whump whump sound of the rotor blades as they cut thought he air. There are people that think most of the noise of a helicopter comes from its engine, but the reality is, it’s simply the sound of the air disturbances the rotor causes, particularly in interference with the tail rotor. You could often tell what kind of helicopter it is, before you can see it.

In this case, the huge Super Sea Stallion came into view over the tree line and flared for a fast setting down. I knew the only reason we were using the Super Sea Stallion was because of its operating range, we would have maxed out poor Blackhawk at this distance, between crew, gear, and the extra fuel it would have needed it wouldn’t have been able to get off the deck. At this point though, I was grateful for that 1 small favor… a Blackhawk would never have been able to carry all the ponies.

Quickly the unit began moving up to the chopper, the LT looking back and waving our group in, I stand up, keeping my ears flat against my head, I begin to run for the helicopter. My eyes go wide however when I saw the ramp gunner swing the minigun and point it at us. “LT!!!” I shout as I skid to a halt, my fellow ponies running into me.

The LT quickly moves to stand in front the gunner, “Stand down, they’re friendlies!” He shouts at the enlisted man.

The gunner looks at the LT blinking, “Friendlies, are you kidding me? You’ve got Incredibly Sweet Alpaca’s or something they’re, whatever they are they aren’t human.”

“Stand down,” The LT shouts and glares at the gunner.

Nodding once, the gunner resumes scanning the tree line.

I waste no time getting the others into the helicopter, and we are in the air shortly thereafter. They didn’t even wait for any of us ponies to be strapped down but, that is normal, you never want to be on the ground for too long. Just like a pegasus. I stop and put a hoof to my head, why did I just think that?

While the Helicopter crew seems to be doing their best to keep away from us, the rest of the squad lends a hand in strapping us down a little, which is none to fun. They, had us lay on the floor and used the cargo straps. I didn’t feel comfortable at all, but I had to fake it, I knew if we hit any turbulence, it could send us flying, and a pony bouncing around the back of the helicopter could be dangerous for everyone, not just us.

We touched down on the USS Tripoli, LHA-07, Most people can mistake these ships for aircraft carriers, but they have a different role, they are meant to transport marines, and support marine landings with helicopters, and VTOL fighters like the F-35. They have a huge flight deck, much like the 2nd world war carriers, which makes it a very busy place with all the aircraft, not a safe place for anyone, especially not a pony.

I step down the ramp and see the faces looking at me, and all of a sudden I feel small. None of them know me, and I can see it in some of their eyes, to them, I’m just some kind of animal. An armed Marine Security Detachment is waiting on deck, but the LT steps forward, “Mission complete, Ornado is down, we rescued 4 prisoners,” he said motioning to the ponies then, points at me “This one’s one of our team, Cpl. Walter Fitzpatrick, Ranger.”

Taking a breath I stand up to my full height and make a rough salute with my foreleg.

Leader of the Security Detachment, a major calls out “Get them below deck into quarantine. Do not risk touching them. Elevator 3.”

The LT blinked, “Hey now, what do you think you are doing.”

“That includes you and your team LT. We have flash traffic on this before you arrived, for the safety of the ship. We need all of you in quarantine.”

I just feel my stomach drop, what the hay is going on here. I walk slowly with the squad and ponies, noting that the security detachment keeping a good 15 feet away from us, as we are brought to the Helicopter elevator. I look around as the elevator starts descending, then see a large Yellow and orange container, obviously set up for infectious quarantine. Could this really be infectious?

And shipping containers, ugh, why did it have to be a shipping container? Is there some subconscious idea that ponies need to be shipped? The inside of the container wasn’t as bad as I thought, they had it sectioned off, with plastic sheets, UV lights, and lots of beds inside. There was a bathroom, shower station, and such. Oh shower station… 5 days in the field and a shower station… GIVE ME!

One after another the Rangers shower, turn in their clothing, and are issued new uniforms. When it came to our turns we quickly realize we have a problem. “Umm, excuse me, how am I supposed to wash? I have no idea how to shampoo my mane or tail, no hands remember, and same goes for the rest of the ponies.” I call out.

The LT chuckles, “Yiska, Eric, you're up, have fun, just don’t touch them anywhere inappropriate.”

“Ugg thanks LT, for that less then appealing image. “ Eric said stepping back into the shower area.

I look at the other ponies, “Its ok, I’ll go first, I trust these guys.” With a breath I step into the shower, ohhhh… warm water on my back… I feel like I could just stand here for hours. Yiska and Erick quickly go about washing me off, mane, legs, tail, EEEP….

“Sorry, hand slipped” Yiska said, as my eyes went as wide as saucers.

“Um.. its. Yeh lets not talk about that.” I said quickly as I gave myself a doggy style shake off. Drying was a little harder, while I was being dried off by Eric, Yiska was already starting on Strawberry. Once inside I turned, “Umm, where’s my clean uniform?”

The supply tech on the other side of the seal blinked “You’re an animal why would you need one?”

Now had he said that to one of the civilians first, there might have been a small issue. Saying it to me I was ready to take it in stride, it hurt, I could feel the sadness in me for that statement, but I could at least try and put up a calm front right?

“SARGENT!” The LT barked almost making me jump out of my fur… “This is a US ARMY RANGER. They have gone through more in the last few days then you have seen in your entire career pushing papers. You will TREAT them with the respect they are due… DO you hear me Sargent?”

The Sargent nodded quick, “I’ll see what I can do sir.”

“And make sure you get something for the civilians to.” I added.

With a little bit of a glare, the Sargent nodded and headed to stores.

Looking back at the LT I smiled “I owe you one.”

He shakes his head, “Given what you’ve gone through, I figured we’d cut you some kind of break.”

I sat down on one of the beds and looked at the other ponies, I was most worried about the crystal ponies, I had seem how fast their color could drain, so I knew I would have to watch them the closest.

“Wait a sec, LT, they didn’t know we were infected right?” I say, looking around. “Or had changed.”

“Nope, we never said that over the radio, Yiska you didn’t mention or make any calls about that did you?”

Yiska shook his head no, “Wouldn’t have said anything even over scrambler about that sir.”

“Then why is this all here? Why is the equipment here for this?” I asked. Most ships don’t have CDC style containment in them. Do they?” Everyone looks around.

“Unless,” Eric says, “They had already dealt with one change… And if that’s the case… where are they?”

“Ok ok, let’s not let our imaginations or conspiracy theories run away with us, “the LT said.

With a tap at the side air hatch, the Supply Sargent drops off several sets of clothing. One pair of combat pants that had been modified with velcro closures on the back and sides for each pony. as well as one shirt, again modified with velcro. With a little help, each of us end up at least a little dressed.

I sit down again, doggy style, forelegs between my rear, I don’t know why but this was a comfortable way to sit, and then looked at the LT “So how’s this LT. Do I look presentable again?”

With a nod “Well they say clothing makes the… mare.” The LT says with a grin. One of the few times I ever heard him make light of things like that.

“Oh you had to go there.” Eric says with a chuckle.

There was a tap at the air seal again and we looked up. There was dinner waiting, Food, real food, not MRE’s, but real cooked food. We had normal meals for all of the Rangers, and of course veggie dishes for the equines. Carrots, tomato’s, celery, a warm vegetable stew, fresh bread loaf and… well I’m not sure what it was, but each of the ponies had a bowl of mixed grey cubes, an smaller green pellets.

I saved the weird food for last, but ended up digging into that because I was still hungry and man, was it great! I don’t know what it was or why they had it on board, but it tasted wonderful, and really hit the spot. Glancing around I saw the other ponies also digging in. Apparently it isn’t just me that like it.

Looking over, and noticing the cupcake on Yiska’s tray, it hits me. “Oh yeah, happy birthday Yiska. It’s your 25th now right?”

Yiska sits quietly, just looking at the cupcake.

“Yiska?” Eric said looking over, and snapped his fingers a few times.

The LT gets up and walks over, giving Yiska a light smack on the back of the head “Ranger!”

He blinks a few times, looking around in confusion, “What? What happened?”

“You zoned out there, totally, what is going on?” The LT asks.

“Just something the ponies said started running around in my mind, five score divided by 4…” Yiska said, me wishing he didn't because that all the civilian ponies shudder. “I…. I have to go to the bathroom.”

With that he walks into the bathroom slowly, with his head down. I look at the LT. “I don’t know why but that phrase seems to affect us all the same way, with dread… An infection wouldn’t instill a response like that in everyone would it?”

The LT shakes his head slowly. “I don’t know.”

“Um guys,” Yiska says quietly, “I think, I have a problem.”

Stepping out of the bathroom Yiska turns sideways to show his mark, a cloud with a rainbow bolt shooting out from below it.

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